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Well here we go

Theese are my painted crews in a varying degree of order.

There will be more then 100 pictures in this thread before Im done posting this time so bear with me...

Some of theese are still wip sadly as I got hooked on other games during the m2e beta and moved shortly thereafter so lost my regular opponents.

Some of theese Im happy with some are horrible abominations of "I really want to put theese on the table tomorrow!". Hopefully you can tell them apart.

Be aware Im not the greatest photographer.

I made the misstake of posting too many pics at once it seems as noone can be asked to post a reply to my poor ressers.

I have outcasts and neverborn aswell and if you want to see them i demand at least one response (maybe this hostage situation will come back to bite me in the end)

Like em or hate em let me know, hell Ill take feelings of indifference aswell.


First up are the ressers


Seamus the cheerfull psychopath in ringmaster / foxhunting attire like the dapper gent he is



How do I follow up? Avatar Totem or Henchman?



Went with a greyish skin same as the book3 artwork. Put this one on the table before he was finished and he stayed on my painting table for a few months before i powered through it and "finished him"



Sigh the first and second try didnt go to well.. how many pics can you post? 10 seems to be the limit but I wont reformat the first posts.

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Mollys creepy street urchins


Dont know why i tried to paint in traffic lanes in this ones base i dont feel thats something that fits malifaux really but the base needed something and didnt have anything at hand...



And the last of our three horrible little younglins



Next up: the necropunks

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Its Alive!!!



Three heads are better then one



Simulacrum 28(?)



And now for some other contestants for the "who will be repainted first"-contest. Was experimenting with washes for a spectral look. Didnt work out but couldnt be bothered to strip them. Theyre a real eyesore....


you only get one shot of theese, dont say I never did anything nice for you


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I decided that YanLos clan colour was going to be red.

The arrows in Izamu and the flag thats impaling Toshiro all belong to the green rival clan (or the colour the renegades that turned upon them adopted)

there is a slight method to my madness






And Yin the pangalan




Thats it for ressers for now

Took a lot longer then I thought with the 10? pics per post limitation.

I still have around 100 pics to post of my neverborn and outcasts with 2 arcanists (that can be used by neverborn and outcasts)


Should I bother posting them?

If anyone read this far post if you want to see the rest

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Since withholding pics until someone commented seemed to play right into your hands ive decided to post a crew a day until i run out and make your eyes scream instead. Unless you send me a dead justice kit with a letter asking me to please stop that is....


Some Outcasts this time starting of today with a dirty old man that only wants young women for their bodies, their soulless husks.





For some reason i Decided to go for a dark grey skin for the poor women levi has hollowed out ot use as a Green mushroom from mario bros

Hollow Waif 1



Hollow Waif 2



And now the lovely steampunk abominations that have been moonlighting as scrapp thralls from time to time and vice versa



Steam Abbo 2 Mr trashbag. For some reason this model makes me think of the guy on the subway singing the "i have no legs" song from the movie "Kids"



8 seems to be the picture limit so Ill continue this later with more abbos, desolation engine and some arcanist constructs.

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cheers mate. I was starting to feel like full on Castaway-Tom Hanks in here talking to Wilson.

The Intestines on Yin are talarn flesh the old GW fundation paint washed with devlan mud(agrax earthshade) and gloss varnish so really easy to do.



Now on with the show

Steampunk Abbo 3 - the brain of the outfit



horrible focus.... sigh


Steampunk abbo 4 - dont shoot Im unarmed





And now what you get if you put them all in a bowl and furiously whip them around


Desolation engine

Cant say Im happy with this one but have yet to get it on the table so no mental breakdown and repaint as of yet




Thats It for now

Next time: Arcanist constructs that work for Mr Levi

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Well Dafruk theese are all 1.5 hiring restrictions since I havent actually played since the beta started so I havent kept up with the hireing restrictions. 


I only ave two arcanists painted so far since they could either be used by my neverborn or Levi.


I used this bad boy and Izamu in a Levi list that made my opponent sad.


Rail Golem aka Thomas the pain engine



Had dogs or rotten belles to get cheap activations and also lure the opposing models into the killzone with levis spellcasting and the two beatsticks.


This dude was aquired to provide the arcane reservoir to masters that didnt want the pukesnake and also since one of my opponents didnt have a totem for his arcanist master so I got this so he could borrow it if he wanted to as I figured id have a use for it down the line in Neverborn or Arcanists if/when i got into it


Arcane Effigy




And a painted collection, I dont know about that


The pic is blurry and dark so I doubt you can make out how much stuff is actually in that closet and I admit its not all malifaux but also some helldorado, kingdom death and confrontation in there. 75% of it is Malifaux models. Avatars, Riders and Guild and Arcanists make up the most of it but there are some stragglers to the resser neverborn and outcast line aswell.



Tomorrow: Vics and ronins

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Well Dafruk theese are all 1.5 hiring restrictions since I havent actually played since the beta started so I havent kept up with the hireing restrictions. 


I only have two arcanists painted so far since they could either be used by my neverborn or Levi.


And a painted collection, I dont know about that


The pic is blurry and dark so I doubt you can make out how much stuff is actually in that closet and I admit its not all malifaux but also some helldorado, kingdom death and confrontation in there. 75% of it is Malifaux models. Avatars, Riders and Guild and Arcanists make up the most of it but there are some stragglers to the resser neverborn and outcast line aswell.



Haha, the cupboard of shame, every good gamer should have one!  Mine currently contains 4-5 warhammer armies, a ~50pts warmachine force, 2 Epic armies, a big necromunda gang, a 40k army, an infinity army, sedition wars, rivet wars, soon to arrive relic knights and guild ball plus the handfull of malifaux figs which I'm just painting up now.


I dread to think the total volume of unpainted mini's in the cupboard but everyone knows if you finish painting everything you own then it results in instant death, so best have some security!


I recently went on a bit of a clear out to offload some figs I knew I'd never go back and paint for armies I'd call 'finished'.  Resulted in me selling off 60 odd models so far that were 'surplus' and barely put a dent in 1 storage box of 6ish that I have full of models.  Problem, what problem?

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Well Im slightly unusual in that I actually like to paint and wont put unpainted stuff on the table so my closet isnt of shame its "stuff I havent gotten to yet"

I own 3 warmahordes factions and Ive stopped playing it more or less and before the arrival of the kickstarters lesser warcasters I had 3 unpainted models, a lesser warbeast, a caster and a warjack.

Granted theres a moving box full of 40k stuff that I havent touched since I realised I liked reading about the 40k world more then I enjoyed playing the computer games and that I liked playing dawn of war alot more then the 40k table top game. I should sell that of but sorting through it and listing it isnt appealing enough so I usually think "Ill do that tomorrow". I guess the 40k box is my shame.

I have a big kingdom death pledge comming whenever the stars allign and a chuthulhu wars aswell but I dont know if Ill paint that one. Probably not.

I see most of my painting atm as "practicing for Kingdom death" since I need to up my game for thoose figs.


And now the Victorias

First sword Vic - gave her a bodysuit outfit for maximum mobility and stealthiness before the whirwinding starts.




Gun Vic



Student of Conflict




I know I said there would be ronins but I forgot about their totem and Sword Vic got 3 pics so I guess well see the ronins tomorrow

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Looking at that Vic of Swords model i'ts the first time I've realised she's actually carrying 4 swords as there are handles coming out the scabbards on her back!  I like the body suit idea, gives it a real military feel which suits her out and out mercenary nature.

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the bodysuit seemed more realistic and has the added benefit of not having me painting as much skin. Not having to paint realistic skin is kind of what drew me to ressers and later neverborn in the first place. Avoiding to paint skin has affected a lot of my faction choosing in wargaming. chaos in 40k cryx and legion in warmahordes with menoth added once i realised that they mostly had all covering helmets on so i wouldnt have to paint faces and let alone eyes.

The theme of avoiding human skin continued into helldorado with the lost beeing lizard and birdpeople. I finally faced my fears in bushido with the temple of rokan faction consiting of bare chested shaolin monks.


now for what you came here for today: Ronins


Cowboy Samurai girl




And the shooty one




Didnt really care for the bad hair day sculpt so havent painted it yet. Doesnt seem to need 3 ronins in a list either tbh. Most of the 3 different sculpt blisters only have 1 or 2 painted since you rarely need more then 1-2 of them


tomorrow some of my more shooty mercs but no hans as my proxy sculpt for that one 30 coins from helldorado arrived last week

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Always amazing how peoples experiences differ so far as I consider skin to be one of my finest painting assets and a real selling point of my guild figures (particularly proud of my executioners belly).


hah, I can see the layers of wills paving on the gun one, looks good though.  Also liking your denim, it's come out well.

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