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I wanna have a conversation about the Spawn Mother


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Because she's cool. But as far as gameplay goes, she has access to an interesting setup of models including:





Bad Juju

... and all neverborn, really but those are the synergetic ones


Wild Boar

Bayou Gators


What have people done with these things?


I'm typically taking the slimy mistress with Marcus, and I've dabbled with her and Zoraida, but I wanna see her as a leader and haven't had the chance. But there's some cool stuff I've thought of:


Have McTavish plop a Hunting Screen marker down to give everyone cover from EVERYTHING non-melee, Ca actions included. How silly is that? Double cover against range for those with Perfect Camo who haven't activated yet.


Leap a Gupp 4" in front of her and do Juvenile's Wail. Gupp dies, great, SM gets a free charge with a 4/5/7 damage spread and critical strike along with anyone else you have in there (and Juju could potentially come out). If no, wish your opponent luck targeting anything else in your crew for a bit.


Since range is shut down (barring very few workarounds), they're stuck coming to you, and that's when Juju and a non-randomizing McTavish strike. Might be good to have Waldgeists start in the center of the board (via eyes in the woods) as damage soaks and pit stops for the opponent. Gators could be bait for the SM charge that can actually do some significant damage if ignored.


Are there any other models you'd look to taking in the NB faction or mercs?

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I can't wait until she is plastic. I am only playing with models that are released in plastic. To save myself from breaking that vow I am personally not even reading other non-plastic cards except to see what they do. No planning or anything.

I am thinking of it as leveling up in an MMO, and I have not unlocked those pieces yet. But I am a fan of people developing the tactics ahead of time so I do read all of these

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Makes sense. I play a lot of abstract games, and I love heavy, heavy models. I want the opponent to feel the Queen coming down on a square putting him in significant danger. Likewise, I want to be able to throw my Spawn Mother at your pathetic plastic Justice and have her fly across the room. I've even added weights and rocks to the metal pieces to make them heavier.

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I like the Spawn Mother with Bad Juju, or more accurately Iike Gupps with Bad Juju.  Nourish the Young will get Juju into combat that much faster, while Juvenile's Wail is nasty.  Normally you want to at least consider ignoring him until other swampfiends are dead, but you also don't want to fight a melee bruiser like Juju with +2 damage.  Throw in the Spawn Mother charging for free and it can get a bit crazy.


Also, remember that Gupps have companion.  Your other models can do the heavy lifting of reducing enemies to low wounds, and Zoraida's ridiculous card drawing tricks make it a lot easier to get the crows for the Adulthood trigger.


The Spawn Mother is not an auto include, but she's still a lot of fun.

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Had another thought. Start with a Gupp in melee with an enemy with 3 or less health, Juvie Wail, Focus and attack. Cheat the 3 damage in if you can. Evolve and give everyone else +2 damage.


That won't work. Juvenile's Wail kicks in when an enemy model kills/sacrifices the Gupps.

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