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Desolate soul - leve vs rusty



The desolate soul upgrade, which allows the summoning of abominations from shooting attacks.

It states on the upgrade that it has the restriction "leveticus OR Rusty Alyce" however it does not say rare 1 like all the other cards (see mcmorning upgrades for example)

So can leve and rusty both take it in the same crew, or is it one OR the other?

Compiling this problem is that the wave 2 arsenal deck only has 1 desolate souls upgrade card.... If they could both take it in a crew wouldn't there be 2 cards?

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Well rule book says


Upgrade cards follow these restrictions:
•A model may only have Upgrades of the Crew's declared Faction, regardless of the model's faction.
•A model may not purchase more than one Upgrade with the same name.
•A model may only purchase one Upgrade with the Limited Restriction.
•A Crew may not have the same Upgrade more times than the Upgrade's Rare Restriction Value.
•Models must meet all other Restrictions (such as Name or specific Crew Leader) of an Upgrade.


So if it is not rare 1 then yes it can be taken by both.

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Well rule book says


Models must meet all other Restrictions (such as Name or specific Crew Leader) of an Upgrade.


So if it is not rare 1 then yes it can be taken by both.

Once it's been taken it meets the restriction of Levi OR Alyce.  It can't meet this restriction again.  There are several upgrades like this (McMourning or Seb and Seamus or Sybelle for example) and it's pretty clear that they can't be taken by both.

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Once it's been taken it meets the restriction of Levi OR Alyce.  It can't meet this restriction again.  There are several upgrades like this (McMourning or Seb and Seamus or Sybelle for example) and it's pretty clear that they can't be taken by both.

But those other OR-type upgrades specify that they are Rare 1. This one doesn't.
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Once it's been taken it meets the restriction of Levi OR Alyce. It can't meet this restriction again. There are several upgrades like this (McMourning or Seb and Seamus or Sybelle for example) and it's pretty clear that they can't be taken by both.

I understand the reasoning behind this for sure. But I think it should have Rare 1 if it's supposed to be Rare 1.

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Once it's been taken it meets the restriction of Levi OR Alyce.  It can't meet this restriction again.  There are several upgrades like this (McMourning or Seb and Seamus or Sybelle for example) and it's pretty clear that they can't be taken by both.

Did you know that shenlong and sensei Yu can both purchase the same style since again they are not rare 1?

Try are limited but not rare one so both can purchase them since they have met the requirements. (Being sensei Yu or Shenlong and they don't have another limited upgrade.

Thinking it should be rare 1 for desolate soul is fine, but it's not therefore rusty and Levi can both take the upgrade.

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I understand the reasoning behind this for sure. But I think it should have Rare 1 if it's supposed to be Rare 1.

Agreed, it does seem that it's something that's been missed off (unless the intention was for them both to be able to have it but then it would have been included in the decks twice I guess).  I was sure that the Seb/McMourning and Seamus/Sybelle also didn't have Rare 1 on them but I don't have them with me to check.

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Agreed, it does seem that it's something that's been missed off (unless the intention was for them both to be able to have it but then it would have been included in the decks twice I guess). I was sure that the Seb/McMourning and Seamus/Sybelle also didn't have Rare 1 on them but I don't have them with me to check.

Unknowable Pain has Rare 1. If I remember correctly Not too banged up has it as well.

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Unknowable Pain has Rare 1. If I remember correctly Not too banged up has it as well.

I'm sure they do (and wasn't trying to claim that Math was wrong if that's how it had come across), I was just sure that they didn't!  Probably because as I flick through them I see the Seb or McMourning and automatically assume that it could only be carried by one of them (as Rare 1 would indicate).


Surely the best way for this to be cleared up is for Wyrd to release a new plastic Levi box for us and we can see how many of the upgrade come in the box (ok, so the FAQ might be more practical but I like my suggestion more!)

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