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viks, turf war, close deployment


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With Arcanists? Rasputina is by far Viktoria's worst matchup (I mean, she's basically everyone's worst matchup, but fragile melee killers in particular hate exploding minions, paralysis, pushes out of melee and end-activation-after-damaging triggers). Lay waste with December's Curse, throw Gamin into the enemy to slow them down. If they've taken Vanessa or a Librarian, that's your priority target. Standard anti-Viktoria tactics apply.

I'd give her the new upgrade for :+fate on initiative, too - Viktoria hates losing initiative.

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Turf War Close Deployment aactually evens the odds a bit in my oppinion. Since now you can reach her as easily as she can reach you.


Although Turfwar plays right into the Viks Whirlwind trigger. Generally I´d try to go first and either hit them hard and fast (they only have 7wounds) or try to paralyze them somehow. 


Then again my track record agaisnt viks isnt stellar

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Mei Feng can jump into them nice and early and start pummeling the crap out of them with her crazy kung-fu combo's. I've had a rough time against Mei in the past with my Viks. If the Viks get to her first then it's pretty much all over but if Mei get's in first then the same is true for the Viks. The Viks also don't like a Rail Golem charging them with a nice supply of Burning to use with Locomotion. 

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Hmm I don't really like such coin-flip situations. But at least it's a weighted coin if you've got seize the day.

Yeah the rail golem could do well. Although with close it might not have that much burning when things get rough. I guess howard with imbued energies will always be scary, especially if you can wrest initiative from them.

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Ramos wouldn't be my first choice - he tends to run a lot of armour which a Shez'uul Blood Vik will go through like a blender (Ronin love it too). However, Howard or Miss Step with Imbued Energies will absolutely make the Viks pause for thought - the range and killing potential on that model is seriously bad news. It will (should) be their top kill priority, which means you can place it so as to create an advantageous position from its death, or leave it behind your lines for a counter-assault. (Of course, any Arcanist can run Howard, so it's not Ramos-specific, other than - if I'm not mistaken - Ramos' totem can Reactivate that monstrosity.)

Basically, you can win this fight with anyone - it's all about forcing the Viks into bad positions. Turf War only requires two models to be within 6" of the centre. That's a vast area, so don't clump up. Take at least two heavy hitters (one of these may be your Master, like Marcus) - a solid tactic is to leave them separated but in mutual charge range as juicy bait. When the Viks kill one, counter-punch with the other. If the Viks don't take the bait, that's awesome for you - do whatever you want.

Finally, don't let the Viks out-activate you if you can help it. Arcanists have the best selection of 4ss minions of any Faction - a cheap swarm with a few chunky brawlers is a nice way to build your crew. Summoning from Ramos or the Mechanical Rider can help out here. If they've taken something cheesy like Rathnard's rat swarm nonsense, be prepared to throw sacrifices at the Viks when you see them gearing up to charge.

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And they will have that when they hear Arcanists.


Yup! If they don't then they deserve to die! It's pretty much a compulsory upgrade as soon as Ressers or Arcanists is declared. Having Blood Vik with Oathkeeper and Mark of Shez'ull is just plain nasty. Throw in some extra Sister buffs and there isn't much that will be left standing. Of course she melts like butter in the midday sun when the pain comes her way but as Viks players we tend to expect that  :D

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Raspy seems like the best option in that set up. I wouldn't bet on that Mei Feng can stand against the Vicks in close combat, at all. Ramos might be pretty good actually, if Make Them Suffer is not around. He can block charge lanes with summoned spiders whom also will put the Vicks defence down a notch or two (I haven't tried this with Ramos, but it worked with Hamelin and a bunch of rats).

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Raspy seems like the best option in that set up. I wouldn't bet on that Mei Feng can stand against the Vicks in close combat, at all. Ramos might be pretty good actually, if Make Them Suffer is not around. He can block charge lanes with summoned spiders whom also will put the Vicks defence down a notch or two (I haven't tried this with Ramos, but it worked with Hamelin and a bunch of rats).


Agreed, Raspy seems to be the best bet really. Mei Feng can put the hurt on the Viks however trying to beat them at their own game can often end in failure. They are probably one of if not the best Melee Masters in the game although LJ, Lilith and arguably Marcus are also very strong contenders. Melee is all the Viks do (bar a measly gun I don't think I've ever used!). They hate ranged firepower and often lack and decent method of dodging it bar cover. Raspy's Ice Mirrors can often help get around that so Raspy Blasty Fun Times is the way forward I think. 

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Ironsides, Imbued Protection, Iron Determination, Warding Runes (and bring the weird one that gives you  :+fate  against enemy leader attacks)


Bring a full complament of stones, and stone for books and heal flips. Use Silent ones to heal up inbetween barrages if you can. Every attack is an opportunity to do 1/3 of the health back to them. 

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Yes, definitely. If she doesn't die quickly enough, though, "Good Shot, My Turn" is not fun for a Viktoria.


Nah, Ironsides would be dead after an onslaught like that, in my mind there's little question in it. 
Viktoria of Ashes 
 +Sisters in Fury
 +Sisters in Spirit
 +Synchronized Slaying 
Viktoria of Blood
 +Mark of Shez'uul
 +Oath Keeper
The above is a fairly common setup for the Viks. There isn't much that can take 4 attacks from the Blood Vik who hits reliably and often with a Min Damage of 5 Ignoring pretty much every form of defensive ability. Ash Vik sets up Blood nicely using Sisters in Spirit, buffs the crap out of her with Sisters in Battle and Sisters in Fury. Blood Vik then thoroughly buffed drops her Oathkeeper, Activates the Lonely Path and runs in to utterly destroy everything in her wake which wont be too hard considering she has a horrendous 10" threat range whilst packing 5/6/8 Dmg track that comes with  :+fate  :+fate to both Attack and Damage AND can use SS for the Whirlwind Trigger over the course of 4 attacks ALL ignoring Armour, HtK, HtW and Incorporeal.... Ironsides be dead *nods*  :D
(I'll now wait for zFiend to call out filth... he hates the Viks  ;))
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