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Gen Con 2014 releases

Wiser with Age

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As someone who's just starting to try out Malifaux and getting into the Gremlin / Neverborn factions, I'm really excited for the Gen Con releases (as noted on the 2nd to last page of Chronicles #13).  Since there doesn't seem to be a thread about it in this forum, here's a list of the Gen Con stuff for this faction.



Gen Con 2014 Nightmare Edition Model

Whiskey Golem



Gen Con 2014 Early Releases

Swamp Hag crew box

The Kin crew box

(Implied boxes of henchmen associated with these crew boxes)



The model for the Whiskey Golem looks amazing.  It's everything that I could ever hope for in a humorous model.


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I suppose if you want to use the golem for some reason now would be the time to get it. Prior experience would indicate the actual whiskey golem wont be released for another year +. Seems like its going to be another nothing beast. A big impressive model that's not to impressive on the table.

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Well that really depends on what you want it to do. It has an always available 1AP to move, built in heal, 3/5/6 damage and an action to become DF 7. Included in this package is an auto trigger to pass a Wp dule or end your activation if you hit it in Ml and Armor +1. I find him a great addition to a BM crew. Not to mention that with Wong he can access Glowy giving him Regen +1 as well.

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If you want a beat sick Sow is better 4 times out of 5, especially with Brewy and his willpower chicanery. If you want a fast objective runner, man take your pick, we're playing gremlins. Hell, take two you can afford them for the price of the wgolem. If you want a fast-ish tank that can bring pain and heal itself, nut up and bring Gracie. In a vacume its an expenisve but inoffensive choice, held up against the rest of the faction it just doesn't measure up.

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I am a firm believer that many games should be play for Fun and you don't need to be competitive all the time.

The Model looks great and if players don't want to play it because it is not top tier then it is their loss. Besides Gremlins are not such push overs that you can't take a fun model every now and then. (Last edition I tended to play less competitive lists so my opponent could enjoy their game too. My Ophelia was feared.)

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The flurry upgrade seems like armed robery, but outside of that, he does like a nice 10 SS enforcer who should mostly just nimble move, punch something and get +2 Df. His defensive trigger is a gigantic hand killer I estimate, though it will just make models prefer focusing and punching him. But again, I'm a Ten Thunders player, and I'm already have Sidir, Fuhatsu, Toshiro, Sensei Yu, Izamu, Dawn Serpent, Ototo and Kang competing for attention at that point range, so it's hard for me to justify another expensive model that can only be used with one master and only if he takes a very conditional upgrade. So yeah, I'm thinking I'll pass on nightmare this year.

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Putting 'fun' and 'competitive' on opposite ends of a continuum is completely missing the point Murph.

I have seen many players that play to "Win" instead of playing for the game itself. There is a big difference that you as an opponent can feel when you are playing.

So be competitive and have fun, but if your competitiveness is getting in the way of your fun and hobby you have a problem.

(Trust me, I knew all the meanest lists in the past but refused to play them after testing them out because it was not a fun win, for me or my opponent. So I turned down my competitive lists to fit my meta. Hence Gremlins last edition instead of the Neverborn I started with.)

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In my experience, the Whiskey Golem is a speedy tank who has always annoyed my opponent. He may not have the offensive potential that Gracie does, but he can walk 18" and charge 12" (if you include the nimble move). This means that he can choose who he engages more than Gracie can, so he can target models with low Ml or Wp to utilize his defensive trigger and buffing. I've had good results foregoing the attack altogether and just tying them up and drinking to heal; add Dirty Cheater to that and he becomes a big thorn in your opponent's side. Gracie might tank better ('eat your fill' really puts her over the top) and have more damage potential, but WG's speed means he will usually end up in a key location or get to choose who he engages. Basically, Gracie is more straightforward as she takes dmg and deals dmg while the whiskey golem is more about controlling the table, engaging models, and gaining card advantage with his trigger.

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you want a beat sick Sow is better 4 times out of 5, especially with Brewy and his willpower chicanery. If you want a fast objective runner, man take your pick, we're playing gremlins. Hell, take two you can afford them for

the price of the wgolem. If you want a fast-ish tank that can bring pain and heal itself, nut up and bring Gracie. In a vacume its an expenisve but inoffensive choice, held up against the rest of the faction it just doesn't measure up.

I agree. I'd rather take Gracie and Burt in my crew. Gracie is just amazing.

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I've bought him because he looks awesome. Ill play him in several fun games, if i can work out a competitive build for him after that I might use him in tournaments, if not, then he can be a fun model to use occasionally, and will look cool 365 days a year on the shelf! 


yes he's pricey, and its definitely a luxury purchase in my book.... in no way 'essential'.   having said that I'm pretty sure most people have blown $60 on a night out on booze and then felt awful the next day... at least you will have something more than a hangover after this splurge...


*yes in case your wondering, i calculate the cost of all normal purchases by dividing it by pints.  New jumper? its only 3 pints?   ;) (in london!)

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I also occasionally look at purchases in terms of "...how drunk could this get me?"


I ultimately decided "Yes" on the Nightmare Whiskey Golem.  It simply looked too spectacular once pictures of the assembled model hit the internet.  It may not be the optimal choice, but it's rather fun and characterful. 


Brewmaster is still waiting to actually show up on shelves, but here's hoping Wyrd ships out my GenCon order to me before I'm able to buy Brewie :P

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