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Burt Jebsen as a Merc


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Burt Jebsen seems to be able to fit in a lot of crews. For example.


Hamelin: Burts' Slippery ability can be used to just shove of attacks to nearby rats. Similar tactics can be used with Mindless Zombies in Ressers (so Nico too I guess). 


Viktorias, Raspy, Sonnia, Hamelin, Mei Feng, and any crew hiring Lazarus: all likes when models bunch up so they can get their Blasts to connect. Cracker jack Timing is tailored for that purpose.


Just haven't heard of anyone using him in a out of faction crew. How come? Is he not worth paying 8ss for?

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Hmm interesting. Might certainly be worth it. I'm not super fond of gremlins so I guess that's why I never thought of it. 


This is basically why I've ignored him. I have no interest in the Gremlins really. They don't even intrigue me. The Outcast faction has the best Mercs in the game and as they are one of my primary factions I don't feel the need to pay extra for a Gremlin Merc when I have most of the best ones already. He may very well prove to be a fairly useful asset to some Masters out of the Gremlins faction but for 8ss I don't think be brings as much to the table as Taelor, Johan, Sue, Bishop, Killjoy, FK Librarians, Lazarus or the Strongarm Suit to name a few. All of these Outcast Mercs are easily worth the extra stone with most crews (granted some more than others!) where as I'd struggle to justify spending an extra SS on Burt which often will end up in my SS pool where it's more useful or being spent on Oathkeeper, Imbued Energies, Recalled Training etc. 

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MasterDisaster, why would you feel hesitant to pay an extra stone for Burt (besides ideological reasons)? Since, for instance, I don't think that the Librarian is particularly good outside of Outcasts. They are fine at 7ss, but 8ss and loosing a lot of their healing powers makes them a questionable hire for me. I would also have some problem with paying 9ss for Sue. While I would paying 8ss for Burt under the right circumstances doesn't seem that far fetched to me.


My point being, we apparently have different views on what is worth to pay extra for, and what does that come down to?

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Hmm interesting. Might certainly be worth it. I'm not super fond of gremlins so I guess that's why I never thought of it. 

Who would you consider taking him with?


Well I rarely have used any mercs, I have only now started using Bishop as a merc. But I would really like to try out Burt in a couple of crews, especially because of Crackerjack Timing. If that goes through, it can be devastating.

Do you feel that paying 8ss for mainly getting Cracker Jack Timing is too much, or do you account for his other abilities too?

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Ezyryder: I think the first point would be Crackerjack Timing. Then all the other things he brings are just a really nice bonus to that. He can be quite durable and do some serious damage at least on paper. 8ss, not sure is that too much though and who would I leave out. That's why I want to try him out. The Vikkies being an obvious choice as to me they don't really care who they run with and Crackerjack can be really devastating with them.

the real question is who is taking Gracie as a merc?! I brought her once in a Tara crew. Tara delivery a gracie into your opponents face is fun. specially when she pops out and then gets two activations!

Oh right. She's a mercenary. Completely forgot about that. I need to start looking something up.

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MasterDisaster, why would you feel hesitant to pay an extra stone for Burt (besides ideological reasons)? Since, for instance, I don't think that the Librarian is particularly good outside of Outcasts. They are fine at 7ss, but 8ss and loosing a lot of their healing powers makes them a questionable hire for me. I would also have some problem with paying 9ss for Sue. While I would paying 8ss for Burt under the right circumstances doesn't seem that far fetched to me.


My point being, we apparently have different views on what is worth to pay extra for, and what does that come down to?


Too be honest with you given the crews I play I can only really see Burt being at all useful with Sonnia and even then if I'm in the market for some out of faction help I'll be reaching for the FK Specialist before Burt. I'd feel quite comfortable paying 9ss for Sue in another crew if I really needed some anti-magic protection and a badass gunslinger (who wasn't a Convict Gunslinger). As for the FK Librarian the only crews I tend to hire her for that aren't Outcast are Resser Tara and 10T Misaki because they are still technically Outcasts even when using their alt factions so she does have uses. Also a Furiously Casting model is always useful against Kirai and other Incorporeal heavy crews. 


I think it just comes down to a personal preference and personally I'm not a fan of Gremlins which is probably a dominant factor in why I've not fielded him. I have been tempted to try out Burt and Gracie with a few crews so perhaps one day.... perhaps. I'll maybe give Burt a try one day but when I have access to Hans, Bishop (AKA King Badass) and, Lazarus, Killjoy and all the other awesome Mercs in the Outcast faction I can't see myself reaching for the little green buggers too often.... Although I can see Lazarus and Burt having some fun together with Crackerjack Timing  :D


Whilst we are on the topic of Mercs. Are there any other Out of Faction Mercs you'd consider using. Oiran or Performers for example, I've used the Oiran a few times with my Viks with fairly decent success. The Viks aren't hungry for  :crow so they can be saved for the Oiran's Lure which can be useful in setting up some nasty Whirlwind Bombs. 

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Whilst we are on the topic of Mercs. Are there any other Out of Faction Mercs you'd consider using. Oiran or Performers for example, I've used the Oiran a few times with my Viks with fairly decent success. The Viks aren't hungry for  :crow so they can be saved for the Oiran's Lure which can be useful in setting up some nasty Whirlwind Bombs. 


Performer is a model I think every McMourning player should look into, and other masters that can sport some Poison synergy or simply likes "Don't Mind Me". For 6ss, they are a bargain.


Oiran out of faction for 6ss... Colette can use them a fair bit I think, Pandora too for the extra WP. The price seems a little steep, but for the Viks and other crews that doesn't need crows they can surely be useful. They are still cast 8 :P

McTavish is great even without Swampfiends around. A versatile henchman. 


Can't think of any other out of faction mercs to be honest.

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The Mercs available currently are as follows


Ama No Zako - 10T / Outcast

Bishop - Outcast

Burt Jebson - Gremlins

Convict Gunslinger - Outcast

Desperate Mercenary - Outcast

FK Librarian - Outcast

FK Specialist - Outcast

FK Trapper - Outcast

Freikorpsmann - Outcast

Gracie - Gremlins

Hannah - Outcast

Hans - Outcast

Hog Whisperer - Gremlins

Johan - Outcast

Killjoy - Outcast

Malifaux Child - Outcast

McTavish - Gremlins

Oiran - 10T

Performer - Arcanists

Ronin - Outcast

Strongarm Suit - Outcast

Student of Conflict - Outcast

Sue - Outcast

Taelor - Outcast

Torakage - 10T (Always forget these guys are Mercs!)


So given that list (may have forgotten one or two) there aren't really that many Merc who aren't Outcast. Most of them have limited uses outside of their faction. Burt, Performers and Oiran seem to be some of the more versatile Mercs outside of their faction when it comes to non-Outcast Mercs but they still seem to be vastly outshone bu the Outcats Mercs based on this list. 

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He's just pretending. He's a pacifist! He always tries to play a settle game where we both just deliver a message and agree to a tie in the "turf understanding" area.


Not quite what I had in mind when you smashed my Lilith crew with that horrible Ramos crew of yours! Langston = Filth... period!

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