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Crooligans: Necessary?


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Just as the title asks, I'm wondering how necessary crooligans are for a semi-competetive event. I would prefer to wait until the Molly box releases to get them so I can get Molly and Phillip as well, but if they're absolutely necessary then I guess I'll have to pick some up. I know they're good scheme runners, but would necropunks be just as viable? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

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Necropunks are definitively better scheme runners in my experience. Crooligans suffer slightly in that role in that they cannot drop scheme markers in the first turn no matter where you deploy them, and they can't drop 2 markers a turn the way the necropunk can. They are also more fragile.

They are good at that job however, and they bring a few more abilities to te table. In general Seamus and Molly are going to prefer Crooligans, over necropunks, but if you bring madam sybelle you can get away with just using belles as scheme runners.

They are really nice to have, and very useful, you won't regret buying and using them, but you could also play ressers just about forever and never need them either.

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Not really. You need some model to do it hit it doesn't have to be a dedicated scheme runner. I've done several competitive games where my scheme runner was a nurse.



You don't need dedicated scheme runners, as long as you don't go so heavy on the fighting that you don't have any models that can get away with not being in combat and not cripple your offense.


(Not to say that dedicated runners aren't nice to have, just that they're not necessary.)

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I cycle between all three, I like Crooligans in things like turf war or Squatters rights where your models have to move up the board by deploying a Crooligan from the shadows  near their deployment you force your opponent to devote Ap and a model to deal with it or they will just be giving you 3 VP if you have breakthrough Etc.


Necropunks are great for terrain dense environments where their leap lets them move as they please faster than anyone by ignoring buildings and the like or when you have to interact with opponents models the leap lets you leave engagement whenever you wish also when you will need to place lots of markers for LiTs Plant explosives or Spring the trap etc.


And I will choose Canine Remains when the opposing crew probably wont have decent shooting and/or when the board is relatively open if i'm using them for Breakthough or sometimes to just run up place a marker and die for me to raise something else especially with Nicodem or anyone with the Spare Parts Upgrade.


but like was stated theres many other ways to play them depending on master and your style.

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I dunno, Dan from Before We Begin says they're the best thing since sliced bread and so I hunted those puppies down and have been using them to great effect. I like them quite a bit. They have some good options. Any enemy interaction is great with them. Necropunks I like for breakthrough as they can heal up and get further away than a crooligan can. Puppies are great, but I usually flank with two and then send them into the fray after dropping one scheme marker. 


I like the crooligans for the cover they provide. Also for the mortimer 'fresh meat' target on round one.

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The necessity of Crooligans is based around the core models in your crew. Crooligans are not our best objective models, they are nowhere near as fast as Necropunks. 


Crooligans are hybrid support / objective models. They do well in both roles;


1.) The Mist. The Mist is by far one of the more powerful spells on a low cost minion, primarily because it is reliable AND in a faction with a running theme of durability. Giving out AoE Soft Cover to a gunline is spectacular. Giving soft cover to other support or melee minions while facing a gunline is spectacular. 


2.) Creepy. Most (possibly all) Masters that have access to Crooligans have at least ONE Wp trick. (Terrifying, Rigor Mortis, Pipes, Lure, etc) and, Resurrectionists have probably the highest number of Terrifying models, meaning that any time you can gain access to Creepy, you're never at a loss for the points spent.


Always On The Move and From the shadows only serve to bring them up a few notches in the Objective Grabber category, but doesn't do enough to make them rival Necropunks, and it shouldn't.


You will never, ever be at a loss of points when you hire a Crooligan.

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Crooligans are great on heavy cover boards with line of sight blockers for scheme running. I take them when Cursed Object or Distract is in the pool, and I'm taking them. You can move into range to accomplish the scheme, interact with the opposing model, and then place within 5 inches where the Crooligan can't be touched (on top of a building, behind a wall, etc). They work well with Molly, as stated due to creepy.

They aren't as annoyingly survivable as the Necropunk, but they're still solid at Def 6. Nico likes them, because if someone gets to them and kills them, that's a corpse counter far forward on the board, and that can be turned into a Hanged, etc.


Crooligans! Crooligans!Crooligans!

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Crooligans are great on heavy cover boards with line of sight blockers for scheme running. I take them when Cursed Object or Distract is in the pool, and I'm taking them. You can move into range to accomplish the scheme, interact with the opposing model, and then place within 5 inches where the Crooligan can't be touched (on top of a building, behind a wall, etc). They work well with Molly, as stated due to creepy.



This is generally where crooligans shine. My favourite is when two models are in range to interact, then you can do both before teleporting away; remember it says MAY - so you could do another interact before the teleport, but its situational. 

I like them in Stake a Claim depending on deployment - stick them in somewhere far away and in turn 2 poop out the Claim marker before teleporting away somewhere else.

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