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Previews from last night


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Appropriate clothes are not necessarily bad, but at the risk of repeating myself I feel like she suffers from one of the most undesirable issues a Master in a Malifaux crew can have, and that's being unremarkable.

Edit: Probably still after her crew box, but she'll need extra work. Bows, hat, green stuff ruffles etc..

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That said, I feel I should point out that the art in the book isn't necessarily what the model will look like. The Samuel Hopkins model is quite different to the art he got in book 1, and Perdita's art was changed before book 1 was sent to print, with the original pic seen in the beta being used for her LE version. 


That's not to say Colette's art will change - that's up to Wyrd and could be based on factors none of us are privy to. But it does mean that they've listened to and acted on feedback in the past.


Here's hoping the book doesn't match the figure!  


Colette was my first purchase and it was all because of the art/style of the figures.  With the Colette shown in Crossroads I don't buy my first box, so I don't buy a second, or anything else.


Not that the Colette in Crossroads is bad, with a different name/theme I really like her--but if that art depicts the model "Showgirls" makes no sense.  The Crossroads art shows a very different sort of character, one who is not running around with a pack of showgirls.   


Or, maybe, there are plans for an alternative sculpt?

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The dancer performer render, the performer from the card, and the performer from the picture in the rulebook standing next to a coryphee all look distictly different. It'll be interesting to see what actually turns up in the box.


edit* also the new coryphee art from crossroads seems to have it dressed in metal-Colette's dress. Now I'm even more intrigued.

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I am wondering if they have now conceptualized Collette as the subdued mistress of the show, the director and manipulator behind the scenes, hence the possibly (after all we are basing all this vitriol on a drawing not a render or much less a model) more understated look.


Alternatively the Performers, Cassandra, the Corphyees and Angelica will be the stage acts and more elegant and spectacular as befits their role of distraction. This really corresponds to classic stage magician style, the gaudy misdirection while the actual magician you are not paying attention to performs the act.


If this is the intent of the new images then I can get on board with that, sure I loved the original Collette and her crew (and am in the enviable position of choosing which models I'll use) but I'm prepared to rethink if the crew still has "The Show" (overall not in each individual model) look and is consistent. Guess I wait.

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Btw. this is the art for new/old performers:
It's a colored version of old performer from Rising Powers and I love it!

I recently bought the metal doves and Cassandra (I love the dress on the metal one). I'll probably get Fall Shematic Colette, since I kickstarted it and as I remember I'll get some benefits when buying her or something. I'm definitely getting new plastic manequinns, performers and coryphees.

I'm not in love with the new Colette art, but I don't hate it completely. If they were going for the schemeing, off-stage version, it'd be better if she wore trousers and a mans shirt... maybe she'd look great in drag.
Maybe something like this (I also wonder if anyone remembers this series):

She'd look presentable, but corky enough to be recognized as a someone special like a master. Just my two cents.

The new art is bland, but could translate well into a miniature and I suppose the devs will take notice of this thread.
Looking forward to further development...

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  • 3 months later...

I'm going to be that guy who necros the thread (sorry!), but you guys are lucky to have been in the game for so long; I'm but a new player.

When I first started looking into Malifaux about 6 months ago, I was torn between Arcanists and Outcasts. I liked the concept behind the Viks being like a steampunk Kill Bill, along with Von Schill and his elite force of not-German spec ops on the Outcast side, whereas Ramos' horde of little spiders and Rasputina's ice elementals were all appealing to me. I took a look into the other portions of the factions.

I didn't like Marcus (never been a fan of 'beastmaster' type characters) and I was quite indifferent on Mei Feng, but Colette was a real draw. It's just a shame that the metal box set has fallen off the order list at my FLGS, since the new artwork is losing a lot of the glitz and glamour of the original sculpts. Even the performers (both the artwork and on the cards) don't really give off a showgirl impression anymore, which is a real shame. Cassandra's art looks great though, so there's a plus side. 

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