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Progression of a Wicked Lady


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Greetings all, I haven't been painting mini's for long, but I have enough confidence in my skill to post my work here to see what others think, and to find out what I can do to improve my craft.  So far I have 2 painted factions (one is mine, the other my boyfriends -The Dreamer and Colette respectively-) with others planned for the near future (including commission work from guys at my local game shop)


I'll start off by showing crew pics...


Colette and her showgirls:





My boyfriend wanted them done as Batman Heros and Villians, where the villian's were the dancers and the hero's were the puppets, so this is what I came up with so far.  He is still wanting to get a few more mini's to add to her crew (I can't remember who right now).  Also, I wan't to re-do the bases (this is why the other's don't have anything on their bases) but I'm still thinking of what I want to do with them.  All I know is that on the Batman and Robin Coryphee, I want them to be posing on the bat signal.





The Dreamer and Lord Chompy Bits:





I love everything about The Dreamer.  And I love turning innocent things into terrible nightmare inducing creatures.  One thing I knew was important, NO GLOOMY COLORS!  They had to look bright and cheerful, so that when they to terrifying things, it shocks people even more.  Lord Chompy Bits is War Greymon from Digimon.  Both of the Teddy's are Bedtime Bear and Cheer Bear from Care Bears... beware their Care Bear stare.


As a side note on the Widow Weaver, of my friends was looking at my models and when looking at her he was like -paraphrasing- 'Oh this is nice... oh, uh, that's a gnarly mouth'






So, those are the crew's I have painted, I will post individual pics soon.  Also sorry about the crap photo quality.





Things I'll be working on:

-I'm looking at picking up Rasputina soon, and as soon as Colodi and Zorida have plastic mini's out, I'm going to look into getting them too.

-My boyfriend has C. Hoffman and Ramos primed and ready to be painted.

-Auntie J (a male :P) has commissioned me to paint McMourning's crew to look like heartless' from Kingdom Hearts.

-Kirklin want's me to paint Misaki's crew (which I'm super excited about)

-2 more friends (Nick and Dan) are looking at crews, and are going to commission me to paint them as well.


-And of course I need to work on bases for at least mine and my boyfriend's mini's.



I'm going to be buisy, but at least I'm not going to be board, and it will allow me to hoan my skills.


I'll keep you posted ;)

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I will start going over my Batman rogue's gallery.  I'll be mentioning things about the mini, improvement ideas, ect.


Let's start off with Colette herself




This mini is the reason that her entire crew is Batman themed.  My boyfriend wanted her to be painted like The Joker, to witch I stirred the pot by asking 'what about Cassandra' and that turned into questions about performers and mannequins.  I love her, but now that I have learned how to do finer detail, I want to re-do her stockings so instead of flesh colored, they will be lace.  I also want to give her a new base, the one she is standing on was a metal base I had previously bought.  I'm not sure what to yet.  I will gladly accept feedback.




Next up:  Cassandra



Who better to paint her as than The Joker's right hand woman, Harley Quinn.  She was fun to paint, and turning her sword into a Harley Quinn mallet was a brilliant idea.  Again, I'm going to do a new base for her, just not sure what yet.



Performer 1 - Poison Ivy




The performer's are where we really got the layout for the army's paint scheme.  We decided that since Joker and Harley Quinn were living models, all of the living models in the crew should be villians, and the hero's will be their dolls, their playthings.


The dress she's wearing just screamed Poison Ivy to me (it looked kind of leafy).  I'm probably going to greenstuff some vines or something coming from her outstretched hand, and possibly have her standing on a giant flower (because yet again, I want to re-do her base too)




Performer 2 - Catwoman



It just wouldn't be Batman without Catwoman.  However she seems kind of plain to me.  I might have her posing on a ledge or something.  I was also thinking of doing cat ears, but I don't know.  she could probably do without.  What do you guys think?




I'll also go ahead and throw the mechanical doves down here





I'm trying to figure out how to make this go with the DC theme, but I'm currently drawing blanks.





I didn't realize this was showing so much silver until I was editing the pictures (my boyfriend took the pictures) but I will wait to fix it until I have a base for it.  I'm just positing to show my current progress. I also want to re-do the cards now that I know how to do smaller detail.




I would show you a third Mechanical Dove, but unfortunately we lost it.  So I'm going to take a raven mini I bought at Gencon and paint it up like the doves (small miracles, but now I'm out a raven :P)



That's all for now.  I'll post up the heros (the mannequins and coryphee) later.  I need some sleep, it's 3:30 am -_-


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Hey, Wicked! Welcome to the Forums!


I have to admit... I am SUCH a sucker for a good theme!!! Besides painting in theme, I often compose my army/faction/crew lists for games by basing them on theme, too (and it has often been said that I lose my matches in the Army Composition stage, even before the first die is cast! Hahaha). So, of course, I totally dig the whole DC Universe theme!! :D


I think the colors are amazing, and for the theme, they are dead-accurate!! Absolutely spot on! The only one I didn't recognize right off was Catwoman, because I suppose I always see her in black leather and with the ears. I'm not a dedicated comic book reader, so I'm sure I missed some subtleties, I apologize.


What might also help, as has been pointed out, would be clearer photos. I might be able to suggest some ideas... See in Harley Quinn's photo that she herself is a bit soft, but the word Grizzly on the table behind her is very crisp? That shows that the camera is automatically trying to focus THERE, not on the model. I am guessing that this was a camera phone? In any case, try stepping back from the model a bit and THEN taking the shot. Cameras can only get so close. There is a minimum focal distance for any lens.


Since you're using software to edit them, try shooting from farther away, zooming in, if you can (making sure the focus is still on the model, not the table) and then when you get into the computer, just edit the image by cropping around it and increasing the physical size of the image, making the image larger and cutting out all the unnecessary background. That way, even though you're taking a smaller image of the model itself, you should be able to still bring it up to a decent viewing size and have it crisp, as well. Just experiment a bit, both with the camera and the editing software. You'll find that it's easy. :)


Hope that helps a bit, because I really wanna see all the details of your beautiful crews!!  And get some sleep!!!! :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think you have an interesting theme, but there are some things you could do to improve these beyond improving the photos (which is also important). The trick to getting nice paintjobs is multiple layers of colour to create highlights and shadows. Even if you are aiming for a very 'saturated' colourful cartoony style, you will still need to have these different layers of colour. At the moment, the models look very monochrome and 'flat'. If you have the time and inclination, you can add depth and interest to your models by thining down your paint and then starting at a darker colour in the recesses and working up to brighter colours on the raised areas. If you feel you don't want to do that, then several companies produce washes (Games Workshop's are actually excellent) which are a quick and easy way of shading your models. I noticed some of your models have some metal showing through on them, are you undercoating the minis with a black or white 'primer' as some call it before painting them? You must have an undercoat or the paint will rub off! Never use your paints as they are straight out of the pot, you'll want to thin them a tiny bit with water. It's hard to explain why but you will see the difference. Details will be retained better on the model, the colour will look more variated and the paint won't look chalky. You obviously have a great mind for coming up with original concepts and then seeing them realised on the table and your enthusiasm for the hobby comes through. Also your Poison Ivy model looks pretty cool with the two-tone green paint scheme. I hope you'll take my input as constructive and positive. i like your models and if you're happy with them, ignore everything I've written! All the best to you.



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