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I haven't even listened to the last two albums.


Same, well last 3 for me. I gave up on them when they released A Sense of Purpose and have stopped buying anything since. They really lost something special when they decided to change their style with Come Clarity which I could just about put up with but everything since just doesn't float my boat. 

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I always found clayman to be highly overrated. It's not a good record. It's on some weird ass hype level that everybody is supposed to like it and it's supposed to be amazing but it's not. :P


I love it because I actually love it, I never listen to hype or popular reviews. I give an album a chance and make up my own mind. Clayman is a solid album with some utterly awesome tracks on it, some of them are utter crap but overall it's my personal favorite. I've heard parts of the newer ones and each time I'm totally let down. Good thing Soilwork are still kicking ass as are Nightrage otherwise I'd probably have given up on the Gothenburg scene by now! :D

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I never really got into Dark Tranquility. Soilwork put on a damn fine show though. I saw them live at the Wedgewood Rooms in Portsmouth a few years ago and god damn were they good! To be fair though these days I don't have much opportunity to listen to the music I really like. My place is usually filled with Music Nazi's who bitch and moan about REAL music when instead they'd rather listen to all this indie or boy "band" crap from the radio. 

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It's probably some obscure American reference. It's totally lost on me and those episodes from Family just irritate me. 5 mins of that shit to disguise a total lack of original plot or humor. The chicken fights are the same. Saying that I've never been a fan of country music either so there's that. 

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I'm the same In Flames fan that zFiend is... love Come Clarity like no man's business and Clayman is... good... but I think I'm not seeing what others are seeing in it. I love their old stuff though too but Come Clarity is my most listened to album - maybe not my favorite but its just a good solid album for background noise. Sitting down at the painting desk and putting Come Clarity on gets me in gear straight away.

Honestly, I have a hard time distinguishing between their new and old... I really like bits of both.

Their newest stuff is bleh... the newest album really had me raising eyebrows... much like Infected - Hammerfall - I was quite surprised at what exactly the f*ck was going on. >8)

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