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NPC Chris' Hobby Journal!

NPC Chris

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Hey everybody! My name is NPC Chris and I am from Sunny Seattle, WA. This is where I'll be posting pics of stuff I am working on, bolstered by some occasional thoughts. I initially started another thread here where I began detailing my first crew. I am completely hooked on Malifaux though, and wanted a thread that could be a bit more broad, partially in order to motivate myself to keep working on things! Here is a picture I took of my first complete Malifaux crew, The Torch and the Blade:




I LOVED painting these minis. I couldn't get enough! In my opinion, Malifaux has the coolest sculpts around and I they inspire me to really try and push myself in order to do them justice. If you are a fan of seeing people's progress as they try to improve their hobby skills, then this may be the thread for you!
Here is the up-to-date list of what is in my hobby queue:
  • Lady Justice crew box - Assembled
  • Perdita Ortega crew box - Assembled
  • Lucas McCabe crew box - Assembled
  • Lucius crew box - Assembled
  • The Dreamer crew box - Assembled
  • Guild Riflemen - Unassembled
  • McMourning crew box - Unassembled
  • Witchling Stalkers - Assembled
  • Guild Executioners - Unassembled
  • Lilith crew box - Assembled
  • Seamus crew box - Unassembled
  • Rasputina cre box - Unassembled

As you can see, I got a lot more to get through! (Working at an FLGS helps) Let's do this!

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Thanks Spectre! Your thread is one of the ones inspired mine!


Just got this gents built last night. Dreamer Crew, plus Miss Erry Teddy. I can safely say that the the left leg of the creature the Dreamer is holding the hand of is one of the smallest pieces I have ever had to glue on a model. Worth it. Can't wait to get those gaps filled and start painting!



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Thanks everyone! It feels good to get back into painting mode!


I'm getting the Dreamer crew eventually so I'm interested to see what your color choices are gonna be.  You going Warm or Cool? Any color ideas yet?


Also, your crew background and picture look really good, what did you use for the background?


I think I am going to do a bit of both when it comes to warm vs. cool. I may do something like the Daydreams in a bit warmer colors and the others in cool. I plan on doing snow basing, so I want to try and do some vibrant colors on the models themselves.


As far as the pictures, I am still taking them with my iPhone. I placed a piece of drawing paper at an angle on my desk and then placed the minis on top. I have two desk lamps, but they are different color temperatures so I don't use them both when painting. I thought the warm bulb could add a bit of character to the background though, especially as the consensus seems to be that shooting minis against a plain white background is not ideal. This is what the uncropped/unedited picture looked like:



After cropping, I then used some quick photoshopping to delete the top right and top left corner to make it seem more seamless. I also did increase the brightness just a touch, to bring it closer to what they look like irl.


I hope that helps!


Thanks again for the feedback everyone!

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Work and my podcast have kept me a bit busy, and I've also been spending a lot of time playing Malifaux! I did however get started on my Lord Chompy Bits. I'm using this model to practice some techniques and have had a roller coaster of emotions for how I feel he has been turning out. I am going to keep plugging away at him, but just know there is a chance he is going to get stripped!  :P


That said, here is a work in progress:



Let me know what you guys think so far, any and all feedback is welcome!

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Thanks! The main "blue" color I am using is actually a citadel color called "Sotek Green." In truth, there are a whole bunch of different paints at work here. I've also used a touch of "Trollblood Base" by P3, Secret Weapon Amethyst Wash, etc. etc.


The main thing I am using this model for is to practice my two-brush blending. I did use a touch of drybrushing on the model, but have been using that primarily as a guide for the areas I wanted to highlight. I knew going in that I am going to eventually finish with a blue glaze and that will smooth the model out quite a bit.

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Work in Progress Update! Didn't get to do too much work on any of my crews because of PAX, but I have switched back into Guild mode. I have a couple of games lined up for this weekend and wanted to be able to field a fully painted crew. Here is a look at my WiP Papa Loco:


I think I may add a bit more contrast to his straight-jacket and grey up his hair a bit more. The eyes are much more "bulgy" than my typical technique...but I wanted to make them especially wide to suit the character.

Here is my Francisco:


He is less finished obviously, there will be red accents added to his hat and his pants. These reds will be brought up to a similar level as the other stuff I have shown in my Sonnia Crew box. (Don't even get me started on that jacket gap)

Thanks for checking them out, as always...feedback is appreciated!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright! It has been a bit since I had a chance to sit down at the painting table, the upside being that I have been playing games! Started to work on some of the elements of the Dreamer crew again, and finished up the Daydreams. Initially I did one in order to test out if I liked the snow bases, and I think they turned out sweet! (Although admittedly, that isn't how snow works  ;) )


As always, feed back is much appreciated!


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted, but I have steadily been moving along. I picked up some more crews and began feverishly working on getting the Mother of Monsters box assembled and painted. I want to start running demos at the local store, and eventually would like  Sonnia, Lilith, Rasputina, and Seamus done in order offer a decent variety.


I've worked on these for about 8 hours over the past three days, and they are almost ready for the tabletop!



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Thanks! I am going to brighten the skin on Lilith a bit, but I wanted to go for a slightly desaturated/darker palette here to contrast with the bases (which will be snow) and to contrast a bit with the Sonnia crew I've already done.


I will use a Matte Varnish when I am done, to take away a bit of the gloss that is there from using the washes.

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