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GenCon 2014 Tournament Results


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Sincere apologies for how long this took to get to you. I can only thank everyone for being patient while I got my world sorted out for the last month.


The Hanging Tree

Avatar Qualifier 1

Rank Player Name         Faction             TPS  Diff VPs  
1    Mason Crawford      Outcasts            9    7    18   
2    Joe Deheve          Neverborn           7    16   24   
3    Dean Bilz           Outcasts            7    14   24   
4    Michael Foreman     Arcanists           7    6    20   
5    David Blewett       Resurrectionists    7    5    21   
6    Jay Adams           Neverborn           6    9    18   
7    Tim Myers           Guild               6    6    21   
8    Wiktor Szafranski   Resurrectionists    6    4    18   
9    Christopher Gorham  Outcasts            6    2    13   
10   Matt Stanley        Resurrectionists    6    0    18   
11   Mike Guy            Neverborn           6    -4   17   
12   Brian Schlottman    Resurrectionists    3    5    20   
13   Duncan Bilz         Neverborn           3    -1   19   
14   Tim Myer            Resurrectionists    3    -3   17   
15   Mark Handford       Neverborn           3    -3   13   
16   Joshua Pavlisko     Gremlins            3    -4   18   
17   Shawn Gleason       Neverborn           3    -5   9    
18   Adam Helbling       Resurrectionists    3    -6   10   
19   Patrick Wallen      Guild               3    -9   14   
20   Raul Lima           Neverborn           0    -8   13   
21   Shawn Spalti        Arcanists           0    -14  9    
22   Matthew Brubaker    Outcasts            0    -17  3    

The Governor's Mansion

Avatar Qualifier 2

Rank Player Name         Faction             TPS  Diff VPs  
1    Christopher Gorham  Outcasts            9    8    20   
2    Duncan Bilz         Neverborn           7    11   30   
3    Nick Hrenda         Arcanists           7    10   27   
4    Cornelius Hugo      Outcasts            6    19   22   
5    Wiktor Szafranski   Resurrectionists    6    4    23   
6    Luke Henry          Resurrectionists    6    4    22   
7    John Hartigan       Neverborn           6    2    23   
8    Joe Deheve          Neverborn           4    -2   10   
9    Matt Stanley        Outcasts            3    2    19   
10   Victoria Hrenda     Outcasts            3    -3   17   
11   Bret Fogel          Arcanists           3    -5   18   
12   Adrian Scott        Outcasts            3    -6   14   
13   James Kroesch       Outcasts            3    -7   17   
14   Dean Bilz           Outcasts            3    -7   14   
15   Anthony Kubisz      Arcanists           1    -12  5    
16   Mark Handford       Neverborn           0    -18  5    
Master of Avatar Finals

Round  Table  Player 1            Faction      TPS  Diff VPs  Player 2            Faction             TPS  Diff VPs  
1      1      Dean Bilz           Outcasts     3    7    9    Mason Crawford      Outcasts            0    -7   2    
1      2      Christopher Gorham  Outcasts     3    8    8    Duncan Bilz         Neverborn           0    -8   0    
1      3      Joe Deheve          Neverborn    3    7    10   Cornelius Hugo      Outcasts            0    -7   3    
1      4      Michael Foreman     Arcanists    0    -1   6    Nick Hrenda         Arcanists           3    1    7    

2      1      Christopher Gorham  Outcasts     0    -5   3    Joe Deheve          Neverborn           3    5    8    
2      2      Dean Bilz           Outcasts     3    7    10   Nick Hrenda         Arcanists           0    -7   3    

3      1      Dean Bilz           Outcasts     3    10   10   Joe Deheve          Neverborn           0    -10  0    
Achievement League

Results for All Turned In

Rank  Player                     Points   # Achievements
1     Matt Stanley               85       39
2     Wiktor Szafranski          83       38
3     Cornelius Hugo             62       35
4     David Ivey                 62       26
5     Nick Wulf                  59       29
6     Mason Crawford             59       26
7     Jim Tullis                 57       26
8     Shawn Gleason              55       30
9     Raul Lima                  51       31
10    Mike Guy                   45       25
11    Theodore Zeilstra          40       11
12    Bill Ris                   38       19
13    Victoria Martini-Rosowicz  37       15
14    Christopher Dick           35       20
15    Patrick Wallen             28       18
16    Adam Rosowicz              28       15
17    Bill Gross                 21       12
Thanks again to everyone who participated. It was such a pleasure and enjoyment for me to do this again.
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Ressers had the highest average differential, TPs, and VPs per player in the Avatar Qualifiers, yet did not crack the top 4 in either one.  They came close (5th in one and 5th and 6th in the other), but couldn't make the cutoff line.


Outcasts and Archanists are the only factions that beat the baseline of advancing players (8 of 38, or 21% of players advancing).  Outcasts hit 36%, Archanists hit 40%, and Neverborn hit 18%.


No Ten Thunders represented.  Only one Gremlin and two Guild.  Eight Ressers, and 11 each of NB and Outcasts.


Seven players played in both tournaments, and all but one used the same faction both times.

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Realising that it would be a difficult task indeed, what with the various strategys and schemes and whatnot during the games, it would still be nice if the people participating in above event would share some wisdom regarding which masters and crews they took, and why. Perhaps there will be an eye-opener or two.

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Realising that it would be a difficult task indeed, what with the various strategys and schemes and whatnot during the games, it would still be nice if the people participating in above event would share some wisdom regarding which masters and crews they took, and why. Perhaps there will be an eye-opener or two.



I can give a vague sort of run down for my choices (I'm Mason from the list above).  If anyone has any other questions (I was basically "Yay Tara!" all weekend, with a brief dip into the Vikis to kill some stuff) just let me know.  :)


For my first game I was up against Neverborn, and I took Tara more because I just like playing with Tara than because of any real synergy with the strategy/schemes (though they certainly weren't terrible for her).  I took the Nothing Beast with Void Shield to serve as a very fast and mobile beater and a handful of Void Wretches. along with two Death Marshals and Lazarus.  Upgrades on Tara were, I believe, Knowledge of Eternity and Eternal Journey.  I was up against Lucius, some Riflemen, and I think a Waldgeist and Doppleganger.  Turn one, Tara used Pull the Void on Lazarus to make him fast, allowing Lazarus to move up late in the turn and Auto Fire into the Riflemen, just devastating them.  The Nothing Beast got into a fight with the Waldgeist and Doppleganger, and managed to bury the Waldgeist for a bit so that it could finish off the Doppleganger.


Second game was Stake a Claim against Kirai, so I took Tara again (thinking that being able to activate twice in a turn would help with the strategy) with similar upgrades as before, along with Taelor, Sue, Bishop (3 AP!) and a void-shielded Nothing Beast.  Taelor was basically the star of the show, as Welcome to Malifaux enabled her to just Ping-Pong around the battlefield smacking ghosts as they popped up.  Sue used Hurt to draw a cards until he died, keeping my opponent's Grave Spirit and Belles from killing my hand and letting his three Flesh Constructs reactivate.  Tara managed to put a bullet into a minion near the edge at the end of the game, stopping Kirai from scoring a full outflank and winning the game.  


Third game was Reckoning with Make Them Suffer, from what I recall, so that meant Viktorias.  Because of the rules of the tournament, we had to announce masters before choosing crews, so when my opponent announced Dreamer, Taelor found her way back into my list, along with a Strongarm Suit, Freikorps Librarian, and some other stuff (Johana, maybe?).  My opponent went with non-summoning Dreamer, mostly trying to horror-lock me with the Widow Weaver, Teddy, and some Insidious Madnesses, with a flanking Nekima for pressure.  I just kept my people together and flipped well on Horror duels for the non-Taelor people that weren't immune.  The Viktorias executed Nekima, and then Taelor's Welcome to Malifaux and Relic Hammer brought down Chompy when he popped out.   The Vikis got in with the Dreamer while the Strongarm went toe-to-toe with Teddy, and when the smoke cleared I ended up ahead. 



In the first round of the finals I played against Icemyn, so I'll just link to his great report here.


It's summoned up best by this line:  "This is a man who doesn't want to lose to Leveticus."  But, he still got me anyways.   :P

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