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Legs for Daaaaaiz...


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So I just opened my shiny new Levy boxset... I'm sure you know where this is going already. :D

Wowza... Alyce's legs are 3x the length of her torso and Levy is even more apparent.

This is not a bash on the style at all... I don't know if this is intentional or not (I'm guessing so or maybe another byproduct of the sculpting method used?) but I love this style - its so distinct and almost elegant and pretty looking but without being elegant and pretty... know what I mean?

It all started with the Hanged sticking its tongue out - I always thought "wow that looks weird and cool - I wish they made more minis like this."

It kinda has a Code Geass or Jack Skellington from Nightmare Before Christmas look to it.

I'm not sure how others feel about it... but I really hope this trend continues. Like I said, its very distinct and I hope it will end up being another "malifaux thing."

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According to the eight head scheme the crotch should be four heads from the ground, i.e. the models midpoint, and the waist five heads from the ground (.625). It's just an approximation and actual humans varies in their proportions but things tend to look weird if you deviate too far from it.


By this standard the two standing Ronin from Hired Swords have too long legs. I don't have the Johana model but it also seems to suffer from too long legs on the photos, but it's hard to tell for sure since photos tend to be from and angle. The one Hanged I think is distorted because it's an insane ghost whose appearance is formed by its mind, also the blindfolded Hanged has normal legs. So it doesn't seem to be concerted style change, and since it's mostly women, possibly a case of overdoing the "sexy women has long legs" thing.


Wowza... Alyce's legs are 3x the length of her torso and Levy is even more apparent.

Weird, from the renders and GMort's unboxing pictures Alyce looks like she has relatively longer legs than Leveticus.

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The long leg thing seems to be a growing problem among the plastic miniatures. And it's not just the female models, have you seen the rail workers (or "stilt workers")? I wonder if it would be possible to cut out a couple mm from the legs to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body. 

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The long leg thing seems to be a growing problem among the plastic miniatures. And it's not just the female models, have you seen the rail workers (or "stilt workers")? I wonder if it would be possible to cut out a couple mm from the legs to make them more proportionate to the rest of the body. 

By what standard? I just measured my rail workers and their legs are normal. They have ridiculously long arms though, especially the one holding a pick.

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Haven't checked out the new Alyce in person yet, but even keeping in mind the caveat that you can't really judge the finished models by the renders it looks like her legs are too long.


About the plastic Ronin- yeah, their legs are way off. First time I saw them in person I had a "what the?" moment and actually measured them out. Like I said, way off and once you see it you can't unsee it. I bought myself a set of the metal ones instead to paint up for my crew.


The one that really surprised me was Yamaziko. I bought her on the advice of my tag team partner for a team tournament, and sight unseen I bought her a 30mm resin base to mount her on. When I opened the box I was shocked that she had a 40mm base! At first I thought it could be because she had a weapon with a long reach, but then I realized that she already had a three inch reach and Misaki, who also carries a pole arm, only has a 2 inch reach with a 30mm base. Then I took a look at her legs and realized that her oversized legs + crouching = oversized base. 

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@Bengt - I'm not making a judgment call from renders or Gmort's unboxing. I just recently got this box and upon opening it I realized the legs were crazy long. You'd have to see the unassembled Leveticus legs in person to see what I mean in comparison to Rusty. Once they are assembled... Leveticus' are mostly hidden/not as apparent.

If it is a rendering screw up then this is the only one I'm actually happy about - these long slender disproportionate minis look really cool but then again I don't think every character can pull it off as good as Levy can...

... that is one magnificently majestic looking old fart ;)

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