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Learning to play Viks properly...


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So I'm still fairly new, and one of my crews is the Viktorias.  I've only played 2 games with them - first game I kept getting Blood and Ashes confused (doesn't help that I bought my crew painted, Ashes is red and Blood is grey.  Gah!) so that barely counts.


Second game, Misaki and Viks basically just glared at each other across the board.  I couldn't get Vik close enough to Misaki in a single activation to have any real chance of killing her, meaning I'd get slaughtered straight away when she activates (and she was activating last).


I could have swung Viks towards other units, but it would have put me right in Misaki's firing line.  So my Viks kind of held back and waited for the enemy to come to them.  Worked out well in the end, but I felt like I wasn't playing Viks the way they were supposed to be played.


I think the fact that I didn't have the right upgrades to use the slingshot is what killed me.  So I sort of see the use in that now (and I think I understand the theory - read it on here and on Pullmyfinger), but I think I need to see it in practice before I pull it out at a tournament (got one this weekend).


So can anybody recommend anywhere I could see this in action?  Any batreps or something you know has shown it well, or anywhere else I can learn to play Viks properly?

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The slingshot is fairly simple really. You use Ashes with Sisters in Spirit or the Student of Conflict to move Blood into position without having to use any AP of her own. Then buff Blood stupid with Sisters in Battle, Sister's in Fury or their own personal (0) actions. Activate Blood (who ideally has Oathkeeper) and is in range of a charge (preferably against multiple targets for a Whirlwind), burn Oathkeeper for Fast then let the murder commence. Between buffs, 3 AP and Melee Expert Blood Vik is more than capable of killing anything.. literally ANYTHING. Especially if she's packing the Mark of Shez'uul. 

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What MD said. They pretty much destroy anything if they are given the chance. They hate being shot or blasted upon though. If your enemy packs a melee crew.. Well they just brought a butter knife to a katana storm. Every game I have played with and against the Vikkies had been a brutal slaughterfest.

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To be fair there isn't any real way to play them "properly". Playing them properly really comes down to playing them so they win the game. I've used them as the murderfest they are designed to be but there have also been games were both of my Viks spent all game scheme running. They are suprisingly good at scheme running due to their movement tricks plus they have no trouble stopping enemy scheme runners. The trick to learn with the Viks is order of activation and setting up their combo's. Beyond that really you can play them however you like to get the job done. 

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The slingshot is fairly simple really. You use Ashes with Sisters in Spirit or the Student of Conflict to move Blood into position without having to use any AP of her own. Then buff Blood stupid with Sisters in Battle, Sister's in Fury or their own personal (0) actions. Activate Blood (who ideally has Oathkeeper) and is in range of a charge (preferably against multiple targets for a Whirlwind), burn Oathkeeper for Fast then let the murder commence. Between buffs, 3 AP and Melee Expert Blood Vik is more than capable of killing anything.. literally ANYTHING. Especially if she's packing the Mark of Shez'uul. 


Like a chainsaw through butter.


But as MasterDisaster said, the key is in activations and placement. And how you score/deny VP's. If killing doesn't score or deny any vp, then don't do it, even though it seems weird to do.


protip: Keep Blood in LoS of Ashes. Else you will lose Melee Expert, which my friend found out the hard way.

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protip: Keep Blood in LoS of Ashes. Else you will lose Melee Expert, which my friend found out the hard way.


Random Comment: I was playing with the Viks for about 4-5 games in a row before I even noticed the Blood Lines ability on Ashes. Then things got a whole lot worse for my opponents! :D


Also pay attention to the cards in your hand. They determine which Vik gets the  :+fate to Wp and Df (Fate's Chosen / Fate's Pariah)

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I remember my first game against the Vikkies. "What is this thing you call Whirlwind?" 2x Illuminated plus a Beckoner gone and an 80% dead Lynch on the table. :D


This is a fairly common occurrence for beginners when facing the Viks. I played against somebody using Hamelin and by the end of turn 2 all he had left was Hamelin and 2 Rats out of his 50ss crew. Blood wrecked face end of turn 1, Ashes joined the party and by the end of turn 2 my opponent quit. 

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This is a fairly common occurrence for beginners when facing the Viks. I played against somebody using Hamelin and by the end of turn 2 all he had left was Hamelin and 2 Rats out of his 50ss crew. Blood wrecked face end of turn 1, Ashes joined the party and by the end of turn 2 my opponent quit.

Sounds like a Vikkie game. :D

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So typical. Once they smell blood you can't stop them :)

Now seriously - the most important rule is when and on whom slingshot Blood Viki as you not only want to kill things this turn but also keep her alive for the next turn. Two turns (or more) of Blood's carnage distracts every opponent.

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Blood for Frank is a fairly legitimate trade in my opinion, The protection he offers Perdita is completely cut off without him. Ashes is more than capable of smashing Perdita if she comes crashing in with a buff or two. Df 7 only goes so far against a Ml 7 with a 3/4/6 (Minimum) Dmg track with  :+fate Attack Flips when you only have 10 wounds. If Ashes has Oathkeeper as well Perdita might as well bend over and kiss her ass goodbye. Especially when you factor in the crazy amount of healing the Viks can bring along unlike Perdita. 

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Blood for Frank is a fairly legitimate trade in my opinion, The protection he offers Perdita is completely cut off without him. Ashes is more than capable of smashing Perdita if she comes crashing in with a buff or two. Df 7 only goes so far against a Ml 7 with a 3/4/6 (Minimum) Dmg track with  :+fate Attack Flips when you only have 10 wounds. If Ashes has Oathkeeper as well Perdita might as well bend over and kiss her ass goodbye. Especially when you factor in the crazy amount of healing the Viks can bring along unlike Perdita. 


Not arguing that. Opposite is true, too. If they overextend, Dita can make short process with them. That's what I find so interesting about them. There is a mind game included when Viks hit the table, not just a trading of blows.

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Not arguing that. Opposite is true, too. If they overextend, Dita can make short process with them. That's what I find so interesting about them. There is a mind game included when Viks hit the table, not just a trading of blows.


Yeah totally, a Viks player can be too aggressive and they get butchered, if they are too cagey and defensive their potential is wasted. Similarly if they are too defensive they can be picked apart from range. It's all about finding the perfect time to strike and ensure you set up the combo in such a way that the enemy can't do much but sit back and watch the carnage unfold around them. It'll take a game or two to really get the hang of them but once you do there isn't much you can't do with them. The problem is you and your opponent start playing mind games and worry about when those Viks will be sent off to do their thing. 

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I remember my first game against the Vikkies. "What is this thing you call Whirlwind?" 2x Illuminated plus a Beckoner gone and an 80% dead Lynch on the table. :D

But yeah, activation order is the key to get the most of them.

Haha, yep, me too.


I hadn't completed a single game by this point (gotten about halfway through about 4 games though).  Tournament, game 1.  Turn 2, activation 1, opponent has initiative.


Killed Taelor and Johan in a single activation.  Given that was a 25SS match you can kind of figure out how the rest of the game went :P


I think my issue is working out the positioning so they don't leave themselves in a position where they cop the first hit, especially from somebody who can cover a big chunk of the table then deal a bit bit of damage at once.  Which is why I was stuck on that game against Misaki (though to be fair, she had the same problem - if she activated and moved towards my Viks I was too far away to kill and she'd die straight away).


The table was laid out funnelling everything into the middle,


But by hanging back they still killed Ototo, Bishop and Killjoy (well, Malifaux Child killed Ototo, but anyhoo), so I guess that game still worked well

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I played a Misaki vs Vikkies game with assassinate on the pool. It's truly a dumb game as it's two missiles that just kills their target instantly pit against each other. The Vikkies game blatantly forward. It was all about the initiative who wins the game. :D

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I played the Viks last night for my League (Rep to come soon). Turn 2 I used Tangle Shadows to Swap a Tot with Vik of Ashes and proceeded to kick her ass. Lucky flips on damage prevention saved her but on turn 3... Well... I dropped a tonne of Damage on both sisters and murdered Ashes whilst Blood survived with 1 wound. They are dangerous as hell but can't take what they dish out all too well. 

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They are dangerous as hell but can't take what they dish out all too well. 


Half of a poem there :D


They are dangerous as hell

but can't take what they dish out all too well

Handle them without care

and you will be driven to despair



Like PraetorDragoon. :D


I'm like a Jackalope. Just when you thought you got rid of me I return.

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Had a crack at it on Thursday night, got the movement working.  Problem is I got myself into a crap position - got up in the back right corner of the board with a big chunk of severe terrain to my left, and fences and buildings behind me, while all the models I hadn't killed were wreaking havoc in the other corner.  But oh well - still, was good to get some idea of how they can move across the board like that.  

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So i got my viks up and running and i love the playstyle. I mean killing is always fun in any game, but the viks do it with a certian flair. The question i have is with the student of conflict. I like the way she plays but i found he a littl left behind in the mid later game. I was thinking of running her along side vanessa  but i dont know. It just seemed that if i got the init jump then i wanted to pounce with the viks and not waste an activation passing out fast or moving either up, at which point the viks went flying and the student was left insignificantly behind.


Also, anything with decaying aura (especially bete noir) is terri-bad for the vikkies

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recommend a Malifaux Child instead of the Student, plus Vanessa. The Child can cast Sisters in Fury and/or heal Vanessa to help out the Viks upfield regardless of range. Doesn't help with the initiative problem, but nothing really does - I find it's best to try to avoid situations where winning initiative requires immediate action by the Viks, since it usually means that if you lose initiative, one of the Viks is going to die.

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