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Eat your Fill with your final action



OK, preface, I'm convinced that a model can use Eat Your Fill with it's final action, but when asked by a player why the model with Eat your Fill's activation doesn't end before it can use the ability once it has used all it's AP I can't really disprove him with the rulebook.


Basically, page 32 of the small book states that when a model has used all it's AP it goes into the End of Activation phase, so after taking it's final AP, he believes that a warpig for example would be thrown into the End of Activation part of his activation before being able to trigger Eat your Fill. My reasoning is that the killed condition check happens during the last AP, before all AP end, but I don't really have any wording on the rulebook to make him sure I'm just not going by a gut reaction.


Anybody can help me here? Again, this is a pure rule wording question and how I can justify my interpretation with the core rules, not about intent.

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I see no reason why you couldn't use eat your fill with your last AP. It obviously makes it better to kill a model with your last AP as you don't get the negative effects of the condition but it wouldn't be the only action in the game with similar connotations.

If you want a rulebook reference, look towards the call out box on page 46. It explains the order in which triggers and abilities happen.

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Oh, I agree with all of you, it's more of looking for a line in the rulebook that clearly states "the effect of the action is not finished till everything is done" though I sort of assume myself that yeah, the death part is included in the action that does the deed. But then, if interpreted the other way, every single kill based effect would fail on the final AP which would be absurd. OK, I think using that logic should sort my player out.

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Pg 34 (small book), Take Actions: A model moves to the End Activation phase when it takes all the Actions it wishes to.

IN GENERAL, a model moves to End of Activation when it cannot take any more Actions.

Moving to End of Activation isn't immediately after you've spent all your AP -- it's when you choose to move there.

Models can Eat Your Fill anyway perfectly fine, since the Ability occurs on kill or sacrifice during the Action itself, since models reduced to 0 Wounds are immediately removed (aside from stopping at the 'reduced to 0 Wounds'  point for Abilities and Triggers). Removed = killed, so Eat Your Fill goes off then.


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