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Starting Lucius, where to begin?


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One thing I have noticed with Lucius, is that he often benefits from having a beater or two that while he can help them, they can operate fine without him.  (to solve the emissary in the corner issue for example). Hunters are my favorite for this, but I have used Mr. Graves for the same.  I have thought of trying Santiago for this purpose, but haven't had the opportunity yet.  I like the idea of giving the model doing that either expert sleuth or plant evidence upgrades so that they are working towards completing something at the same time.

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 I'm new the M2e, played back in first along time ago. Started back up with Lucius, and I love him but trying to find his sweet spot. I like running the Riflemen and Lawyers with him (with Daschel), and was wondering what Guild models people suggest? I picked up Hoffman, and will try out Hunters 'n all on the above suggestions, but any others that are fun under Lucius? Death Marshals, Lone Marshal, Pathfinder?


 BTW hello!

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 I'm new the M2e, played back in first along time ago. Started back up with Lucius, and I love him but trying to find his sweet spot. I like running the Riflemen and Lawyers with him (with Daschel), and was wondering what Guild models people suggest? I picked up Hoffman, and will try out Hunters 'n all on the above suggestions, but any others that are fun under Lucius? Death Marshals, Lone Marshal, Pathfinder?


 BTW hello!


Pathfinder for sure. Blast damage 4 is no joke, and he's a Guardsman.


Death Marshals are just good with everyone. The taxi service gets even better with Lucius.


Witchling Stalkers. Who doesn't love Stalkers?


I'm waiting impatiently for Wardens and Pistoleros. The former are Guardsman Minions with some staying power and good attacks for a good price. The allround package. The latter have some inherent bonuses which is just great with out-of-activation actions. They are thus easy on the control hand which is good for Lucius, who is rather hand dependent.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm really starting to get comfortable with the way I am playing Lucius, and I've got some tips that might help you speed past some of my early pitfalls.  I'm going to assume you've read the pullmyfinger entry multiple times.  It really frames Lucius well.


The box set is a good deal to start with...


Lawyers - I haven't really seen the lawyers mentioned here, but I always take one, and in many cases I like two.  I try to keep a lawyer somewhat close to my guild guard patrol, and a lawyer close to my guild riflemen firing line.  They do a lot more than remind my minions of a worse fate.  On the guards, they can get both members of the patrol hard to wound, which makes them absurdly survivable for 4 stones.  More often than not, i find that lawyers tend to be in the perfect spot for a lackey swap.  Not too far back but not too far forward.


Guild guard - Lucius loves his patrol, a pair of guardsmen that fearlessly (or foolishly) push towards squat markers/enemy scheme markers/friendly scheming targets.  It's freakishly easy to get schemes done with a Lucius crew just so long as you have a minion model (preferably a guardsmen or mimic) in the proper spot.  Guild guard excel at this for me because of the disproportionate survivability for cost.  Nobody likes attacking Def6 armor +1 models (that might even be hard to wound).


Dashel - The henchman only a mother could love.  In my last game, I wished that I had taken him, and I'm starting to really crave what that big jerk brings to the table with Lucius.  But to really explore him, we need to jump ahead.


I'm going to recommend some purchases that will really round out that box set, I'm only going to recommend M2E plastics.


Guild riflemen - I always complain at some point during my Lucius games that these guys aren't austringers, and then, like clockwork, my opponent makes a move with an expensive and important henchman or enforcer, and then I do a companion activation and facemelt it on average flips.  Tangent on austringers: Here is my take on austringers with Lucius, if I get some guild guard into position to scheme, Lucius can simply target them with issue command and shove in the tome.  Instant deliver orders.  Speaking of riflemen and issue command, a pair of riflemen sitting within 14" of Lucius can companion each other, focus/fire, focus/fire, then Lucius can activate, issue one command to each of them, throwing a ram in which repeats that, focus/fire, focus/fire.  That's four shots benefitting from focus (getting the ram from the built-in effect) and three of those four shots benefit from a second ram from firing line.  Min damage for that is 14!  And there was only one enemy activation in the middle of all that.  Austringers are cute, but that kind of output is scary.  Now we can get back to Dashel.


Dashel (again) - So, remember that 14 damage combo from earlier?  On turn one, imagine each rifleman doing a (0) focus and then double walking.  Then on the following turn imagine Dashel activating first and shooting at something or interacting while staying relatively close to the firing line.  Now, each rifleman can do a focus/fire/focus/fire, and every shot will be benefitting from firing line AND an additional positive flip on the duel.  Companion the riflemen, then activate Lucius one activation later using the same trigger on issue command.  Total damage over the space of two activations on all minimum?  18.


Pathfinder - This guy is great when scheming.  I really like him as a compliment to the guild guard patrol.  The triggers on his man-cannon are great, and he is generally in a good spot to get hit with subterfuge triggers from issue command.


There are some things that I've tried and didn't really like...


Hunters -  I didn't hate them, but I found it a little bit harder to target them with issue command in some cases, and because of that, I tended to do more walk/commanding presences with Lucius.  When I get stuck doing that, it is a lot harder on my hand, and the 'bonus AP' is split between Lucius and the hunter, rather than going straight on to the hunter in the form of a focus or an interact.  I also found that the harpoon is an awesome gun, but I always want to activate the hunter early, and then I drag targets into engagement, and then my riflemen stand there looking dumb.  Without any table-time, I have to say that the warden looks like it would be a fantastic replacement for the hunters for me.  When they get engaged, they can push models out of engagement with a send flying trigger, they have built-in positive flips to horror duels, and their gun trigger is much more complimentary with the riflemen firing line.


the scribe - It's more my fault than the scribe's, but I never get enough out of him.  You can't issue command or commanding presence him, he doesn't benefit from elite training, and the condition removal is a little too specific.  I think the game designer's intention was that we are supposed to What lackeys are for him before he has activated after we've been attacked in melee by something.  Then accomplice him and do a flurry of glove slaps.  Perhaps in a more aggressive melee focused Lucius crew that uses wardens and moves slowly across the board?


Doppelganger - I was always jealous of the doppelganger when Neverborn players use it, but I think someone on this forum said it best.  If you are going to put a non-minion in a Lucius crew, then it had better buff minions.  That might be an overstatement, but it's a pretty good guideline to follow at first.


Witchling stalker - I know, insanity right?  Here is my reason (excuse?).  They aren't bad, but since the soulstone cost of each individual model is low, activating a 5 stone model to remove a condition on a 5-6 stone model doesn't really thrill me.  I can always get the work I need done out of my pathfinders and guild guards just through issue command, even when they are slow or paralyzed.  And as for the Ml attacks on the stalkers, they are pretty good, but I don't really want to have to micro-manage my positioning so that they can benefit from elite training but Lucius doesn't get set on fire when they die.


Something I haven't used yet, but I want to try...


Beckoners - Sometimes there is a scheme pool that screams for heavy minions, but the board just has no LOS lines and/or you just know your opponent is going to be Mr. Waldgeist, or Sebastian or some other anti-ranged tech.  I wonder if there is a beckoner/warden/guild hound Lucius melee assault force that will work.  If anyone has tried something similar, luring models into melee beatings, please share!

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I use beckoners and Doppelganger in headhunter just about every time. The idea being to pull them in close and away from their models, kill them with casting actions and heavy hitters and then easily pick the head up. Beckoners can also pull those pesky models off your riflemen without getting engaged themselves so that the riflemen can shoot them.

Doppelganger is so good that not benefiting minions isn't much of a problem. It is so versatile and Lucius will have plenty of other minions to use his abilities.

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