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1 Year. 1 Master.


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While many masters can certainly get Killjoy in the back field, only Molly and Tara can do it to the level that unless you kill said master, you cannot really stop it from happening. And Only Molly and Kirai have the best ability to really capitalize on sending him in by being able to give him an extra AP, and to have him activate right after the pop.


For those that don't know, here is one way Molly can do it.


1) Set up Madam Sybelle on the edge of the deployment zone, with Molly no more than 2" behind her (Assuming you are using Standard Deployment: 6" from Board edge)


2) Madam Sybelle double walks and ends up 10" up field, and then utilizes Call Belle to place Molly in Base to base in front of her. ( 6" + 10" + 1-ish" [Molly's base size] = 17" from Board Edge.


3) Molly Double walks up for 10 additional inches up the field and then:

    3a) summons the Necrotic machine away from all enemies, but just under 6" away so that Killjoy pops out within 6" of Molly (This net effects 27" + 6" for the place which equals 32" Plus Killjoy's 50mm base + his 2" melee range.) Placing Killjoy this close not only allows Molly to give Killjoy a 1AP action, but also lets her Accomplice, and allows Killjoy to activate immediately after Molly. This is especially good if you don't have to double walk, and can tap Killjoys target with Molly's negative twist debuff.


    3b) Summons the necrotic machine just under 10" away from all enemies, allowing Killjoy to place so he is within 10". This allows Molly to still give him the extra 1 AP action, but she won't be able to accomplice him. Net effect of +37" + 50mm base + 2" threat range from Killjoy's melee range =  no where on the board you can hide from Molly tossing Killjoy at you.



There are a lot of variants you can do, but this is the main structure many of them are built on.

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Hmm, i'm swinging round to maybe the eminently more sensible option of sticking to a faction for 12 months. I have Lilith and Pandora but i'm not sure outside of those two i'm digging Neverborn. I also have Misaki/McCabe so maybe there is legs in that. However i want a painting challenge too so at the moment i'm leaning towards making 2015 the year of the resser. All the Wave 1 masters look a) great to paint and B) fun to play with a lot of models being fairly interchangeable between masters. I can't shake the desire for a Seamus crew at the moment. Still, i have some time before the year is out....the kicker could be what's available in the black friday sale. 8)

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I could never play a single crew for a year - buuuuut...

The powergamer in me says von Schill (so that I would almost never be at a terrible disadvantage + bonus points for cool factor).

The sensible gamer in me says Leveticus (large pool, more interesting, and really dominating game potential).

Stick with one faction for a year is a way better idea and totally feasible - it would be Outcasts (if purely competitive) or Gremlins (I always have the most fun playing them).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, as this game is all about fate it seems that i've traded my McCabe set for a Lynch set. Looking at the more sensible options, it seems that with 3 painted Neverborn crews and various other bits and pieces for the faction, 2015 is going to be year of the Neverborn for gaming purposes.


Thanks for all the advice, it's been worthwhile (seems like i should avoid Molly if nothing else)...8)

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