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Barbaros vs Samael


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hmmm. I like Clue(or Cluedo), too.

But I think butler wasn't there, so your Suggestion is false. Because Butler is Scribe (by his ability).  


And what I want to ask is How Vendetta's logic for VP worked. Because I sometimes see some newbies mistake that. 

Sorry, kinda not used to the forume yet. The answer is in post 21: He wrote down a stalker with specific number and my specific young  as a target. That stalker had killed the named young on turn 3.



Ignoring LOS is very p[owerful. Try and not let him do that. You can lower burnign on a nearby model, or just try and run out of Sammuals range.


Barbaros moved upfront sheilding with the building wall. Nearby stalker entered into meele and damaged the Barbaros. Because of my luck and brand new deck my hand was of 1s and 2s, no way to cheat. The Samael wasn't activated yet and that fight was occasionaly taken place just 12" from the Samael. :) You get an idea. He used his triple attack and did lots of +1 burnings, so literally the Barabaros went down in flames. :)

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Still, it sounds like a good game and definitely a fun learning experience. One thing I want to ask, Samuel's ignoring LoS aside, was if there was a decent amount of terrain overall on the board? I came from a WH40K and Fantasy background and the amount of terrain used is night and day different which threw me at first. There really should be 1/3 to 1/2 of the board worth of terrain (I tend to go more toward the 1/2 amount, but always let the opponent adjust, add/subtract if I set it up so that we both think it's a fair amount). 

The main thing to keep in mind on terrain is you want enough present so that shooting isn't overpowered (large open areas or heavy fire lanes with no cover), and yet not so much that melee could walk from one end to the other without fear of ever being seen/shot (basic a healthy balance so it's playable by all types of units, even if no one is playing melee or ranged).


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hmmm. I like Clue(or Cluedo), too.

But I think butler wasn't there, so your Suggestion is false. Because Butler is Scribe (by his ability).  


And what I want to ask is How Vendetta's logic for VP worked. Because I sometimes see some newbies mistake that. 

Vendetta asks you to pick a non leader, non peon model from your crew with a cost of more than 0, and an enemy model with a equal or greater. So as long as the person picked which witchling, and could seperate them, they are a fine pick for vendetta.

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Sorry, kinda not used to the forume yet. The answer is in post 21: He wrote down a stalker with specific number and my specific young  as a target. That stalker had killed the named young on turn 3.


When I replied, I saw post 21. So I didn't say about that.

Vendetta's VP is Specified model's First Attack Action to Specified Target = VP 1 & revealed  / Target's Death after revealed = VP 1

Death by Specified model = VP 1. In the game, Specified model is The Witchling Stalker, Target is young Nephilim.  


And Scribe is Neverborn / Guild model that has 'butler' ability.  :lol:


Vendetta asks you to pick a non leader, non peon model from your crew with a cost of more than 0, and an enemy model with a equal or greater. So as long as the person picked which witchling, and could seperate them, they are a fine pick for vendetta.


I know vendetta's rule, too. I just wanted to ask that it work correctly in the game. 

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Barbaros moved upfront sheilding with the building wall. Nearby stalker entered into meele and damaged the Barbaros. Because of my luck and brand new deck my hand was of 1s and 2s, no way to cheat. The Samael wasn't activated yet and that fight was occasionaly taken place just 12" from the Samael. :) You get an idea. He used his triple attack and did lots of +1 burnings, so literally the Barabaros went down in flames. :)


You may well have done this, but shooting into a combat does a randomisation process. He can Target Barbaros, but then the shot is randomised between all models within 2" of Barbaros if he is engaged.

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Probably you"re right, but I'm not sure we'll be able to. However I somehow think we did ok for the first time. Yeah, we missed to use some of the abilities. Yes, I messed my scheme at the end of the game and we messed the final result. But mostly due the fact that it was 2am on the clock already. :) But in general the process went smoothly, we weren't struggling or trying to figure out something for too long. And man, we were struggling when playing Infinity for the first couple of times. The rules are simple to catch even if we are not native English speakers. So we both felt satisfied in the end and we'll be able to catch the rest in no time I hope.

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Ok, we had our second game. 30SS, I was using full Lillith starter + some upgrades and he took Sonnia, Samael, Purifying flame, a Stalker and the Lone marshall. Turf war, Outflank, and Line in the sand for both sides. Unfortunately I was out of luck this evening and lost the initiative flip(and many other flips later  :)  ) I was deploying first and in the end the Lillith had to resist Sonnia, Samael and Lone marshall altoghether in the center of the table, so she had to pass after turn 3. My partner had occupied the turf marker for the hole game getting 4 points and I was able to "put" a line in the sand and place two tots on each side of the table for the sake of "Outflank" scheme. I was able to snatch 1 point from the turf marker too and near the end of the game I was even in a winning(5:4) situation because my partner has concentrated on killing my models instead of making his schemes. During the game I was able to finsh the stalker, and very badly hurt Samael and the Lone marshall, had lost Lillith and a tot. Right in the end of turn 5 badly wounded Barbaros was deeply engaged with the Purifying flame which he finally finished and had gone in flames because of the Flames blow.To be honest I wasn't expecting anything after but my bad luck had shown again and my opponent had flipped 11 in the end of turn 5.  :)  We moved on, at this point I only had 2 tots and a cherub left. Cherub has engaged with the lone marshall giving his life there and both tots had taken a defensive stance for the sake of "Outflank" again. Sonnia and Samael had killed 1 of them and dropped a couple of markers on the centerline. And then I flipped 12 for the tun 7.  :)  Sonnia had moved to the side of the board and the game was finished, me giving up 4:5. :(


We both were pretty much happy about the game. The only drawback was a timing, it took us about 4-5 hours. :huh:To be honest I'm starting to hate all these burning conditions and the advantages it gives to Sonnia's crew. I'm a bit struggling fighting her, but we'll see in a future.


A couple of pics of our table:

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Sounds like a good game. Don't be hard on yourself. Criid is a difficult Master to face, as she works quite well out of the box and is easy to get for beginners. Hang in, and you will defeat her. It's just a matter of time and playing to VP. You seem to have done a good job at that, with just a little bad luck.

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Sounds like a good game. Don't be hard on yourself. Criid is a difficult Master to face, as she works quite well out of the box and is easy to get for beginners. Hang in, and you will defeat her. It's just a matter of time and playing to VP. You seem to have done a good job at that, with just a little bad luck.

Thanks! :) I'm fine, it's just a matter of a "danger" feeling I have to have through the hole game and his absolete freedom with the ranged attacks, especially through the terrain. He was really concentrated fighting hard and not making the schemes even that I  was pressed to the point where I actually wasn't recongising the fact that I was winning, mainly because I was loosing the duels. I wonder if he could maintain the same pressure level and make the schemes at the same time. If so then I'll have lots of trouble. :)


By the way, during the game we couldn't figure out when one could benefit from the revealing a "Line in the sand"? Do you have to reveal it before the start or you could do it during the game?

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By the way, during the game we couldn't figure out when one could benefit from the revealing a "Line in the sand"? Do you have to reveal it before the start or you could do it during the game?


In Ch. 4 (p. 59, big rulebook), there is a description of the steps of setting up a game. Step 7 is 'Choose and Reveal Schemes'. It's after crew selection and before deployment. That's when you reveal Schemes to get the 'if this Scheme was revealed' benefit.

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It was just matter of time. Bad things like that sometimes happen in Malifaux.


In Small SS Game, Tangle Shadow + Rapid Growth Combination is useful . 

Hide and Get VP, and Use Tangle Shadow to 'kidnap and kill' opponent's model and to evolve your Terror Tot or Young Nephilim. 

Vision of Flame needs Burning Condition to Ignore LoS. So If your models don't have Burning Condition, Don't care about it.    

But Watch Out Sonnia's Counterspell Aura. And you must think about activation. Simply, Target opponent's 'activated' model. 

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Lol, yes. They do. :) Thanks for an advice. I still have to figure out how the Tangle Shadow works. The description is kinda messy. I place my model which is in 6" to the target model wich should be in 12" in BtB. Then what? I bring both models back or I just leave my model there? Sounds good tactics anyway. Except for this time when killing something for the Rapid Growth from his list was a pain. He kinda put aside the minions in order to have the Lone Marshall.

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You target a model with the spell. If the spell succeeds, nominate a model within 2" of Lilith (this can be Lilith herself). Place the nominated model in base contact with the target. The place the target in base contact with Lilith, leaving your own model where it is, essentially swapping the models. If Lilith nominated herself, the target won't be placed a great distance but still... Lilith teleported 12".


It's one of the best utility actions in the whole game.

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But who flips the Rst of a friendly Tot then? The opponent?


No, always the controller of the model, meaning you in most cases. When targeting friendlies, I advise you to read the shout-out box on page 33, big rulebook, 'Targeting Friendly Models'.

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The card says 6". I see now, the models are being swapped. Man, if I could have figured it our in the middle of the game. LOL. However the TN is pretty high. Thanks.


Use Cheat Fate and/or Soulstone for :mask for TN. To kill opponent's 'essential' model, Using Soulstone is well worth considering.

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That's what I meant by 'choose your targets carefully'. When you use a stone to get the Mask, you want the action to succeed. Thus, target models with low Wp (max 5) or models you don't think your opponent is going to cheat high for. When playing against Resser, always choose Nurses first, preferably already activated. ;)

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