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How do you build a Kirai crew?


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My regular opponent often takes Datsue-Ba to make Seishin and for general nastiness, Izamu for swirling him around and general nastiness, and Chiaki for heals and condition removal. Season with her Totem Lost Love and take the rest for Schemes and Strategy. That's what I'm mostly facing when playing against Kirai.

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Kirai's an interesting one in that a lot of her tricks are great for spirits, so you want to have the models available, but many of her tricks need or work well with the non-spirits. So you want to have things like Shikome/Hanged to summon in, but maybe you want things like Flesh Constructs there from the start to summon off of. You definitely want living/undead in the starter crew to present as targets for the enemy so that Ikiryo shows up. Anything you can find that's undead & spirit, those are the best of both worlds for Kirai. I'm sure someone that knows her better will come along with specifics. Kirai is one of the masters I like in theory, but on the table I have yet to have an "Aha! This is awesome!" moment with, but I know there's a number that love her to death and back.

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My friend built his Kirai crew using glue to stick them together and a sharp knife to remove mold lines  :D


In all seriousness Datsu and Izamu are both solid choices for the reasons Dirial described then really hire and summon to suit your needs. She's got a fairly varied summoning pool so can recover from any hiring mistakes fairly easily. 

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Datsue-Ba definitely. 


Then add to taste, Izamu is good, then you want the summons Onryo, Gaki etc. If you want to douche it up (ask MD) Hanged's are a good choice. 


Depending what the schemes are but generally you want something to run schemes for you: Necropunks.

You want to mess with your enemy or make your own models better: Nurses, every Rezzer master should bring at least one to every game, they never disappoint for 5ss. 

You want dead enemy models: Izamu

You want some serious sexy time on the table: Sybelle (not that good with Kirai though)

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You want some serious sexy time on the table: Sybelle (not that good with Kirai though)


You and your whip fetish.


Although she is great with Rotten Belles, and those work reasonably well with Kirai. They are good with everyone, of course, but their many Wds make them good summoning anchors.

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My regular opponent regularly runs Kirai, and regularly beats me. :) As others have said, Kirai works with a variety of models, depending on what you're focusing on. The only ones not mentioned so far that I see regularly in his crews are Jaakuna Ubume and The Drowned; Night Terrors; occasionally Crooligans; lately he's gotten very keen on Philip and the Nanny. For summoning, he usually goes for Hanged and Shikome and Onryo -- and usually starts with a Flesh Construct to summon off, as others have said. Anyone playing against Kirai, I would strongly recommend finding a way to disrupt the summon/heal cycle that happens turns 1 and 2 -- throw something in Kirai's face that she needs to deal with, sniper-kill Lost Love to take away some of the healing potential, etc. -- and so likewise advice for playing Kirai is to avoid giving your opponent an easy way to disrupt that cycle.

Good luck and enjoy.

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Things to hire: Datsue Ba - She has good speed, a decent ranged cast, decent melee, and, more important for me: Guide Spirits. A model slowed by summons can still keep up with the crew if Guide Spirits is used. It's also useful for Deliver a Message and other scheme running. Triggers Malevolence.

Night Terror: a 3ss model with WK 6 that can be used as a Swirl Spirits target for your heavy hitters, and then can be used as a casting boost for Kirai. It's great to have around.

Izamu: Healable by lost love and Kirai, a total beat stick made absurdly fast by Swirl Spirits, high armor, with a self heal, and he triggers Malevolence.

Flesh Construct: Tons of wounds for a low, low cost, a perfect summon beacon, with a end of turn regeneration. Triggers Malevolence.

Chiaki the Niece: strips the slow off of your summoned models while healing them with the trigger. Triggers Malevolence.

Lost Love: Heals, an additional Malevolence bubble. Triggers Malevolence.

Crooligans: Because they're the best damn scheme runners in the game for their cost. Triggers Malevolence.

Summons priority:

Hanged-----> Shikome  -----> Drowned.

It's my rule of thumb. Assuming no pressing priority (needing a fast, durable scheme runner [shikome are great for this]) summon a hanged first, then a shikome if Hanged aren't available, then Drowned, who are Spirits and Undead (and thus Triggers Malevolence), and are resilient in Melee, and who also have Finish the Job, which is a great way of getting last minute scheme markers out of summoned models.

This is not to say that these are the only summons to take, but these are the priority summons to take.

How I run Kirai: I take swirling aether. She really doesn't need anything else.

How I run Datsue Ba: assuming I'm not facing a crew with blasts, I don't take her with any upgrades. I keep her for movement, and for tempting people into triggering Malevolence. 

Izamu is great with Necrotic Preparations.

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What the others have said, but the other model I really like with Kirai is Rogue Necromancy with Take back the Night.

His Acid breath gives out fairly reliable poison at range for the Shikome's Smell Fear.  He's awesome in combat (and again dishes out poison). He also triggers Malovance.  But the kicker is Take Back the Night.  I've found that Kirai burns through her hand like nobody's business between Malovance, heals and all her other tricks.  So drawing a card when any Spirit or Horror kills an enemy is fantastic!


My stock Kirai crew is:

Kirai - Bloody Shears, Swirling Aether

Lost Love


Rogue Necromancy - Take Back the Night

Flesh Construct (for summons)

Chiaki (to remove slow & heal)

Nurse (awesome girls these!)


This comes to 45ss, giving me 1ss left over if I take a full cache of 7.  There are several options for Izamu & I want to try Absorb Spirit for the pluses to damage action.  This'd give me a cache of 5-6 depending on Izzy's upgrade.

Everything in this list triggers Malovance and Izamu is the only Spirit.  It can get a little bit clustered so It's not very good for Reconnoitre and can be vulnerable to blasts (if it's ranged theough, they'll only get one shot before Ikryo shows up!  My priority summons are Shikome as they can give out Aversary and hit really hard in combat.  (I'd also feel like a jerk for using Hanged!


My first turn is usually Nurse & Fleshie move up, Rogue (takes a potshot if in range), Kirai moves once, summons a seishin, swirls it with Izamu, summons a Shikome of Fleshie, Chiaki moves once removes slow and triggers the heal on Shikome, Lost Love teleports to Kirai and fully heals Shikome, Shikome & Izamu beat face.  The Seishin also has an activation plus Ikiryo, if your opponent obliges! 

Naturally this is a perfect world but all that's really needed is a 7+ :ram(for the trigger)  for Chiaki & 12+ :crow (or SS) for Shikome summon, otherwise the rest shouldn't be too hard.  I also try to save a high card for the Shikome's Shrieking Challenge to make her & Izamu's charge really hit home.

Second turn is Izzy, Shikome continue to plow into the enemy, Rogue joins the party, Kirai summons a second Shikome & gives people + to damage... 

Note: It doesn't go this way in practice... stupid cards!! and my opponent and board usually combine to mess with The Plan. But it generally hits like a fair truck & is fun to play.


That's my stock list anyways... naturally I adapt depending on Strategy but it's pretty good at everything really...

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Another list I'd like to try, this one would be better for Reconnoitre:


Kirai - Bloody Shears, Swirling Aether

Lost Love

Ama no zako

Datsue-ba - Spirit Whispers

Jaakuma Ubume - Unnerving Aura

Rotten Belle



ATM moment there's a cache of 8 so I need to buy at least a 1ss upgrade.  Basically Ama, Dastue-ba, Belle & Drowned go down one flank & the rest go down the other & hurt stuff through Hazardous terrain... No idea if it would work, but looks fun!  Kirai summons some more Drowned off Seishin.  Belles & Jakuma can lure people into the hazardous auras too!

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