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Squatters Rights lists


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Hi , I play Marcus , Rasputina and Ramos. And I have a problem to play this strategy because I cant find a competitive list for Squatters Rights .

Could you help me out ? I have a small tournament shortly.

You can help with the lists you use , the models which work best , or any advice about.

I know that a list will also depend on Schems , but I have many problems to deny points in Squatters Rights and sometimes even to get them.

Thank you very much to all and I hope this help more people and not only me! :)

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I've ran Ramos with great effect on Squatter's Rights. Something along these lines (scheme dependent of course!) might work out quite nicely.


Ramos -- 7 Pool
 +Arcane Reservoir [2]
 +Combat Mechanic [2]
 +Electric Summoning [1]
Brass Arachnid [4]
Howard Langston [12]
 +Imbued Energies [1]
Joss [10]
 +Bleeding Edge Tech [1]
 +Imbued Energies [1]
Mobile Toolkit [3]
Steam Arachnid [4]
Steam Arachnid [4]
So Turn 1 I'd kill the Toolkit with Joss for 2x Scrap and there's the materials for potentially 6 more Spiders on Turns 1 & 2 giving you an additional 6 Activations and 12 AP giving you some serious activation control. Turns 3+ you can kill one of these spiders for more Scrap to keep the summoning going. Failing that you can summon electrical creations and kill them for the scrap or use them to blow stuff up.
Joss being Tanky as hell can help them heal with Bleeding Edge Tech and Ramos can spend his AP healing the big guys. Joss and Langston can reliably take and hold Squat Markers whilst the Spiders run schemes and Ramos can move to where he needs to be to support whatever needs it most. To deny your opponents VP you can use Joss or Langston to hold objectives or kill stuff, if you need to reliably remove markers use the mass of Spiders or Swarm some of them up and do it that way.
Brass Arachnid does what it does and re-activates Joss or Langston on the regular for some serious laughs and then just do what Ramos does best. If you want some Condition removal or another heavy hitter drop an Arachnid and an Imbued Energies and put Johan into the mix for some more heals and condition removal as well as a Relic Hammer that can Flurry ;)
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I play none of the above you listed, nor do I actively play Arcanist (I play Colette, with a small pool of optional models, and just started messing with Mei Feng). That said, for Marcus I would suggest Waldgeist as they are helpful at holding objectives (4" engagement when near severe terrain, which they can make themselves via Germinate). 

I'll leave specific tactics and crew advise to others who are more knowledgeable in Arcanists as I'm a dirty Neverborn player at heart. :D 

Best of luck to you in the Tournament. 

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I might do something like this.

Arcanists Crew - 50 - Scrap

Marcus -- 5 Pool

+Feral Instincts [1]

+The Hunger Cry [1]

+The Trail of the Gods [1]

Jackalope [2]

Cassandra [8]

+Practiced Production [1]

Moleman [4]

Myranda [8]

+Imbued Energies [1]

Sabertooth Cerberus [9]

+Imbued Energies [1]

Waldgeist [6]

Waldgeist [6]

If you have breakthrough or plant evidence swap the mole for a raptor.

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Yeah but you can easily put down another marker. Marcus could put one down turn one for example. Or Cassandra, she's speedy enough anyway :)


The waldgeists protect squatters markers and hit people who go near them. Cerberus is well, a missile to kill something that needs killing to prevent the enemy getting vp. Myranda could become another Cerberus, or Cojo if you want to push people away from markers to interact with them.


You could also consider hiring a performer for those nice close combat interacts with the squat markers, pulling enemies off markers or paralysing them.

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Yeah they are pretty good for their cost.


Tell me about it. The utility their psudo-lure brings to the table makes them great not to mention the triggers! Their attack isn't half bad for a model of their cost and Seduction has it's uses too. Overall I think they are great, especially for Squatter's Rights. Dragging something off the markers to be mangled by a Duet, Cerberus, Langston etc. is all good as far as I'm concerned! 

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I really want to try 3 molemen sitting on markers with raspy handing out armor +2 their 0 that does not allow them to be pushed or moved as well. It does require you to discard a card but I though if you lucky enough to get the tombs trigger that should be no problem as you get to surge. To get them up fast enough I was thinking of either using the blessed (myranda trick) also giving you 4 cards. then you can drop a scheme marker turn one and they can tunnel into position and move once and claim the marker that's a 21 ss tactic so the rest of the crew can be made up of things to focus your schemes. 

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I really want to try 3 molemen sitting on markers with raspy handing out armor +2 their 0 that does not allow them to be pushed or moved as well. It does require you to discard a card but I though if you lucky enough to get the tombs trigger that should be no problem as you get to surge. To get them up fast enough I was thinking of either using the blessed (myranda trick) also giving you 4 cards. then you can drop a scheme marker turn one and they can tunnel into position and move once and claim the marker that's a 21 ss tactic so the rest of the crew can be made up of things to focus your schemes. 


I might mis-understand your myranda Blessed trick, but if it is to move myranda up and then summon the blessed, the blessed can't drop scheme markers on the first turn. Personally I'd start with the blessed so I can give it an upgrade.

But 3 molemen can get a scheme marker on the center line themselves in standard deployment in turn 1. (I think its geomterically possible)

Every time you manage to surge, thats a tome you've lost from the deck.

It looks interesting, but very focused on 1 thing (Having lots of Armour), which will not work so well against any of the anti armour things.

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Firstly obviously it is based on armour and will not be used against a faction that has a lot of anti armour. Yes i surge to get a card so that discarding cards does not become resource intensive imagine casting the spell 3 times and then having to discard another 3 to not push them? So surge basically replaces the card you would need to discard. Also obviously I would not do it to every moleman maybe one is out of harms way on the far marker then there would be no need but these are all decisions you would make as the game goes along. I am not saying do it every turn I am just giving the general idea adapt it in game as you like. 


As for the myranda trick. So you move myranda once then drop a scheme marker then shape change. Then walk blessed. then mole man 0 to first myranda marker. in the second turn they tunnel to a marker the blessed drops in turn 2 then can walk once and 1 interact once. 


And you are forgetting about the other 29ss? there is still lots of other variations available so you cant say its focused on one thing as it a little less than half the crew going into the idea?

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first of all thanks for all the reply. So Cassandra, Howard, Waldgeist and Molemen are really recomended for this Strategy. I dont have the Cassandra miniature :(
I was thinking this list to deny victory points the first turns:
- Marcus +3ss in Upgrades
- Myranda +2ss in Upgrades (Starting buried)
- 3 Raptors
- SsMiner (Starting buried)
- Jackalope
-  2 Molemen
- 2 Waldgeist
The Raptors and the SsMiner can deny points in the second turn so easy and if a Raptor dies Myranda can be placed and replace his position. Marcus can Score easy too with his 8 Wk and for the rest of the turns the Molemen and the Waldgeist can deny the points to the oponent. And you also have Myranda, she can turn into a heavy hitter if you need or Cojo.
What do you think about this list, Can it work?
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I just play list I mentioned earlier .

Marcus vs Sonnia .


Standard deployment

Squatters Rights

Protect Territory


Frame for Murder


Line in the Sand

It worked well enough, Sonia got 5 points and Marcus 9. Marcus has denied Sonnia all points of the strategy .



BRENG77 you are right, but if a Raptor dies I want Myranda to deny the Squat marker.


I've seen a problem with this list in a possible Make them Suffer. What do you think mates?

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