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Zoraida Box Set Misprints


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Just wanted to give everyone a heads up.  I picked up the Zoraida box set and noticed that there seem to be misprints on a few of the cards.  Zoraida and the Voodoo Doll do not have the Gremlin Symbol on them, and the Tarot Reading upgrade has an incorrect cost.  It should be 2 SS.


If you have the Wave 1 Arsenal cards you may want to hold onto them, and if you don't have them just be aware.



Edit - wanted to add that I think Wyrd is great, and the models are fantastic.  And my intention is strictly to help inform anyone that comes here wondering about it, that Zoraida is still dual faction, and that the cost of the upgrade should be 2.

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This is troubling as the final play test cards have been locked in for awhile. There was ample time to proof check them in the lead up to gen con I assume, and while I could be wrong there seemed to be less misprints last year and that was a crazy compressed time period.

Thing is about this mistake, though, is that Zoraida is Wave 1 and her cards, while not included in the old box, have been out for a while now. Still, mistakes happen.

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Thing is about this mistake, though, is that Zoraida is Wave 1 and her cards, while not included in the old box, have been out for a while now. Still, mistakes happen.

A new player wouldn't know this, hell, most of the new adopters buy the small book, not the big one and don't go for the decks till they want to start proxying hard.

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A new player wouldn't know this, hell, most of the new adopters buy the small book, not the big one and don't go for the decks till they want to start proxying hard.

True. I was only thinking about it from the Big Book perspective (and I'm only fairly new...3 months now, but still that's longer than any new converts via GenCon or other sources who might be confused/mislead when they see the misprint).

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