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zFiend's painting thread


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So I decided I'd throw a few out here as well when I needed to upload a few models by request. Might as well share, maybe I'll learn something from you awesome painters out there. At this point, these are WIP pictures, but here goes, maybe this will inspire me on my Year of the Pledge. 


Kill Joy in a top hat: 


So instead of face chains he got parasites and a tophat. :D
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Oh, thanks! :) 


It's so easy to do, I used Vallejo dead flesh and army painter necrotic flesh as the base coat, then added in some white to that to cover the higher areas and after that go insane with washes :D First agrax earthshade to make that brown rotten look and then my new favourite thing in painting army painter dark tone ink, it's amazing :D

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Gah! That's amazing! And fricking terrifying, too! The top hat is marvellously ingenious! And yeah, the skin colour rocks (and since the dude is mostly skin that's a really good thing, too).

But how did you do the pattern on the cleaver?? It's utterly amazing.

Oh, also, remind me to never play against you... Seriously scared of that dude.


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Haha, thanks Math! Means a lot coming from you :)


The cleaver was painted with the biggest brush I had and I painted it in an sideways angle to leave some gaps to it and then just washed it with the dark tone ink by army painter :D

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Here's a few more WIP's that I have actually finished today but don't have pictures of them yet.


I messed up Seamus' left eye for about 8-10 times so I decided that he loses it then, so he got an eyepatch. 


Sebastian was really ugly, so I decided to give him a beard.. Also he got a mullet :D


I started this year with 7 painted models, now I'm up 43 painted and I have revised those 7 as well a bit. So my pledge year is going quite okay :)

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Amazing!! I love the little additions you have done. Seamus' eye patch was something I was keen to see as soon as you mentioned it to me, he looks badass! Killjoy looks pretty epic with his hat as well, I love the colour scheme and the flesh looks really disgusting, great stuff! I agree he needs a pocket watch or maybe a big cigar to really give him that gentlemanly look.


Your painting is really good as well, I've been lazy so far in that I've only been using Army Painter Quick Shade to get a lot of work on my Nico crew done and most of my other models haven't even been primed. I suppose that if you want to play at your local store you actually HAVE to paint. Can't wait to see more! MORE PICS!  :D

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Hahah, cheers MD! :) 


The only thing holding me back with the pocketwatch is, um, he only has one "pouch" like thing which is his buttcrack to hide that thing and that would be disgusting even in Killjoy standards :D 


Yeah, we do have that rule so that's why I've been so damn busy :D

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Nooo! Someone mentioned moustache to Zfiend! This is the person who backed the Guildball Kickstarter on account of the moustache on a Butcher player :D

But I have to say that I love the eyepatch and especially the story behind it. It's just such an "executive level" decision of "eff it - he's getting an eyepatch!". And the execution is actually really nice. Oh, and Sebastian looks extremely creepy. Like downright scary.

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A few more pictures, some of these are already good enough for tabletop quality so I can move on, Seamus, CCK, Hanged, Bete Noire needs a base, Executioner, Death Marshals and Judge. McMourning needs more work and the Pale Rider has some things I want to add to it and finetune. 


But here you go: 


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