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Are puppets tournament legal?


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Which is amusing since it really goes against the spirit and intent of the conversion/proxy rules. Ah the hypocrisy of the tournament scene...


How so? The spirit of those rules to me seems to be that you should use Wyrd's models (which Puppets are) and that the models you use can't be mistaken for a different model in the game (which Puppets can't, since they are a direct representation of their normal counterpart). Where's the hypocrisy?

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A whole crew of ordinary Malifaux models can be very confusing visually - I've had opponents unable to tell at a glance which models were Viktorias and which were Ronin because they're all just women with swords and guns.

Denying the use of proxies from other manufacturers has nothing to do with them being confusing, let's be honest. :P

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Exactly what Lucius said- that puppet crew that was posted looks great, but it's far more likely to cause in-game confusion than most proxies/conversions that people use

Having used this crew in around 10 tournament games I don't believe there's ever been any confusion. I always go through the crew before the game and I think the puppets clearly represent what they are.

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Most tournaments I've been in have been fine with good-looking, clearly-identifiable non-Wyrd proxy models - just check with your TO before the event, or bring an official model as a backup. There's no point trying to get the Wyrd-only clause in Gaining Grounds changed, but it's usually not a hard-and-fast rule at most events anyway.

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