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The Sow


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I used her once in beta testing with Ulix and I had moderate success with her.  I think she's a solid model though who can both be relatively self-sufficient as well as having synergies with various models.  I think she'll be a nice, relatively cheap beatstick for Brewmaster as well.

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I had her used against me to great effect in a game recently (vs Hypo above...good player/opponent, btw).

While I enjoyed the game with him and thought it was a wonderful move (He used Ulix to shoot her in the rear causing her to charge) I honestly thought that the combo of her 9" charge, her  :+fate to Attack and Damage flips, her healthy damage spread (3/5/6 if I recall), and the fact that 1 AP from Ulix gave her a Charge move + 2 attacks that, if resulting in a kill, gives another free charge move + 2 attacks, that can result in a kill, and give another free charge move + 2 attacks, etc, etc, was completely overpowered. Basically, Ulix + Sow turns 1 AP action into a potential of 2AP+ (3 charges in the game we played that had 6 attacks at positive flips). That was god awful overpowered to me. 

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I had her used against me to great effect in a game recently (vs Hypo above...good player/opponent, btw).

While I enjoyed the game with him and thought it was a wonderful move (He used Ulix to shoot her in the rear causing her to charge) I honestly thought that the combo of her 9" charge, her  :+fate to Attack and Damage flips, her healthy damage spread (3/5/6 if I recall), and the fact that 1 AP from Ulix gave her a Charge move + 2 attacks that, if resulting in a kill, gives another free charge move + 2 attacks, that can result in a kill, and give another free charge move + 2 attacks, etc, etc, was completely overpowered. Basically, Ulix + Sow turns 1 AP action into a potential of 2AP+ (3 charges in the game we played that had 6 attacks at positive flips). That was god awful overpowered to me. 


Yes, it is, had a tourny recently where it was done with a warpig against a Kirai crew, you can imagine how that panned out... and this is without counting how the hell the Warpig's charge trigger comes into it... But from what I've been reading, Ulix is pretty much top tier right now, being able to remove scheme markers with ease, aggressive summoning, being very very hard to kill and with pigs being able to push in almost any way or form you want (when I noticed old major did not have a range for his pig push, I choked).


The Ulix list also took first place in one where there were gamers from Spain from two very active communities. It's not like it was easy wins for him, doesn't sound like it was M1 Hamelin or preerrata Dreamer, but it certainly is in the high end of the curve. I still have to play against the my Ulix player, but something tells me it won't be pretty.

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I'm fine with the Shoot in rear = Charge.

I'm not fine with the ability to have it snowball after that. This should of had a 1 time only (1charge only from shot, same pig target can't be targetted again) like Obey does.

True you can Obey enemy models, but I can't Obey them to charge 1 to unlimited number of times, then potentially do it again as it's balanced against that. This is not balanced in any way. Yes it's 6inch range and you need to have Old Major in the list to ensure your pig target can't target your own models, but with the Crew perks and pushes you're likely to take Old Major anyway.

Don't get me wrong. I like Ulix and his crew, but this Action is just blatantly over powered to me.

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Other than Ulix rampages?


Brewy tops it. Obey some poor shlub to punch her, botch the terror check to paralyze your target and just for kicks and giggles let the sow punch somebody, not even necessarily your target.


Z can pull off the same trick but with Brewy's superior ap multiplication and debuffing he takes the cake.

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Ball o' death can be something special. Against certain builds its just unfair. If your opponent's crew consists of almost nothing but models that the sow and other pigs can reasonably kill in a charge, like a Ramos spider spam list or a Somer Bayou factory, its pretty much gg at deployment.

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and if not a summoning spam list? ortegas kill team or ancestors 10 thunders list? vs them its not one sided?

Haven't faced it, but my theory box says that it depends on their defensive tech. Charging a full Wd Izamu will just mean it bounces, same applies to anything with Df 6 or more. But if the gremlin player has set up some groundwork with the pigapult leaving stuff close to death and the Sow avoids anything with Hard to Kill like the plague, it could still probably carve a bloody swathe.

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That's one of those things that probably passed the cut just because Gremlins got the less testing during the beta... And I feel like there are a few more within Ulix's range of preferred models, like the awful combination of Corn Husks and the Pigapult. Hell the whole lot around the Pigapult is borderline nasty!

I couldn't really believe it when I first faced Corn Husks. Unlimited range with just the requisite of LoS to a Ht3 model is plain wrong on those two Abilities. Combine it with the stúpid mobility the Pigapult gives, and then you see 3 flying Piglets removing 3 of your Scheme Markers most anywhere on the table without even having to Flip one Card, and with the opponent unable to do most anything to avoid it (not even engaging the Pigapult, as it is extremely easy to disengage it on an Ulix's Crew).

Then you have that (0) Interaction that not only turns the Crew into a Scheme factory, but also allows for an extremely easy warpig summoning (combined with the lot and easy of healing Gremlins' got at their disposal).

I dunno, I know that every time I play against it all I'm closer to beat it, but still some on that Gremlins stuff smells like a bit unfair to me.

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Corn husks didn't slip through the beta. The devs were following and tweaking the upgrade up until the last update where it saw a cost increase.


20 points worth of models being able to spend an effective 9 ap to remove three scheme markers doesn't sound game breaking, it sounds like dedicating half a crew exclusively to scenario play for a turn and reaping the rewards.

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