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illuminated without brilliance


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Hi, I have been looking at list building for lucias as NB again (went guild for a while with him, but I'm going to play him as a more aggro sudo fighter master for a bit and nb is better for this)

A core of my crew idea is 2 illuminated and a black blood shamy

First few activations are

Shamy stabs both illuminated giving them bb

Lucias goes and tells the shamy to stab him then walks up and tells the shamy to pustule him for the heal and the illuminated to start walking

Then illuminated go and heal and move up

My question is

Are illuminated cost effective without often getting the brilliance damage buff?

I'm taking them as Ss bodies as they mean I can recycle 2 Ss a turn and they can heal enough to negate it, and with the shamy I can use another then he can heal himself

Then when I'm in the fight they can heal and the bb shamy can use them as aoe's.

Side note, anyone tried wicked dolls with lucias, there out of turn buff seems realy good, especially as lucias is one of the few who can tell some one to hit twice

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Yep. They're better paired with something that can hand out brilliance, but it's hardly necessary, and they're very strong in a Lucius crew in my experience- one of those models strong enough to not be losing power by taking a minion.


Also, you might want to avoid "Lucias" as it's one letter different than two masters. And doesn't this belong in faction discussion, unless this has some relevance to the beta?

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First, I think you write in wrong forum.... But I think it does not matter to answer.  

You can give Brilliance by Illuminated's  :ranged trigger. I recommend to use Lucius's Commanding Presence / Issue Command for that.

And Illuminated's stat are solid, so Illumianted is effective against same or less cost models without Brilliance bonus.  

But if you need to kill big things, you need to give Brilliance to them. And Beckoner is very good with both Lucius & Illuminated.

Because Beckoner is mimic minion and can use Lure or give Brilliance. So she is recommended in Lucius + Illuminated Crew. 


Wicked Dolls' Denial (I think you talk about :crow trigger) is usually.... Trap.

First, You need at least 2 Wicked Dolls but Wicked Dolls are too fragile. So your opponent can kill them easily by range attacks. 

And if it works, it means Your Wicked Dolls is usually near Opponent's models, so Opponent will be able to kill 2 Wicked Dolls by other models. 

Finally, if your opponent has something can remove condition, It is almost useless unless you use the trigger to Condition Remover.  

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Very sorry, put this in the wrong forum, I was looking at them on my phone and thought I went back to the main menu and insted went to the main beta menu, and yh I'm dislyxic and i spell it wrong when i type quick

On the wicked doll thing I ment hurt the doll for one and heal a friendly for one and the freindly then gets a plus flip on all attack and damage flips out of turn

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Very sorry, put this in the wrong forum, I was looking at them on my phone and thought I went back to the main menu and insted went to the main beta menu, and yh I'm dislyxic and i spell it wrong when i type quick

On the wicked doll thing I ment hurt the doll for one and heal a friendly for one and the freindly then gets a plus flip on all attack and damage flips out of turn


Oops. I mistake, too. Wicked Doll's (0) Action is good, and It is better with Sewn in Poison in melee(They are same range = 2") 

But Wicked Doll is very fragile as I say, so Wicked Doll must hide from Opponent's Range Attack while you use :+fate Boosting. If it is seen, It may be killed.

And AP transfer's some limits may become problem. But you can take Widow Weaver to summon Wicked Doll and/or Vasilisa to use Obey as solution.


Anyway, Collodi can use Wicked Dolls better than Lucius. :)

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Illuminated are very solid for their points even without brilliance. 


For their cost you get a model with a very respectable charge, and nice damage spread, and the Flay Trigger on masks. 

Add to that armor, regeneration, and a 0 heal that is pretty easy to get off and I think you'll find they are rather, ahem, Brilliant

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take a lawyer in the crew and cast Fees on your own illuminated that have also been given black blood by the shaman.


when the illuminated hits things, he takes damage and so delivers black blood as well - then brillshapers/regens back up.

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If you do take Illuminated just be aware of one thing...enemies with obeys. If you see any that can obey your guys (Collodi, Zoraida, etc) keep your Illuminated AWAY from each other. They all have Brilliance built in, so will auto gain the +2 damage if they start attacking each other. :D

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If you do take Illuminated just be aware of one thing...enemies with obeys. If you see any that can obey your guys (Collodi, Zoraida, etc) keep your Illuminated AWAY from each other. They all have Brilliance built in, so will auto gain the +2 damage if they start attacking each other. :D


The only time I have utterly hated the beautiful Sybelle. Spanking my Illuminated's all riled up and making them attack each other. :P

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If you do take Illuminated just be aware of one thing...enemies with obeys. If you see any that can obey your guys (Collodi, Zoraida, etc) keep your Illuminated AWAY from each other. They all have Brilliance built in, so will auto gain the +2 damage if they start attacking each other. :D


I add one more thing. Opponent's Lynch Crew. Because they will be able to use brilliance better than your non-Lynch crew.  :)

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I'm the opposite, I die a little inside every time I send an Illuminated after something that doesn't have Brilliance on it. That lovely, lovely +2 damage.... not to mention I usually put Devouring Need on Huggy, so I am also giving up positive attack and damage flips. But that doesn't mean they can't do just fine without it.

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I'm the opposite, I die a little inside every time I send an Illuminated after something that doesn't have Brilliance on it. That lovely, lovely +2 damage.... not to mention I usually put Devouring Need on Huggy, so I am also giving up positive attack and damage flips. But that doesn't mean they can't do just fine without it.

Hear hear.

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Something I'm mulling over (this is expensive and beat used on a turfwar style fight is


Surprisingly loyal

Secret objective (the mi one)

2 illuminated

2 wicked dolls

Bb shamn


Then either 2 austringers or 2 pathfinders

Basically the bb shamy spends the first few turns giving bb to everything except the guild stuff, the wicked dolls provide there aura of poison stuff and the damage 1 to heal one and buff out of activation on illuminated, the lawyer gives illuminated fees and htw then lucias tells the illuminated to attack a few times and they have there own attacks triggering fees 4 times for 4 bb hits and his melee, 2 of the attacks are out of activation giving them plus flips to attack and damage

Blasts destroy this crew, and its better for fights than objectives, but it can steam roll through, and having so Meany 1 bits of damage they tear through armor and htk

You can remove the 2 guildys and secret objectives to get 2 slurids for objectives

I tried something similar without wicked dolls last night against a Seamus list and 1 illuminated killed 2 belles and wounded syblle, the austringers told people what to drop markers and I got of a 4 hit secret objectives neutering a rogue necro and a hanged,ost of my stuff died to, but I removed enough threats to win

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This BB Shaman, Lawyer, Illuminatedx2 combo is pretty good. Simply needs to watch those Illuminateds' wounds with care, other than they should grind through most things.

A small, small, set back is that the Blackblood the Illuminated taps out is a condition and not an ability, thus they won't count for killing models. Most of the times, that is fine.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Why not a beckoner to go with them?  Easy source of brilliance aside, they are mimics, so Lucius gets his full synergy.


Also, the movement shennanigans are wonderful:


Beckoner activates, walks 5', Lures Lucius, pushes 4'


Lucius activates, orders the beckoner to lure him, beckoner gets another push, etc.


Put two beckoners on either flank and Lucius will be anywhere you want him to be, like a pinball.  

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