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Questions about rules, releases, and old models.

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So I recently bought the rule book and Misaki and Rasputina crews boxes. While I was reading and painting the crews I gave in an ordered Collodis old 1sr edition crew box (and the neverborn arsenal deck for him) since he was my favorite and I didnt want to wait until his plastic came out.


Now I was wondering if anyone knows around when his plastic will come out (or Jack Daws?) since hes who I want the most and after getting the 2 new crew boxes I have to say the old one pales in comparison. They dont paint as well (im not the best at painting) they dont base well (almost none fit the little slit and the go too far in so the make the base wobbly). Whats the best way to handle these? Sorry if this sound negative I still think Collodi is super cool looking its just looking at the 2E models vs the 1E is such a leap forward that I cant wait to see how much better he looks.


Finally a rules question...  You can only use a (0) ability once per activation. I assume thats onle ONE (0) ability regardless of how many the character has and not each (0) ability once. Correct?


PS - I realize there is no release dates for Collodi or Jack Daw. I was just wondering if people have any sort of idea. Im new and havent been around for any releases. Is it a matter of weeks? Months? Years? Is there any order?

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There is no information on the Release dates of any of the crews to be coming out. We can make some extrapolations though. More than likely the crews that were available at Gen Con will be available before those that weren't. But as to when that will be, there is no information. The order they release in is most likely as crews are ready. Slots on the manufacturing machines have to be booked in advance, which requires final art approval, and all the other steps in the design process for a crew to be finished. So while people can perhaps make guesses, its all darts thrown in the dark. Only Wyrd employees involved in the manufacture and distribution end of the company would have any definite knowledge, and they don't spill the beans.


Now, one ray of hope you might have, Wyrd has done a black friday and birthday sale in the past, where special limited editions, and pre-release crews can be bought. So there could be a chance one of those crews *MIGHT* be for sale at those times, but again its all entrail reading.


As to your rules question. You are correct you may only use a single (0) action per model, no matter how many they have. There is at least one exception, if the model has the Trait Instinctual they may take two (0) actions each turn as long as those (0) are different. Lilith can get instinctual through an upgrade, as can Molly if you need to read such a rule. In edition 1.5 there was additionally a rule that would let you take two (0) actions a turn regardless if they were the same or not, but off the top of my head I don't remember if any models in 2.0 have such a rule.


Hope that helps.

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With regards to Basing metal models.

If you want to base in the slot on  the base, you can add extra material to the slot if it is too wide. You might also need to trim the wedge down in size for some models.

I would then suggest covering up the gapos in the slot if you want to paint the base.

If you want to base them on other bases, then one of the easiest ways is to cut the slot on the model down into a plug shape, and drill a hole in the base you want to add it to that is the same size as the plug.

Alternatly you can remove the slot entiely, and either just use super glue (works on models with a lareg surface area) or pin and superglue. Pinnign ionvolves drillign a small hoel into the model and the base, and usign a thin strip of wire to attach both bits. It makes the joint much stonger (I do it on some plastic joints as well, but only ones that take a real battering). Paper clips or Staples make good pins, but this is hard to do on small models.


Otherwise, wait till the plastics are released. They probably have another 14 months of releasing until everything so far is released. We don't know where any particular model or crew is on this schedule, except there were 6 (?) crew boxes pre-released at Gencon, that should be out by christmas. My count is there are a further 14 Crew boxes as well as lots of individual blister packs.

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To solve the problem with a too thin tab to fit snugly into the base slot, here's a very good, very simple tip: use the packing foam.

Take a small bit, place it over the slot and then push the tab (after putting some glue on it) into the slot. Superglue hardens the foam and it's very easy to cut the extra off with a knife after it has dried. As a bonus, the join is going to be really durable.

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