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House Rules for Summoning in low-SS games?

Hateful Darkblack

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@Math - But what if the power of summoners is (over) 9000?!

I agree with you that having an easy time juggling strategy/scheme and prevention in a 35ss game is not easy what-so-ever. I honestly go into a 35ss game thinking "I'm not going to get 10VP but neither is my opponent - what is the most VP I can get while still being able to disrupt their game effectively?" I want to give my opponent 0-1 VP and I want to gain 2-3 VP - that sort of thing. Also, I do really think that an extra emphasis should be placed on disruption and prevention in low-ss games simply because getting VP is just that much harder, but that is my personal opinion (so masters like Von Schill or JD get that much better).

Remember that if you win 2-1 or 3-2 you still won, right?

SpiralingCadaver hits it right on the button - if you are one of the ones who is worried about abusive summoner lists bring your a-game and wreck face (but then this is always my advice :D )

@35ss you can play either Master or Henchman - taking a henchman led team will tone down the summoning as is, tbh. The thing about low ss games is that your masters become slightly more powerful models so then a dedicated summoner (or killy - its not just the summoners, really) is disproportionately more powerful. Think about Alyce and Levy - they are very much the same but Alyce is like "mini-levy for small games." When I think of master led 35ss I don't even dread summoners - I think of the Viks - in a couple turns you (or your opponent - but probably you) might be playing a board by yourself ;)

When I play 35ss games - its aways henchman led and I really just don't have a problem with anything and no one really complains - short and sweet games with emphasis on crew choices not just two teams composed of a)your master and B) his buddies that just kinda take up space, cheer him on, and support a bit. To further the example, Rusty Alyce needs a lot more support from the Desolation Engine, or anything really, than Levy does, right?

Of course, someone is now going to say "but not all henchmen are balanced as well as the masters are" and I'm going to throw my hands in the air and say "screw it then!" :)

Having said that, IF you really must absolutely play a master-led 35ss game or you're going to die then I think HatefulDarkblack made the right choice to playtest. The only solid proposition I've seen so far is no summoning T1 and T2... of course, does that mean henchmen don't get to summon T1 and T2 as well?

Screw this topic! :D

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Holy crap tribs post! I am so sorry for making a mess of this thread - I work in the middle of a forest in Northern Canada my reception is absolutely horrendous, I swear! Better make this post good and witty since its in the middle of a long winded thread and will be easy to miss.

Ramos is poopy! All of his constructs are belong to Levy!

That is all.

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There was also a proposal for a new upgrade, available only at 35pts or lower, that granted the bearer "Welcome to Malifaux" but also disallowed summoning friendly models.
Does anyone besides me and the poster who originally posted the idea, think this route has merit?
Perhaps the upgrade could even have an allowance to be purchased from a Leader's cache after list building, if the issue with this upgrade is that you might not know your opponent is taking a summoner when building your crew.
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From experience with and against Taelor in many games, I can tell you that "Welcome to Malifaux!" is mostly useless against an opponent who knows what they're doing. All that is required to avoid it completely is to break Taelor's line of sight to your summon (obviously this is more difficult for some summoners than others, but achievable), to activate earlier in the turn than Taelor does, or to impede her charge in some way (body-block with other models, Paralyze, etc).


Are 35ss games going to be more or less fun when they're dominated by heavy-damage killers instead of summoners?

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