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How do you use the rest of the kin?


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Ophelia & Francois get a lot of love, but what about the rest of the kin?  How do you use them?

Raphael seems like a lot of fun to combo with the Dirty Cheater upgrade combined with his Hard to Kill upgrade.  If your opponent can't finish the job you can activate and get him back up over 1 wound to start the process all over again (With 3 ap, too!)



How do you folks use the family?

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can't speak to the rest of the kin, but Merris is really the only one I end up using consistently out of an Ophelia crew. She provides amazing support, makes a line in the sand more viable allowing you to drop a scheme within 2" of another, helps summon a warpig with Ulix (3 schemes within 3 of Ulix) and has a lot of synergy in a Wong crew. 

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Rami is a good tool if vendetta is in the pool I usually find. Late turn 1, reckless, double focus, 36" shot at his victim hopefully with rams from Lenny or a card held back to get the max damage.
You can either kill a wounded target or hurt it enough to get it next turn and finish it off.

Pere used to be my go to guy for frame for murder, until everyone I ever played cottoned on and just went "Here take some conditions!".  Now I rarely use him as his best effect is usually him dying. Although he can work nicely with Jug Rocket or the pigapult to add a speedbump in a bunched up crew.

Young Lacroix I used to use all the time. Howeve now I use Old Cranky usually as i have enough firepower. When I first used YL I was obsessed with their "Gets into everything" until last night where I saw a new gremlin player having them focus shoot their normal guns with rams from lenny...... It was a volley of fire at just the right moment and with sever 6 damage (3 damage backlash reduced to 2 by lenny) isnt enough to kill themselves in one hit.

Raphael Again I used to do exactly what you said in OP, dirty cheat + hard to kill (+slop hauler if you really want to) meant he was great for going off on his own (or with a slop hauler) and holding down a turf war marker. Dunno why I stopped using him really.... He's a lot of fun!

Edit: I forgot Merris! And I use her ALL the time!

Merris I use all the time. Only 6ss? Reckless, Flight and the ability to drop a scheme marker 15" away? All good for me. She's kinda one of my scheme runners/suicide bomber. Plant Explosive is great fun when she dives 15" across the table and drops a scheme marker at peoples feet. I've even landed her in the middle of guys and had Ophellia try and shoot her to make her explode for all the burning goodness. Her fire bottle aint half bad either with 3 hits (it ignores cover) that's 9 burning on someone. 6ss of love for that little fat rocket powered gremlin.

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can't speak to the rest of the kin, but Merris is really the only one I end up using consistently out of an Ophelia crew. She provides amazing support, makes a line in the sand more viable allowing you to drop a scheme within 2" of another, helps summon a warpig with Ulix (3 schemes within 3 of Ulix) and has a lot of synergy in a Wong crew. 


Forgot about Merris, but I take her pretty often when ALitS comes up, I've never used Ulix though, that's an awesome little perk!


Rami is a good tool if vendetta is in the pool I usually find. Late turn 1, reckless, double focus, 36" shot at his victim hopefully with rams from Lenny or a card held back to get the max damage.

You can either kill a wounded target or hurt it enough to get it next turn and finish it off.

Pere used to be my go to guy for frame for murder, until everyone I ever played cottoned on and just went "Here take some conditions!".  Now I rarely use him as his best effect is usually him dying. Although he can work nicely with Jug Rocket or the pigapult to add a speedbump in a bunched up crew.

Young Lacroix I used to use all the time. Howeve now I use Old Cranky usually as i have enough firepower. When I first used YL I was obsessed with their "Gets into everything" until last night where I saw a new gremlin player having them focus shoot their normal guns with rams from lenny...... It was a volley of fire at just the right moment and with sever 6 damage (3 damage backlash reduced to 2 by lenny) isnt enough to kill themselves in one hit.

Raphael Again I used to do exactly what you said in OP, dirty cheat + hard to kill (+slop hauler if you really want to) meant he was great for going off on his own (or with a slop hauler) and holding down a turf war marker. Dunno why I stopped using him really.... He's a lot of fun!


I've used Pere for Frame for Murder but didn't think about using Jug Rocket to launch him forward, that's awesome.  

Never noticed the damage track got so high with the little Lacroix buggers, I'll have to keep that in mind.  Lenny is just really, really great. 

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yeah the little lacroix have Dumb Luck too iirc and next to Lenny they just fall short of killing themselves with it so keep a slop hauler handy to heal em up again maybe? Still a lousy sh4 but the focus can counteract that.

Yeah Jug Rocket Pere, Jug Rocket rami (onto a snipers nest) or Jug Rocket francois into peoples face. It's a great tool to use.
Pigapult gives you more range however it paralyzes you so it has it's drawbacks. 

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ugh i forgot Sammy too........

Sammy I've only used with Zoraida. Summon doll, Hem. Get sammy to stop them doing walk or charge actions via the doll. if they have purely combat focussed models she can lock it down with zoraida. Stab em and get zoraida to move them places if needed. Also she gives gremlins access to a neverborn only upgrade.

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Outside of the staples (Fran and Merris), I find the others struggle to pull their weight in most scenarios.

Raphael/Rami need Lenny babysitting them to be really effective (a lot of points into a very static list!) and Sammy isn't my bag.

Yeah, I like Raphael's model, but when you compare him to Burt it's a tough sell.

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Also she (Sammy LaCroix) gives gremlins access to a neverborn only upgrade.


Good Student: When hired into a Crew led by a Master, this model may purchase one non-Avatar Upgrade with a restriction of the Master's name, ignoring restrictions. No other models in the Crew may attach the same Upgrade. Any references to the Master's name on the Upgrade count as this model's name.


There are 4 Upgrades with the Zoraida restriction and they are all Neverborn/Gremlin. They are:

  • Animal Shape - Zoraida, Limited
  • Crystal Ball - Zoraida, Limited
  • Tarot Reading- Zoraida
  • Hex Bag - Zoraida

Sammy LaCroix allows you to play both limited Upgrades, Animal Shape and Crystal Ball, at the same time though.

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I think Raphael is a great addition to pretty much any crew. Well at least the crews I play. He's durable, hits hard, Reckless, he's a really good scheme runner too, he can take on other scheme runners coming his way with ease and endure the possible hunters that come after him.

Merris looks like a lock on in specific schemes and not a bad model in the rest.

Rami is a good addition too if you want to pick out models early.

Pere seems like a fun model if you want to do stupid shenanigans. :D

Sammy looks very solid because of the master upgrade. You could give My threatening gun to her and have a 4 AP Ophelia who doesn't care about the minus flips.

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I think Raphael is a great addition to pretty much any crew. Well at least the crews I play. He's durable, hits hard, Reckless, he's a really good scheme runner too, he can take on other scheme runners coming his way with ease and endure the possible hunters that come after him.

Aye, this! He is a lot more self-sufficient than Burt in that he is really durable all on his own. And he is super hard to kill in one go and then really difficult to pin down (really fast as well!) so makes for an excellent Scheme runner/flanker.
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Is he that more self sufficient than Burt? If anything, I'd say he needs more help - he doesn't get the ram for Dumb Luck built in.

??? Neither does Burt. Or rather, yeah he does but he doesn't have a Trigger for a single Ram on his gun (and he doesn't have Dumb Luck at all).

But by self-sufficiency I was mostly referring to durability and to Fueled by Panic.

if you're after a flanker, Fran is better for the same cost.

There is only one of Francois and he is needed elsewhere (in other words, yeah, I take him essentially always).
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I love Rami. He is a staple for me. Rami w/Dirty Cheater. I save high Rams just for him. Late turn, I activate, double focus, if I have to cheat a card, I have the high ram.


He finished off a Teddy. One shot Chompy & took down a Coppelius all before going down himself. 

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Hiya fellow bayou dwellers! Long time reader, first time poster.

Raphael's utility value wasn't obvious to me at first, but now that I realize the value of his 'where'd he go?' Action I can't stop taking him in my Ophelia crews.

As a scheme runner he can escape most beat sticks that get thrown at him just by pushing by them or walking into engagement pushing out and then walking again. His durability makes him a two turn kill unless your opponent is using lots of ap on him.... Which seems pretty ideal really.

He is also an excellent tar pit. He can lock down a key model for a turn and then next turn push away to lock down some new threat.

If you put team work on him he can save frank or Ophelia from wasting ap on an engagement you don't want them in and then push away to accomplish another task himself.

All in all I think he adds a lot of movement capability to any gremlin crew, but particularly a kin based crew.

Anyone else found this?

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Hiya fellow bayou dwellers! Long time reader, first time poster.

Raphael's utility value wasn't obvious to me at first, but now that I realize the value of his 'where'd he go?' Action I can't stop taking him in my Ophelia crews.

As a scheme runner he can escape most beat sticks that get thrown at him just by pushing by them or walking into engagement pushing out and then walking again. His durability makes him a two turn kill unless your opponent is using lots of ap on him.... Which seems pretty ideal really.

He is also an excellent tar pit. He can lock down a key model for a turn and then next turn push away to lock down some new threat.

If you put team work on him he can save frank or Ophelia from wasting ap on an engagement you don't want them in and then push away to accomplish another task himself.

All in all I think he adds a lot of movement capability to any gremlin crew, but particularly a kin based crew.

Anyone else found this?

If anyone locked up with Ophelia or Franc, Raph won't have time to help.

I charged a hiding Strongarm with Franc and got the Red Joker dg flip.

One shot. Against Armor+2 and wds 10.

I lost friends that night.

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