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Mexican Standoff: Guild vs Resurrectionists


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Sonnia is slow. I'm going to have to work on learning how to get around this.



I like to get around this by bringing Francisco along.


Give him the "Hermanos De Armas" upgrade. He then gains a (0) action which he can use to push friendly models 5"'s away into base contact.


So he starts his activation in base contact with Sonnia, gives Sonnia +2 to DF and WP, then walks 5" to where you want and pushes Sonnia into base contact.


Francisco also helps you get around Sonnia's other weakness - ML. If Sonnia is engaged in ML, just use Francisco's "Confront Me!" on the target, Sonnia then pushes out of ML.

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I usually bring Judge with her. Same reasons, but he can make the Stalkers do attacks to get Burning around.


But wait, you say: How does the Judge get her out of melee? Well, I took a page out of dgraz' book and use Samael for that. Doesn't happen often that Judge needs to lend a hand....

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It's not that great for getting stuff out from engagements because of that :ranged icon.


Well, it works, if only two models are engaged, and all you care about is ending the engagement. Still, not as great as Enfrentate a Mi, but doesn't cost an AP either.

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Well, it works, if only two models are engaged, and all you care about is ending the engagement. Still, not as great as Enfrentate a Mi, but doesn't cost an AP either.

Also true but might need quite some positioning to actually be able to push both models towards him.

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Well, it works, if only two models are engaged, and all you care about is ending the engagement. Still, not as great as Enfrentate a Mi, but doesn't cost an AP either.


Ca5 isn't really making it that easy to pull enemies anywhere.

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Well I had my game last night. The game was a very close one right up until the end. Had it not been extended to turn 6 the result would have been different! That's how close it was right up until the end. 


Standard Deployment - Reconnoiter







My list


Sonnia -- 7 Pool
 +Cherufe's Imprint [1]
 +Counterspell Aura [1]
 +Reincarnation [1]
Francisco Ortega [8]
 +Wade In [1]
Freikorps Specialist [9]  <--- Got my Merc in!! :D
Guild Austringer [6]
Samael Hopkins [9]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Witchling Stalker [5]
Bodyguard Francisco, Entourage Samael
His list
Kirai Ankoku -- 7 Pool
 +Absorb Spirit [1]
 +Swirling Aether [2]
Lost Love [4]
Datsue Ba [8]
 +Spirit Beacon [1]
Flesh Construct [6]
Izamu the Armor [10]
Night Terror [3]
Night Terror [3]
Yin the Penangalan [8]

Assassinate, Distract


The game was just horrible for me. I learnt why I stopped playing Sonnia all over again. I really do not get on with her play style, she's too slow, melts like butter in combat and has no easy way of escaping it, summoning is always a trap for me, 7ss and 6 cards per turn never feels like enough and I can never decide what the hell to do with her. I spent 90% of the game defending my own half of the board from his retardedly high number of summons which were constantly being healed. At least Sonnia didn't blow up this time though! In the end though here's the score breakdown


Sonnia +4 Reconnoiter, +2 Bodyguard, +1 Entourage

Kirai     +4 Reconnoiter, +1 Distract, +3 Assassinate


8 - 7 to Kirai. (Would have been a draw but he bagged one point for Distract on Turn 6  :angry:)


Lessons learned? 


1) My friend Joe may have not played Malifaux properly in months but he hasn't lost any of his tactical know how, he's still a sneaky dick resser. He just needs brushing up on the rules. 

2) I've been playing Assassinate wrong for a while!


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Sonnia +4 Reconnoiter, +2 Bodyguard, +1 Entourage

Kirai     +4 Reconnoiter, +1 Distract, +3 Assassinate


8 - 7 to Kirai. (Would have been a draw but he bagged one point for Distract on Turn 6   :angry:)

1) My friend Joe may have not played Malifaux properly in months but he hasn't lost any of his tactical know how, he's still a sneaky dick resser. He just needs brushing up on the rules. 

2) I've been playing Assassinate wrong for a while!



Nicely done. Sounds like a hell of a close game. 


1) Never understimate a Resser.

2) How did you play Assassinate then? Kinda interested.

3) Indeed!

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I blame the Guild part of my crew. Had I stuck to my Mantra "Apply Viks" I'd have smashed him. I'd have gone straight for Kirai and torn her a new one. Alas, them Guildy scrubs insist I play by the rules so.. you know ;)

You made your choice. Now your stuck with Guild. :P

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Nicely done. Sounds like a hell of a close game. 


1) Never understimate a Resser.

2) How did you play Assassinate then? Kinda interested.

3) Indeed!


It really was! Our games always come right down to the wire.


1) Tell me about it, it's been a long time since I've faced Kirai and so I wasn't 100% sure of the tricks she had up her sleeve. 


2) For some dumb ass reason I'd misread it and assumed it was 3 VP for kills on or before turn 3, turn 4 onwards would be 2 VP. Alas this is not the case, it's 3 VP for kills on turn 4 or earlier. So yeah... noob moment right there. Too be fair though Sonna just about tanked Izamu for 2 turns thanks to Absorb Magic but when a Shikome was thrown at her as well it all went down kill.


3) Really don't like playing her, I doubt I will again. Just another Master on the list of "Want to like but can't"



You made your choice. Now your stuck with Guild. :P


Well that was only because they offered a sweeter deal than you guys. What can a humble merc such as myself do with Corpses and Embalming Fluids? NOTHING!!! :D

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I blame the Guild part of my crew. Had I stuck to my Mantra "Apply Viks" I'd have smashed him. I'd have gone straight for Kirai and torn her a new one. Alas, them Guildy scrubs insist I play by the rules so.. you know ;)

Have you tried applying Perdita to the pus filled boil that is also known as Ressers?

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Have you tried applying Perdita to the pus filled boil that is also known as Ressers?


I regret not taking Perdita, I reached for her and then decided against it. Probably a big mistake looking back at it but that's the way it goes!




To be fair, we did offer rusty coins and old silverware we got from graves.


Dirial offered German Beer, nuff said?

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