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Masters for Recon and Interferance


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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't read through all of these, but I don't think its which master, I think its which models are best for Recon/Interference. Then the (obvious) second thing to look at is the master and ones that summon are usually good.


Regardless, my point is I take models in Recon/Interference that can do some good engagement and have superb staying power. My top three are 1. Waldgeist 2. Depleated 3. Illuminated


The Depleated/Illuminated combo is very strong, but I do like Waldgeist + Young Nephilim. The reason they don't make the list is they drop a little easier. 


Now with all that said, Dreamer is a great master for Recon/Interfeerece (to answer your question specifically), but I have had A LOT of success with the models I described above in a Lucius crew as well.


I think questions like this are interesting to talk about but there is no 1 answer. So many factors.

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Dreamer for interference quite like lilith in recon. With engaged models not counting in interference the annoyance summoning of dreamers day dreams or alps works wonders to stop the opponent scoring. In recon it's about out numbering lilth has the movement tricks and damage output to let you score and deny consistently in recon

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