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Silent Ones how to deal?


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Anyone have any tips on facing Colette with 8 Silent Ones in Reckoning? I'll include a video of the game so others can post their thoughts.

Colette vs Lady J in Reckoning.


Colette takes 8 Silent ones and Cabaret Choreography


Basically the Silent ones are almost impossible to kill at all, so the Guild player will not score for Reckoning while Colette's All Together Now action allows them to take a (1) AP action (gaining 8 AP) for the cost of 2 of her AP. 


Is this correct? Is there a balance issue?

Game starts at about 19:50

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(Haven't watched the rep yet) So I'm guessing it's lady J with the judge? Maybe Francisco?

A focused shot from the Judges long arm pistol cheating severe damage with the critical trigger is one dead silent one.

Lady J with her great sword and Francisco with his duelling sword can also both one shot a silent one as well so what exactly is the problem?

They only have 3 DF so should be pretty easy to hit and get a straight flip (especially if focused or without a charge from lady J) of course you can always target their willpower or use a model that ignores defensive triggers (not a guild player so don't know what options there are)

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With Colette they can all have 3 ap and she can make them take schemes also just having them in pairs to buddy heal is more than enough thanks to the statue conditio n. I don't agree with the OP as I think they are very manageable just annoying as hell if your opponent knows how to use them.

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Well, it depends on the ruling for Statue. If they really get to get their damage reduction on the first attack before the damage flip (Start duel, declare trigger, resolve duel, resolve trigger, flip damage, if I've got his interpretation down, and it sounds pretty solid...), then you will have to hit them six times each in order to kill them.


The other option is to start fielding a tone of models with "cannot declare defensive triggers" or ones that take away inherent suits and hope they can't just cheat it. Unless you just want to field a ton of Guild Executioners, this is pretty nasty.



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Well, it depends on the ruling for Statue. If they really get to get their damage reduction on the first attack before the damage flip (Start duel, declare trigger, resolve duel, resolve trigger, flip damage, if I've got his interpretation down, and it sounds pretty solid...), then you will have to hit them six times each in order to kill them.


The other option is to start fielding a tone of models with "cannot declare defensive triggers" or ones that take away inherent suits and hope they can't just cheat it. Unless you just want to field a ton of Guild Executioners, this is pretty nasty.




I think you missed what that entire rules question was about.

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Was I the only one that watched/listened to the vid? At 32:00 when he first attacks the silent one the ruling was "after resolving the attack you only ever do one damage". The cabaret choreography essentially gives them all fast and they can use it well, but it's not awful and Los/positioning gives it a limiter, but their "unkillable"-ness comes from the way the two playing ruled statue.

If I'm way off base, tell me. I personally play it as the first attack does full damage, but the video battle report has them playing it the other aforementioned way.


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Yeah, resolving means after you finish the action, do the damage, and you're all done. So Statue makes you reduce damage from second and later attacks. It's still really good.

Ways around it: Wp-resisted things. Anti-trigger models like Joss and the Valedictorian. Blasts, Pulses, and Auras before they get a chance to use their trigger. Black blood. Doing killing damage or nearly so on the first shot. Models that get a lot of attacks in like Rat King, Bishop, Teddy, or Necropunk.

It's really good, but I don't think it's broken.

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