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Misaki as Outcast

scarlett fever

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Outcast Misaki isn't that much different from 10T Misaki. She tends to let her crew do their own thing as she's not really a support Master. Typically if you use Viktoria's mentality when forming your crew you can't go far wrong. What I mean by this is the generic non-master affiliated Mercs such as Bishop, Taelor, Johan, Ronin, Sue, Convict Gunslingers, Hans etc. These guys are pretty awesome in any crew and generally get the job done pretty well.


Additionally the Freikorps have some great options as they often require little to no support however when they do get support they shine! I'd recommend the Trapper and Librarian from personal experiences however if you want some heavy lifting done then Lazarus and the Strongarm Suit are the guys to go see.


Just because she is declaring Outcasts doesn't mean she should neglect her 10T friends, Ototo is a fairly good henchman although I wouldn't bother with him too much in Outcasts, there are better options such as Taelor and Alyce. Torakage are solid minions and are great at running schemes so they are always a good bet. For Misaki Shang is probably the best Totem to go with purely because the other options don't offer her much (Exception being Student of Conflict but it's debatable), Shang is cheap, offers healing (which works amazingly with the Survivalist upgrade) and gives you Rush of Magic which is a great. 


I cant't say I've played with Leve but I go to Misaki all the time when I want a good fun game, killing schemes are her specialty and with a crew of hardened mercs at her back you should be able to achieve those sorts of schemes quite happily. Both she and the Torakage are really quite fast as well so anything that involves movement to get around the board is a good bet (Breakthrough, Entourage, Power Ritual etc). 


All in all Misaki as an Outcast functions pretty much the same way as her 10T version however she has access to all the mercs the Outcasts can offer at a discounted price and a slightly different set of generic upgrades. Oathkeeper is a great upgrade to replace Recalled Training, Survivalist is a great replacement for Misdirection and you can still take Stalking Bisento / Disguised. If you enjoy Misaki as 10T then play her as an Outcast, you'll be pleasantly surprised. 

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Having played against both, TT Misaki and Outcast Misaki, and I must say that the TT one was a lot scarier. TT seems to have a much wider hiring pool - especially at the lower end of the price range and in the Henchman department as well as access to better Upgrades. But that is just from the other side of the fence.

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Cheers guys.

Sounds like swapping in Ronin, Gunslingers and Taelor might be a good place to start experimenting. Along with her Blossom friends, though I usually only use Torakage now. I do like the look of Alyce. Main differences I'm noticing on first glance is more access to armor debuffs(yay) and less healing/pushes. Librarian looks pretty solid, heal other and a decent Ca attack, that Ca attack could make her worth taking as a merc in Thunders.

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 Librarian looks pretty solid, heal other and a decent Ca attack, that Ca attack could make her worth taking as a merc in Thunders.


Oh she is! Bear in mind the Librarian's heal states you can only use it once unless your Master is an Outcast. Well even if Misaki declares 10T as her faction for the crew she is still also an Outcast so Merc Librarians working with Misaki and her 10T bro's will still be able to use Healing Energies twice. The same applies to Tara if she is running a Resser crew. 

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Today I just played my first two games ever with Misaki, almost purely Outcast. I own the old metal Misaki, and have had her painted on the shelf for years, so it was time to at least try her once!

In my first game, Reckoning vs Lilith, my Crew was formed by Shang, Hannah, Librarian, Sue, Strong Arm Suit and 1 Ronin. Misaki fully killed Nekima in 1 activation (4 Attacks thanks to Stalking Bisento), and on the other side of the table Hannah kept Lilith out of the game by burying her turns 3-5.

On the second game, I had Shang, Hannah, Trapper, Librarían, Yamakizo and Johanna, fighting a Turf War vs Marcus. This time Yamakizo disturbed my opponent's Crew mostly thanks to her Braced Yari, but she also managed to put a lot of damage with Blasts. When she died othe third turn, Hannah took her place and survived 1 cerberus, Cojo, 2 Raptors, Jackalope and Márcus for 2 turns, with some great backup healing from the librarian. Thanks mostly to a lot of Blasts, I managed to kill all the beasts, including Marcus by the end of the game.

This time, Hannah was again the star of the show (I bought for her Ancient Tomes and I pay Better on both games), and Shang was only needed to heal Misaki once, but it was absolutely worth if only for Rush of Magic, as it was great to be able to draw 8 Cards, keeping 7, all the time by having those 2 on the table both games.

I only bought Stalking Bisento (which I find almost autoinclude), and sUrvivalist for Misaki, but I wished I had bought the Cutpurse Upgrade at least on the second game.

I should have to play her a few more times, but I actually enjoyed her a lot!

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I only bought Stalking Bisento (which I find almost autoinclude), and sUrvivalist for Misaki, but I wished I had bought the Cutpurse Upgrade at least on the second game.


Seriously? Cut Purse? I've never even entertained the idea of taking that upgrade. I often go with Stalking Bisento, Survivalist and Oathkeeper. However I did have a piss around game a while back and took the following... See if you can figure out why  ;)


Misaki -- 6 Pool
 +Disguise [2]
 +Oath Keeper [1]
 +Survivalist [1]
Shang [3]
Oiran [5]
Oiran [5]
Oiran [5]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
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Seriously? Cut Purse? I've never even entertained the idea of taking that upgrade. I often go with Stalking Bisento, Survivalist and Oathkeeper. However I did have a piss around game a while back and took the following... See if you can figure out why  ;)


Misaki -- 6 Pool
 +Disguise [2]
 +Oath Keeper [1]
 +Survivalist [1]
Shang [3]
Oiran [5]
Oiran [5]
Oiran [5]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]
Ronin [6]



How did your opponent find not being to charge anything but your totem?

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How did your opponent find not being to charge anything but your totem?


He was pretty miffed to be honest! He decided to walk up to Misaki in an attempt to take her out and every time he did with a model that caused a serious threat to her I just used Deadly Dance to make them push away again, if not I'd Misdirect the attack onto a Oiran / Ronin. He wasn't particularly happy with my "fun list". That was only because he didn't find it particularly fun though  :D

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Was their melee range greater than 2? They walk you push away. And if all else fails down burst like a champ.


He didn't have any Rng 3 Ml attacks in the crew so I was laughing, he was mainly trying to send his Ml Rng 1 & 2 guys at Misaki but she just pushed away or charged somebody else to get away then used Next Target to re-position. It's never going to win any tournaments that list but it's pretty fun to play with after 4-5 beers and a few shots.  ;)

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