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Sportsmanship at Tournaments


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As far as I can tell, the problems with a sportsmanship score include:

- If someone is being a bad sport, they have a reason to mark the other player unfairly.

- If you're using a sportsmanship score with specific or concrete criteria, a set of low scores should be reason for a tournament organizer to take the two players aside and find out what's wrong.  Otherwise, you're creating and ignoring evidence of negative player interaction.

- If you're using sportsmanship scores without specific or concrete criteria, you may as well be asking for a random number obliquely related to how well player tips when they go out to eat.  So the same behavior gets scored as "Full score, no complaints" by one person, and "Five points off for being shifty looking, and giving me a slightly creased copy of their army list." 

- Sportsmanship scoring doesn't correct bad behavior, and doesn't stop the obnoxious player that scored poorly at the end of the day being obnoxious in each game.  The obnoxious player is likely to just scratch their head, think "Someone must have had it in for me and unfairly dinged my score," and continue on.


Anecdotally, the closest I've ever come to getting in a fight during a game was during a 40k tournament that had sportsmanship scoring. 

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I think Solkan has hit the nail on the head, so to speak.

No good will come from judging/scoring people based on how you perceive them in a relatively short length of time.

We all enjoy this game and for damn good reason. 

Malifaux is a breath of fresh air, lets all inhale and enjoy.    :D

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Anecdotally, the closest I've ever come to getting in a fight during a game was during a 40k tournament that had sportsmanship scoring. 


Anecdotally, me too.  


Though it had far more to do with the guy attempting revise the game outcome on the scoring sheet after models had started to be removed from the table than anything during the game... "see, my models are closest to the objective now that you've packed half your models away..."

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Anecdotally, me too.

Though it had far more to do with the guy attempting revise the game outcome on the scoring sheet after models had started to be removed from the table than anything during the game... "see, my models are closest to the objective now that you've packed half your models away..."

I ended up getting into rules debates in 40k more than Wyrd.

One case it was really bad in 40k. I had a squad at half strength and the debate was whether the tourney packet considered it a casualty at the end of the game. Ended up the guy I was having the debate with was the creator of the packet. so needless to say he gave me poor sports and then put an FAQ up so he got the points.

The only thing I have had in Malifaux is typically when certain abilities are done at the end of turn. Example prowl with hunters is it before or after VP scoring. Even then it doesn't cause a game stopping debate.

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One case it was really bad in 40k. I had a squad at half strength and the debate was whether the tourney packet considered it a casualty at the end of the game. Ended up the guy I was having the debate with was the creator of the packet. so needless to say he gave me poor sports and then put an FAQ up so he got the points.

This is more of a problem with the TO than the game to be fair (though I agree that 40k causes far more arguments in my experience).

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The only thing I have had in Malifaux is typically when certain abilities are done at the end of turn. Example prowl with hunters is it before or after VP scoring. Even then it doesn't cause a game stopping debate.

It would be resolved in the upkeep step of end of turn phase. Then you check vp. Then end of game If applicable. Page 35 of big book lol.

Not sure how someone could debate it would happen after but I have seen stranger arguments.

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I suppose the only downside to a sportsmanship score is that most opponents don't do anything noticeable sportsmanship wise, so how do you score them?

That, and if you're a bad sport you always think you're doing the right thing and everybody else is trying to cheat.


I'm all for a sportsmanship component as separate to the overall rankings, something that's there for a bit of fun.  But that wouldn't really drive anybody to check their behaviour (so I suppose including it in the rankings would drive behaviour more, but that's problematic).  And I suppose there's the thing - if somebody is trying to get away with an extra half an inch and you deny them, will that affect your sportsmanship score?  And so forth


Only been to 1 tournament and am quite new though.

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