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The wrong stuff (who's the worst)


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Hi I have a question for everyone. I'm wanting to get a new crew but don't want to but bringing a crew to games day and find that I'm the sixth or seventh person to bring that crew/ master to play that day. So what are the least used/ worst crew/masters in the game today? Why aren't they used in your opinion? Plus what are the most over used crew/ master to so I can get an idea whats getting used in other areas? In my area I mainly seeing lilith, pandora, lady j, and the Viks

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Most overused, in my experience: the Dreamer and Nicodem.

Least common: Zoraida, Mei Feng, and basically any Master that hasn't had a plastic box set released yet (especially Gremlins).

However, that's nothing to do with how powerful the Masters are, just meta preference. Every Master is scary powerful now.

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Really depends on your FLGS.


In mine for instance we have roughly: 

2 Neverborn (Lilith, Dreamer, Collodi)

1 Ten thunders / Outcast  (mei feng, Viks, Von Shill) 

1 Ten Thunders 

1 Guild / Gremlin (Sonnia, Lady Justice, Lucius, McMourning, Som'er) 

1 Guild (Sonnia, Lady Justice)

2 Resser (Seamus)

2 Outcast (Von Shill, Tara)

1 Arcanist (Rasputinia)  

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Least used are very likely those that haven't been available due to limited release, such as Tara, not yet release, such as Ironsides, or that have been hard to get because the metal sets are basically gone and the plastics aren't available yet.    


I'm still pretty new, but I would say that the only "bad" masters are the ones you don't enjoy playing.  From what I have seen every master has a fan club out there and they can all be played successfully.  But they do have different play styles.  Some command from the rear while others charge in.  Some are straight up shooty and others are more scheming.  


If you prefer one play style but pick a master with a different play style you are going to hate them (and likely lose a lot).  


I read a lot on these forums, but it wasn't until I sat down and read through the descriptions of the masters in the large rule books that I really found the first master that appealed to me.  

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At the moment I'm running Viks but want to get a new crew in the new year (I haven't found anywhere that tells me the release schedule but hopefully more will be out by then) I was thinking lynch, hamlin, or collodi but for all of them people have said they get over uesd or are over powered

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None of those Masters are overpowered, though Lynch is very widely used because he's pretty straightforward and has some neat tricks (he's the third most common Master I saw on my recent trip around the US, after Dreamer and Nicodem). Hamelin and Collodi used to be a bit OP last edition, but they're on par with everyone else now. You won't see them widely played as yet because they don't have plastic crews.

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From what I've seen the most used crews tend to be the "prettiest" ones. Especially Viks, Lady Justice, Pandora, etc. or "cheese" like Leveticus or Dreamer. This question is very meta dependent though and it would be different depending on game group, for sure. If you play against power gamers you might not see a pretty crew at all (unlikely).

Malifaux is not widely played where I live but I get the impression that not too many people play Gremlins or the "tricky" masters that are difficult or unforgiving to play.

I am actually interested in crew demographics as well but mostly to know which crews to focus on having a really good understanding of (the opponents I am most likely to face).

The "worst" might just be the "simplest" crews because they are narrow in scope (whichever crews are easiest to counter if you want to think of it that way). Basically - "If my opponent knows exactly what crew and which models I have - what crew composition will I still be most likey to be most successful with?" is what I consider to be the determining factor of which crews are "better or worse" than others.

Blah blah blah... All things considered I'd say go with Jack Daw. We need more Dawheads ;)

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I can see where the OP is coming from. Nothing like showing up with your freshly painted brand new crew and see 3 other people pulling out the same crew. Thing is, the answer can't be found here. If is going to be based on your local meta. For my area, non of the wave 2 masters have really been seen, no gremlin, little Arcanist. So it varies area to area.

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Well quite a few of my mates picked up guild boxes perdita lady j and sonnia. After that we had one guy start ressers expanded into ten thunders through yan lo and is basically a magpie who seems to want everything. I picked up kaeris and no-one else has bought her crew yet although one of the guys has started building his own. One of the others does his best not to buy anything and has probably tried more masters than anyone else mostly using proxies.

Collodi like a lot of masters seems really horrible first time you play against him but once youve seen his tricks youll work out a way to counter him.

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