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I'm trying to be patient, I really am...


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A lot of the issues caused are by wyrd releasing a book every year and slowing down all the previous books model releases cause of the new book. Honestly it does not need a new book every year. Release books every other year and get the models that actually sell the game sorted. It works for other games. It will work here too. Models come with rules anyway so no big deal there. Its an obvious easy fix and wyrd still get money one way or another

Rules development has no relation to model distribution. So unless I'm confused and they outsource the book to the same chinesse factory that sees the models, they don't have any real effect on each other. That Wave 1 and Wave 2 represents models that existed in the past is probably the big reason why wave 2 crew boxes are getting priority over references like Necropunks and so on, I wish to believe that we won't see any models for wave 3 till all of wave 1-2 is sorted (leaving aside freak accidents like the Brewmaster).

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Trying to estimate dates and then having delays actually generates far more complaints than this.


Anyway, we appreciate the feedback, we really do. Not trying to shout anyone down, just explain. :)



That's the only reason I'm speaking up, in case you do a recount here's one more vote for do it the other way.


Don't worry, didn't feel shouted down and hope I've not come across like I'm nerd-raging. I'll still be playing Malifaux, buying Malifaux products and promoting Malifaux where I can, but as a Henchman, I've been in the position of talking to someone like the OP. They've just had an awesome demo thanks to yours truly  ;), they're looking through the books and say "I want to play with that one"...that's where it gets awkward.

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Edited to remove content, after I calmed down.


I get very frustrated at conversations like this, because I don't think some people realise how long it takes to go from idea to concept to art to sculpt to manfacutre to mass produce to release. But people are entitled to their own own opinions, and I will try to leave it at that

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InsidiouslyMad, on 12 Feb 2015 - 06:19 AM, said:

    They are a small company that does not have the storage capability to have all the models boxed separately (which they have stated on multiple occasions).


Wyrd is not the small company that so many suggest they are. They possess a fair portion of the market share (which includes Privateer Press and Games Workshop). They have an international supply and distribution network. I believe this "small company" defense is a large reason the issues are continuing. Think small, be small. I have said for more than a few years now that Wyrd needs to hire some dedicated people to manage the Henchman program (something that has often been less than a collateral duty), handle public communications and perhaps an Ombudsman as well. If the "small company" can't handle the work load than it is time to hire some more people or continue to ignore the increasing water the ship is taking on. It wasn't that long ago that Wyrd enjoyed a very high reputation in terms of quality and communication.



Also, many LGS' struggle with space for all the games they want to stock as well, thus Wyrd is purposely trying to save on storage space both on their side and the retail side.


My thoughts on this are fairly common knowledge by now to the forum regulars but why not... I have serious issues with this defense. First off you can't claim to be reducing SKU's when you choose to release multiple new ones for just colored bases and fate decks. Second, if the retailers are really complaining about product space and SKU volumes (probably more to do with product that doesn't move quickly) then provide an online outlet. This would even benefit Wyrd since they no longer have to share profits with all the middlemen involved in selling the product at a retail storefront. This is one of those "Big Company" concepts that have been used to great effect by the competition.


Based on the frequency of these threads, there is a market for these models and most are asking to give Wyrd money in exchange for a product they created rather than provide that same money to their competitors. Plastic molds are expensive and when added to the realities of "Unique" model creation, recouping the investment can take much longer than "staple" models that encourage you to purchase more (looking at Gremlins in particular). You'd think providing another conduit to sell these models and increase the sales volume would be a good thing. How big is the Malifaux community? How many will play Neverborn? How many will want Vasilisa? Now how many must be sold to make the plastic endeavor profitable? Probably a big reason you are seeing so many "Specialty" versions of existing crew boxes during those Black Friday sales.


One way I think they may move around this issue from the side is more TTB style kits that you can use to build your own wyrd-legal proxies. Right now they are good for guild/outcasts but could easily do a TT style sprue as well.


This is probably one of the most sensible things said in this thread. A skirmish game greatly benefits from these style kits because it reduces the investment, and quickens returns on that investment. This would also reduce SKU's for retailers to stock. The only real obstacle to this is the Malifaux rules themselves, which at the moment don't really support "crafting". I have a sneaking suspicion based on what I have seen of M2e's upgrades and the campaign rules, that Malifaux 3rd edition might just head that way.


I do like Wyrd (even if I may appear very tough on them) however seeing multiple issues continue for a few years now, has been utterly frustrating.

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"Wyrd is not the small company that so many suggest they are."

Until they have captive manufacturing, they will be a small company as far as I am concerned when it comes to production schedules. Its hard to hold lack of product against them, when they can't dictate priorities at the manufacturer.

One also has to consider the labor fornication agglomeration that is currently going on at the Pacific ports in the US. I would guess this mess is largely why they haven't shared any March release info. Frankly I wouldn't be terribly suprised if there weren't any new releases in March, because the the issue at the port.

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Wyrd is not the small company that so many suggest they are.

Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I would be surprised if they had more than 10 people in staff. That means a lot of stuff is outsourced, outsourcing means you don't have direct control over things, not having direct control over things causes problems for expected release dates, specially when another outsourced part of the chain depends on a previous part of the chain. Also, I still remember the horrible fiasco that was changing from one storehouse to another, so when changing storehouse is a huge kick to your tempo, well, that speaks volumes. Finally, the big reason I know Wyrd is a small company is that when Gencon arrives, the company literally dies, if they had any real dimension, that simply would not happen.


They may be growing and in a good position as far as a miniature company goes, but they are VERY VERY far away from Privateer Press numbers. I look at Privateer Press now how they can do their neato videos, still have a bimonthly published magazine (the chronicles, though free, is only digital and a lot of content is people of the community doing voluntary work) and have their own "dedicated con". If we could get access to the sales data of Wyrd, I'd assume it's mostly growing but is still quite minor compared to PP. I mean, yeah, they hire new people once in a while, but it's more a "substitute" thing than a real growth, I mean, Aaron came in to cover the hole left by Mack and Justin is still mostly alone with all of Malifaux.

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Maybe I'm completely wrong, but I would be surprised if they had more than 10 people in staff. That means a lot of stuff is outsourced, outsourcing means you don't have direct control over things, not having direct control over things causes problems for expected release dates, specially when another outsourced part of the chain depends on a previous part of the chain. Also, I still remember the horrible fiasco that was changing from one storehouse to another, so when changing storehouse is a huge kick to your tempo, well, that speaks volumes. Finally, the big reason I know Wyrd is a small company is that when Gencon arrives, the company literally dies, if they had any real dimension, that simply would not happen.

I think you are grossly underestimating their staff. At GenCon alone there are more than 10 official Wyrd Staffers presents, at least there was each of the 4 years I worked the con with them. Dont forget that the company was also split between two coasts with staffs at each (though West Coast was smaller, it still featured more than a few employees). Even accounting for the exodus there are still quite a few more employees than the 10 you suggest. You'll also notice they even hired a few more development staffers in the last few months as well.


Where I do agree is that the continual outsourcing of work is a huge issue with their production system. I find it difficult to believe that a local manufacturer cant be located.


As for a GenCon shut down being evidence of their small status well Wyrd is not the only company that largely dies when the great Con arrives. Most companies in the industry, Privateer press included, largely shut down to support the con.


They may be growing and in a good position as far as a miniature company goes, but they are VERY VERY far away from Privateer Press numbers. I look at Privateer Press now how they can do their neato videos, still have a bimonthly published magazine (the chronicles, though free, is only digital and a lot of content is people of the community doing voluntary work) and have their own "dedicated con". If we could get access to the sales data of Wyrd, I'd assume it's mostly growing but is still quite minor compared to PP. I mean, yeah, they hire new people once in a while, but it's more a "substitute" thing than a real growth, I mean, Aaron came in to cover the hole left by Mack and Justin is still mostly alone with all of Malifaux.

Privateer Press stopped thinking like a small company a while ago, way before they decided to launch Mk II. When they saw that their growth was being limited by a lack of personnel they hired more. And when they saw that growth was then being limited by small company thinking they took the steps necessary to fix that as well.


The sales data would be an interesting read, though would probably show that the company has often been their own worst enemy. Additionally, it is unfortunate that Wyrd has been forced to focus so much effort on hiring "replacements" for old staff, rather than adding more talent to the pool. I believe a lot of that could have been avoided but will refrain from further comment.


Again I want the company to succeed. If for no other reason than to have people to play with. That doesn't mean acting as if every thing they do is wonderful however.

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