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Witchling Handler


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Hey folks,


Now that people have had a chance to try her for a while, what are people thinking of the Witchling Handler?  She underwent a long series of revisions in the Beta, with new updates coming all the way through the end.  I see several folks are on the forum now that had a hand in shaping her current rules, so I'm hoping to get some feedback about her presence now, as opposed to then.


When I look at the model, she doesn't look like a high-utility piece with lots of options (what I suspect is get intended goal), instead I see a model with no real place, a few mediocre abilities, and no real focus... that's paying a high cost for all of them.  I really don't want to put a piece like that on the board (much less pay for it), but I'm open to the possibility that I'm wrong. 


What have people been getting out of this model?

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I think she has a decent synergy with Sonia and of course witchling stalkers. The Sonia synergy comes from the Burn them, burn them all 0 action which makes models within a set distance inflict burning. For me that would probably be either riflemen or the peacekeeper depending on how aggressively I'm using the handler. It gives another way to light up the enemy leaving Sonia and Sam to take them out without los. The boosts to the stalkers are pretty straightforward, with pushes and increased wk and cg.

I'm no expert and I definitely didn't have anything to do with beta, but that's how I see her working. Is that worth the 8 stones or not is the question I'm asking.

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She allows you to give synergy to any guild model brought with Sonnia. What isn't to like? DMs that add burning are golden. SHe's a decent sword wielder, and if you bring reincarnation, makes it very likely you will get lots of witchlings out, which she then makes better.


I don't see the problem. She never did it for me in M1E, but I'm liking her now. Not an auto take, but definitely up there.

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I have only used her with Sonnia.......but with Sonnia, I love her. She is auto-include for me. But, that's because I play Sonnia really only one way. I always take Reincarnation, and I always have lots of Stalkers around.....I rarely take non-Witch Hunter models, and I usually put the Disrupt Magic upgrade on the Handler.


Her utility in a Sonnia crew is great. Her high defensive stats and Reflect Magic make her an excellent carrier for the upgrade (which totally ruins a lot of enemy days). She is a decent fighter at range and in close with good stats and fair damage....if they come at her, her sword is beastly.


The extra movement for Stalkers is pure gold.....going from a 4/6 to a 5/8 is massive. Follow the Flock is a (0)....so that's basically free movement.....and if you want to stack up the burning she can do that too. She is more than fast enough to keep up with her pack of Stalkers.


She has been useful in every game I have used her and I never felt she didn't earn her keep.

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I'm with DGRAZ all the way:  I've been playing Sonnia as a summoning master lately, and if you are going to be playing like that then the Handler is an auto-include.  Being able to make sure that burning is being handed out is pretty important for reincarnation (profound, i know :P),.  All her other abilities are gravy.... watching Stalkers have a threat range of 9 on the charge is pretty hilarious.


I also put Disrupt Magic on her, which in the end just frees up upgrade space on Sonnia.


Now, as for playing with other masters....Not a big fan.  Generally there are better options for 8SS.

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