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M2E PullMyFinger Wiki - Neverborn


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Lelu and Lilitu done, at least the bulk of it -- a few things to tidy up, when I get a chance over the next 48 hours or so. Please update, correct, add, revise, critique, and quibble at will.


Looks good, thanks!



Bulk of Spawn Mother and Gupps done.

I seem to use them differently to others (Mainly in Arcanists...), so please add as you see fit


(I might try and tie them in a bit more with the Silurid entry)


I made a few minor edits to bring them in line with the style guide. Looks good!





That's 19 down, 24 to go!



I'm going to do the Primordial Magic next.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well how about that! I go on vacation and come back to the thread with only 7 models left!


Updating the list.


I think I'll try tackling Coppelius.


Was it Rathnard who completed the Silurid entry? I had him down as claimant, but cannot find a post stating it was finished.

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