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I too find Kirai to be a bit on the upper side of the power curve.  I usually only have real success against her when playing something that can cut line of sight against her (think Rasputina, kaeris, Lilith, and Sonnia).  Even then it can be an incredibly hard fight.  Unfortunately the only access we have to something like that in Outcasts that I can think of is Torkage with the Smoke and Shadows upgrade and the Torkage would have to be in the middle of her crew.

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As I spoke with Mike (my opponent) we agreed that the only good solution when playing against Kirai is to put enormous pressure on her as soon as possible. Of course it is easier to say than to do as she can easily be surrounded by her Sheishins and other models. Also sniping her from the distance is a problem (Ikiryo).

Next time I'll try Viks against her - maybe correctly performed slingshot would help :D

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What about running a duel sniper list with 2 trappers a bit removed from the crew.  That way your opponent has to decide between deploying Ikiryo to a wing where she is out of position or take the hits.  With trappers you can even do a focused shot then 0 action push away from Ikiryo.

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It is still trading a 6SS model (Ikiryo ignores Armor!!!) for a potential 2, maybe 3 damage (before the prevention flips). Not very good deal, especially when playing against summoning master.

Plus pushing out of engagement won't help as Ikiryo has 9'' charge.

Maybe sniping her from both Trappers and then sling-shot Pokey might work (possible it would) but your opponent had to be blind not seeing this coming  and do nothing to prevent this happening:D

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To be a bad boy on Friday, or not to be? :D

I'm playing against Colette - Turf War and lots of marker related schemes in the pool (like Plant Explosives and Spring the Trap). My initial plan was to play Hamelin as I have him ready to play, but on the other hand I'm eager to field Viks with Hodgepodge Emissary and hack'n'slash opponent with Pokey. Choices, choices, choices... ;)

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