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Starting Ressers


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I'm starting Ressers today and picking up a few boxes. Seamus and McMorning to start.


I am probably going to grab a few support boxes but don't want to get EVERYTHING in one swoop just yet.


What are some good ideas to get with those 2 boxes?


I was thinking another Flesh Golem, Canine Remains, and maybe Bete.

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Damn it! This one is for you, Mr. Z.


In all seriousness: Good ideas. Bete is a bit controversial, but much fun. The Nicodem box, Toshiro, Izamu and Yin and good alternatives. Yeah, Resser are a very well rounded faction. Just take what you like!

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Damn it! This one is for you, Mr. Z.


In all seriousness: Good ideas. Bete is a bit controversial, but much fun. The Nicodem box, Toshiro, Izamu and Yin and good alternatives. Yeah, Resser are a very well rounded faction. Just take what you like!


I plan to have everything, as usual, just wondering what is good to start with.

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First up welcome to the best faction (and from your profile picture maybe your first real faction ;) ).  Your suggestions so far are solid.  I see Ressers as being divided between the fleshy side with McMourning, Seamus and Nicodem and the spirit side with Kirai and Yan Lo (with Molly somewhere in the middle and Tara a bit of an outlier).  If you don't want to get everything yet then stay away from Nico who needs pretty much everything to work!  Having said that the Iron Zombie box is pretty useful if only for the Valedictorian (although if you are not planning on hiring the others it's probably not worth the money until you expand into Nico).


For McMourning Guild Autopsies are worth picking up as they're another way of putting poison out, give you some ranged support, and can help control your opponents hand a little because of their ability to reactivate if your opponent has no cards.  Rafkin is also very useful in a McMourning crew for more poison synergy (he's another source of healing too).  If you can get hold of a Chiaki she combos very well with the Nurses (Paralyse/Heal your own models then use Chiaki to remove the Paralyse) although she only comes in Yan Lo's box so that's another crew box if you can't find her separately.


For Seamus I like both The Hanged and Yin as their Wp shenanigans help him.  Dead Doxies may also be worth picking up if you want some more Belles.

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I'd definitely go with something to run schemes for you. Necropunks/crooligans are both good enough that you could just pick up one blister and do almost everything scheme-y. They both have certain ones they're better at just based on the difference of their movement tricks. If you're trying for plastic only, neither of those are out yet, so I'd sub canine remains in their place, since those you can get in plastic, and you'll probably want a few around anyway.

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I'd definitely go with something to run schemes for you. Necropunks/crooligans are both good enough that you could just pick up one blister and do almost everything scheme-y. They both have certain ones they're better at just based on the difference of their movement tricks. If you're trying for plastic only, neither of those are out yet, so I'd sub canine remains in their place, since those you can get in plastic, and you'll probably want a few around anyway.


can you even get blisters anymore?


unfortunately I would prefer plastic

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I would recommend Necropunks as well. Might be tough to find though. 


I would also recommend getting at least one more Flesh Construct. Nurse + Flesh Construct is a nasty combo. Bete Noire is kind of a weird model, either people like her a lot or then people just don't use her, I fall into the second category, I would really like to like her but she never brings me anything in the game. 


With Seamus I highly recommend Bishop. As Bishop can target WP and Seamus lowers that by 2. Also as Bishop beats face with, say Flurry, Seamus heals as he just loves the mayhem. Also Bishop can do some serious damage. Belles also help bringing the targets in. Hanged are also good with Seamus but they are bit too much to many players so I have steered away from them for the sake of keeping the games nice and civil. 


Dead doxies are great summons for Seamus also but again might be tough to find. As for scheme running, Belles do the job quite well with Sybelle around with wk6 and Call Belle. 


For McMourning I would recommend Guild Autopsies, they cost 4 and are really good for their cost (as they bring shooting and more poison with triggers on both shooting and melee) and gives you an insane amount of Poison from the get go combined with the Flesh Construct. Also Rafkin. He brings poison synergy as well as another Transfusion carrier, then you can have two Expunge teams who both work uninterrupted. Sebastian + McMourning through Accomplice and Chihuahua + Rafkin through Companion. 


Also. WELCOME! To the righteous and most amazing faction of the game. ;)

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He is a bit of a copy cat mind as I suggested all those things already ;):P:D (except Bishop which was a big miss!)

Although what am I missing with Rafkin?!  He doesn't have Expunge does he?!


Bete Noire is kind of a weird model, either people like her a lot or then people just don't use her, I fall into the second category, I would really like to like her but she never brings me anything in the game.


I have found this too.  When I first got her I liked her a lot as she is very cool and a model that never dies (as long as you hold the card back) is great but the more I play the less she makes my lists as I just see too many other options for the SS cost (plus keeping back a card for her can be a pain (though you should always weigh up whether that card is more important for something else))

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Better we kill him than let the enemy do it!  Plus we're just sacrificing him, we have the skills to put him back together!  I had a sneaky plan with him last time I play Pandora but he failed the Fears Given Form Df duel and I had no cards in my hand so I couldn't eek on her (with Seb stood there too).

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I used my Jackdaw as a Hanged until the plastic ones came out and he works fine.  Definitely good starting choices though now you have Nicodem I'd stress picking up the University of Transmortis when you can.  They are great for summons because of how they each excel against a different enemy (living/undead/construct) so when you can summon them once you've seen what you're up against they're golden.

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