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Colette - any artwork


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Has there been any news on when the new Colette crew will be out?


None. She wasn't one of the Gencon crews (in fact, there were no Arcanists). From experience, that means she isn't likely to come out before December, although she could be pre-published on Black Friday. Who knows? All guesswork for now.

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Google says: BF 2014


I had no idea such a thing exists until I started Malifaux. Crazy concept.


Usually, on Black Friday, Wyrd hosts a special sale. It's impossible to say what they are selling this year, as it usually depends on what they have laying around in the warehouse and what models are ready for an early sale. Last year, some crews were available that didn't come out until January to March. Which doesn't tell us anything about the Colette crew, really.

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When ia the next Black Friday?

 Last Friday in November, just after U.S. Thanksgiving.


Not to resurrect a topic, but I don't mind if there is a delay on Colette's crew if it means we get a different design from her current artwork in Crossroads.  You know, something that actually says magician and not generic steampunk (I still can't get over those goggles).  





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Wyrd is fond of making questionable decisions and not detailing why said decisions were made - which is perfectly within their rights as a company and they still provide a decent amount of insight compared to some competitors for hobbyist dollars.


Thing is, whether they use the new Colette artwork as a miniature or not, people are still going to buy her box set.  I don't think any of the plastic crew boxes (or models within them) have been so despised that they just rot on the shelves of LGSs the world over - that's about the only thing that I can think that would warrant a full redo.


However, things to consider:

1) There was very different art for Lord Chompy Bits in some of the earlier M2E stuff - ultimately he went back to a look matching his Nightmare edition.

2) Zoraida, Von Schill, Samael, and a few others got model releases that were derived from artwork not seen in the book.

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