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Barbaros vs Samael


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Guys, I hope to have our first game the upcoming weekend. My friend has a Sonia crew, a box of stalkers and the lone Marshall. I think it's a good idea to start with a small 25ss game with the henchmen in the lead. Obviously I'll have a Barbaros,3 tots and 2 youths. Maybe obsidian talons or Nephilim gladiatus. Probably I could expect him have a Samael leading and 4 stalkers and upgrades or just 5 stalkers. Reading the stats I kinda feel that I'm doomed. :) I don't have nothing like a ranged attack at all while his melee attacks are as strong as mine and his ranged attacks are pretty moderate. Yes, it's our first game and the goal is to learn but do I have a chance at all?

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Your models are faster than his so, if you just avoid the stalkers with your tots and the schemes and strategy are favourable, you have a very real chance of winning. However if it turns to slugfest you are doomed. You have no chance against him in straight combat, so don't even try.

Oh, and make sure that you use enough terrain. On an open field you will be shot to death and Malifaux isn't meant to be played without terrain.

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Thanks. The terrain thing bothers me a lot. I still don't have enough. 4 buildings, 6-10 trees, some scattered pieces. But I'm not going to make the fences soon. So no, at least this time I wouldn't be able to really block the LoS. Well ok, at least I read this correctly, stalker shoots and gives burning condition then Samael finishes using his visions of flames and other nice abilities. And all I have is a couple of inches more of movement. :) Hope that will change a bit when we'll get a grip of the game and start playing with masters.

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Since you have some trees, you can cut forest bases from paper or whatever. 6-10 trees should be enough for about three small forests. If you add to that the buildings and some smaller scatter terrain like rocks and other stuff that you can take cover behind you should be reasonably well set.

Stalkers also don't have very good Sh, so you should be able to avoid most of their shots if in cover.

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it's not just a couple of inches more movement but a crapton of more movement :D

You'll see that the tots are very quick with their sprint ability (they can potentially run 20 inches in one activation).


But yes, depending on scheme and strategy it will be very ..unfavorable.


All the models in the Lilith box are very good, though, so once you get into the game and get maybe some complementary models, you'll have a blast.

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Yes, thanks. I do have a box Nephilim so it just a matter of time to start using mature and Lillith herself. Guys, Do I read it right that Samael can shoot a burning target even through a blocking terrain? And it seems without penalty? That is some sort of ability... :)

Yea, Samael can shoot through terrain without penalty, but he's slow and fragile. Unfortunately you don't have the kind of muscle that can punish him for that unless you bring a Mature Nephilim. Luckily for you, Lilith also has the ability to put a hurt on Sonnia or Samael once you move up to bigger games.
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Thanks for all the answers. Sorry for asking it here but It just doesn't worth it going to novice threads. I don't get it from the rules. When it's said "the model may discard a card to gain something" like Samael's (again :) ) "rapid fire" . Does it mean that you discard 1 card from your hand?

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Wk duel is simple duel. Someone's models need to filp for simple duels, their player filps cards for them. 

And Cyclone crash's "All" means your own non-nephilim models are affected by it, too.

So you filp for your non-nephilims' Wk duels, Opponent filps for his/her non-nephilims' Wk duels.    

But your models(Barbaros, Young, Tots) are all nephilims, so you don't need to filp for them.


"The one who control the action flips" is for control spell like obey.

For Example, you can make opponent's some model do (1) action for you by obey. 

In this action, You must filp/cheat for its duel. Because you control it in the action. 


P.S : As I know, Barbaros' round size become 40mm in Errata. 

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Evolve those young into mature. Get a surround with 2 tots or 1 tot and 1 young in a stalker and destroy him, evolve one mature and kill them all.

You can charge a stalker with Barbaros (Barbaros can move from out of los with nimble and then charge) and if you were to kill a stalker declare the "for the brood" built in trigger and you can push the stalker 8 inches and leave him paralyzed, perfect objective for a young or tot to eat.

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Evolve those young into mature. Get a surround with 2 tots or 1 tot and 1 young in a stalker and destroy him, evolve one mature and kill them all.

You can charge a stalker with Barbaros (Barbaros can move from out of los with nimble and then charge) and if you were to kill a stalker declare the "for the brood" built in trigger and you can push the stalker 8 inches and leave him paralyzed, perfect objective for a young or tot to eat.

Nifty plan, but a Young Nephilim needs more than Witchling Stalkers in his diet to grow big and strong (ie. enforcer, henchman or master).
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Oh, thanks with the simple duel. It's exactly as I thought should be but the small note in the book about controlling an action got me really confused.

Hehe, rapid growth is a bit too much for the start I think. After looking closer to the stats I started thinking that shooting from the stalkers shouldn't be that dangerous. So I still could try to tie them with the youngsters and Barbaros while pinning the objectives with the tots. Also I look for the possibility to swap both young for the mature and ambush the Samael right from the start, however it's definitely not for the first game too and I don't like the idea to be in short of activations.

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try and keep barbaros and the young together, kill something with barbaros and make the young fast giving them extra AP. Also try and keep rams in your hand as they have an infinite trigger on there attacks if you keep hitting rams you get to do the attack over and over again for a single AP. So turns them very deadly. Both barbaros and the young with an 8" charge you will be able to get across the board to him very quickly. 


Finally if you throw a young in to attack move barbaros up behind and do his 0 action to challenge. That way when your opponent tries to hit the young he has to take a TN14 WP duel first or the action fails. Also remember that barbaros's attack has a build in push so after you hit somethign if it is on low wounds then push it to within 1" of a terror tot who will get to pounce to kill it (if you put Rapid Growth on Barbaros then the tot will grow into a young if it kills it).


Just some ideas

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Ok, I would like to thank everyone. We finally had our first game last weekend. We had "squatter rights", my opponent had "assasinate" and "vendetta", I've chosen "entourage" and "protect terriory". I started to lead with  the markers for the strategy, then he killed Barbaros using damn Samael's ability to shoot through the walls. After that he claimed "vendetta" killing one of my young nephilims.At this point I was loosing 3-6 and it was the begining of turn 4. Most of our interactions were near the centerline, maybe a bit into his half of the board. I ditched all of the assaults and retreated back putting huge pile of my scheme markers right on the 6" mark from the edge of my deployment zone and landed a tot right in the middle. He scored 2 more points in the end for the strategy, and I revealed the "protect territory". Technacally I could have argued all of my 8 markers to be 6" from the deployment zone. However I quickly agreed on 5 of them to count without much measuring  thus making an encounter to be a tie. Seems it suitied both of us well since we've spent a huge amount of time playing, like 3 hours or so and were pretty tired, but still very pleased. 


Errr, hate these burning presents from the stalkers and Samael's ability to shoot through the walls. :)

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:) I lost then. No problem. Since my friend was kinda lazy and not reading the rules prior to the game I spent a lot of time "presenting" him the rules and by the start of the game I felt kinda exhausted to the point where I completely forgot to use my upgrade and even some basic abilities like black blood. :) So after a long game we completely forgot to check the winning conditions. :)

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It was the butler with the candlestick in the library.


hmmm. I like Clue(or Cluedo), too.

But I think butler wasn't there, so your Suggestion is false. Because Butler is Scribe (by his ability).  


And what I want to ask is How Vendetta's logic for VP worked. Because I sometimes see some newbies mistake that. 

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