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War Pig, Pigletts and other Pig Melee triggers outside of activations.



Hey guys just a quick one.


This came up during a game with a mate the other day. I was playing a Ulix crew and had just "Shot in the rear" a Warpig in which he charged into melee.


My question is in relation to the War Pig, Piglett and Wild Boar Stampede triggres.


The trigger (which must be declared) states that a War Pig, Piglett, whatever, must suffer one damage and charge the closest legal non-pig target. This trigger can only be declared once per activation.


So, My question is. Since the War Pig is acting outside if its activation, can I declare multiple stampede's assuming I have to correct suit for the trigger?





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No, once per activation includes other models activations.


Hmmm.. but the tirgger specifically states that you can only declare stampede once during the War Pigs activation. It mentions nothing in regards to other models activations.


Could you please provide a rule or page reference that specifically states that?





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From the FAQ,


Q: Could you break down when “One per Activation” Actions can and cannot be used?
A: Sure. If the Action has already been taken during the current Activation, then it may not be taken again. If the Action has not been taken yet during the current Activation, then it may be taken
It says this model may only declare this trigger once per activation, even if its made outside its activation its still that model declaring the trigger.
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Hmmm.. but the tirgger specifically states that you can only declare stampede once during the War Pigs activation. It mentions nothing in regards to other models activations.

Stampede doesn't explicitly state whose activation it is referring to, so for the limitation to do anything it would have to be the current activation, whoever it may belong to.

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The war pig is acting in an activation. Just because it isn't its activation it doesn't change its rules.

It is allowed to declare the trigger once in each models activation, so once during Ulix activation. After it has done it once during Ulix' activation it can't declare it again until it is another models activation.

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As it is "per Activation," and not "per Turn," (such as Mr. Graves' Show Ya The Door) I would allow it.



This is the incorrect way to play it though... Once per turn has nothing to dowith it.


The war pig is acting in an activation. Just because it isn't its activation it doesn't change its rules.

It is allowed to declare the trigger once in each models activation, so once during Ulix activation. After it has done it once during Ulix' activation it can't declare it again until it is another models activation.



This is correct, it is once per Activation, regardless of who's activation it is...

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I would agree with Ausplosions here.  If it was Once per turn, it would be once per turn.  If another model could obey the pig, that is  a separate activation from the pig and could declare the trigger (if able).

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