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A Master for all Strategies- Lucius Edition


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Been playing a lot with tannen, graves and doppelganger, and they have all really worked out well for me. 


It seems like Graves is the most controversial of those, so I will speak to him.- He doesn't always do the damage/tanking I want him to do, but I have started thinking of him as a seven point model which for a 1 point upgrade helps me get 2 slower models 6" up the board.  Guild often struggles getting some of their heavy melee beatsticks up the board, and this can go a long way towards solving that issue.   (also keep in mind doppelganger can copy that push ability, so with the right set up, you can either push 4 models up the table early, or push one model and the doppelganger, then use the doppelganger to push again to really fling a model before it even activates.


After that, he is a secondary beatstick/bodyguard countercharger.  There are definitely enemies that I will try to show the door to to get him off of my squishy models rather than actually bother hitting them right away. 

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I'll second 4thstringer.

Show ya the door might be my favorite push in the game for it's sheer flexibility. Throw two models six inches with no ill effects? Run a doppleganger half way across the board late game? Drag Izamu into a corner where he can spend the rest of the game mucking about in severe terrain? Fantastic.

That being said, he will probably kill nothing and die relatively quickly. He reliably scores me 2-3 points when FFM is in the scheme pool though...

I've not used Tannen effectively with Lucius though, how do you get him to work?

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Tannen's main job is to deploy his chatty aura, and use his anti-cheaty aura plus manipulative to drain hands.  Often he is one of the models graves will kick forwards. 

I don't always use him, for stake a claim, squatters rights, or when the scheme pool includes breakthrough, power ritual, distract or cursed object (and i am sure others).  At least once in power ritual, I have placed him in one quarter, and Nino in the other, and shut down their ability to achieve a scheme that is usually easy points.


On another thread, I remember talking about using him with a number of models with pulse attacks.  The basic idea is to use him and several other models in an area that cause a simple duel, or models that drain cards from the hand, like executioners or austringers.  I haven't remembered to try it out, but it might be worth a go in something like turf war.

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The Guardian is actually a really nice model to include in Lucius Crews in general.  Not just in reckoning.  Defensive +2 can really make your models, especially ones like the Lawyer or Pathfinder with high base defense, significantly more durable.  Add to that he has the Mend Trigger, which you can use to counteract devil's deal, and bring some healing into your Crew.  The Guardian is also a minion so benefits from Lucius'  :+fate ml bubble with 3 inch :melee attacks, and can have order's issued to him to him.  He is a huge help in reckoning as he can greatly increase the resources the other side needs to expend to get a kill, and he can lock down a large area with his engagement range.  

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Wording of Show Ya the Door is "<...>This model may only target a friendly model with this Action once per Turn." So you can get as many uses out of it as you have models with the ability, ie once for Mr Graves and once for Doppleganger. Obeying and similar would not increase this, but other models able to copy the ability would. Can't think of any others though.

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