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Nicodem summoning question

Strangely Brown


Hi there,


Apologies if this has already been dealt with elsewhere, I couldn't find a way of searching the forum.


I'm looking to get back into Malifaux 2e with my resurrectionists.  I had bought a load of undead models from other factions, since in 1e Nicodem was allowed to hire them at face cost, without the extra-faction charge.  I don't see this rule on his card now, but I was wondering if he would be able to summon them using his re-animator spell?


Bottom line, I'm trying to understand how I can get the Killjoy into my Nicodem gang!  ;)



Cheers in advance for any advice/pointers!

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You can hire Killjoy as a Mercenary, but you'll have to pay the extra stone for him. No more out-of-Faction Undead hiring, sorry.


Nicodem's summoning is limited to Resurrectionist Undead minions... that still gives him more variety than any other summoner in the game, though. :)


Edit: Dirial'd >:|

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Brilliant - thanks all for the quick and helpful responses!


I must say I am really impressed with the refresh so far - Malifaux 2e has quickly risen to my top 2 systems!


NIcodem crew fully painted and I will learn (the hard way!) how he ticks.


Seamus & Dougie on the painting table as we speak! :D



Thanks again for your help!



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Now that's a trio of the most awesome masters in this game. McMourning, Seamus and Nicodem. My top3. :D

Can I ask just out of curiosity, what is the other system?


Glad to hear they're good - I'm going to need all the help I can get!  :D


The other system is Bushido by GCT studios - similar gang level encounters, and I really like the mechanic of splitting the combat dice pool between attack & defence - allows you to dial your aggression up & down more finely than most games.


But it's still a dice game (they hate me), so apples & pears with Malifaux - and the new Mailfaux models are excellent - really raising the bar I feel. 

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