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How I'm Running McCabe

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I think he can also be very versatile with his crew building (not unlike many other masters)....he can be more combat oriented by taking certain models and how he passes his upgrades around (or keeps them)....he can be more support / control with Slows and Paralyze and Reactivate and passing his upgrades around......he can be more Scheme oriented with Wastrels, Luna, Guild Hounds.....etc.


He has lots of good choices for list building that he himself can synergize with.....so yeah, I think he can be pretty competitive in a variety of roles.

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Honestly, unless you're simply running Luna for the Sh bonus, you might be better off with the Kamaitachi. Luna really comes into her own with Guild Hounds......the Kamaitachi gives some nifty bonuses when you're flopping Upgrades around.....has a friendly model 6" Push....and has fair attacks if it has nothing else to do.

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It's a Wave 2 (Crossroads book) Ten Thunder Totem that is a dusty whirlwind of a squirrel-thing with oversized claws. It lets you draw a card when a model within range attaches an upgrade, and heals and pushes a model within range that loses an upgrade (once per turn each), so is basically great with McCabe's mechanics.


It hasn't got a release date yet (that I know of) but you can proxy it in the meantime.


Edit: It will likely have 1st edition cards in it, but if you grab a Ten Thunders Wave 2 Arsenal deck you should be set! In the meantime, you would need to print your own.

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I am rapidly becoming convinced that Badge of Speed is auto-include, regardless of strats and schemes.


To be honest all the times I have played McCabe I have always taken this upgrade.  Mind you a big thing is that I often take him when fast lightning movement is necessary for schemes like Delivery the Message, so Reactivation and Nimble makes them easier.  Nothing like giving Luna Reactivation and the badge for Nimble for getting across the table.  She can move 21" with the first activation and then another 7" from Nimble on her second activation before delivering the message.  Had her run around the enemy crew once to do this though I did not need the last 7" so instead she used that to break out of combat and come home.


It also makes Line in the Sand easier too.

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I tend not to take the badge of speed in reckoning games where I'm generally taking fewer minions, nor needing to tear around the board as fast.

I tried out chiaki, ten thunders brothers and monks of low river with him last night in a turf war, along with the Dawn serpent - all of which proved to be rather good.

Chiaki - with pull of the grave can set up mccabe's netgun for parlays pretty easily, puts out "insignificant" and is generally hard to take down with manipulative and incorporeal - and can be passed the glowing sabre if something gets close enough to her.

Ten thunders brothers - superb value with their (0)action and decent defences for such a cheap model.

Monks - being immune to slow, become a great choice for McCabe to shoot with his netgun to drop the slow pulse on nearby targets

Dawn serpent - insane with badge of speed. Reactivating and capable of 40" of move on turn 1 if required - capable of doing power ritual on it's own on turn 1, or simply getting stuck in! Great near McCabe too where it can benefit from positive flips on Ml.

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I am rapidly becoming convinced that Badge of Speed is auto-include, regardless of strats and schemes.


Oh it pretty much is for me! The very few times I've gone without it I really wish I had taken it. it's usefulness is just too good to pass up. Re-activate on minions and nimble on anybody after it's been passed out?! YES PLEASE!! Also taking into account the 4" push for the model who receives the upgrade that's some mighty fine movement right there!

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Ok . And what is the deal with McCabes crew box cards? Does it come with any? Are they updated or is it the go print your own cards for him?


Wyrd have just re-packaged the box and it should come with the Wave 2 cards in that. If you buy an older box, its the same minitures, but first edition cards.

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