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ProrokLebioda last won the day on January 2 2023

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  1. Finished at tabletop level my Blood Ritual box! Noticed that I haven't put autumn leaves on bases, oh well, gonna do that someday... Spent most time on Hayreddin. Really liked his sculpt the most. Also: great job everyone! So many nice minis!
  2. For me January is quite busy, but I'll try to get Blood Ritual box done for my Nephilim. Only managed to put together one of the Shamans, so it will be tricky. May the airbrush Angel guide my hand (you see what I did here? )!
  3. Finished Nekima Core Box. It was part of "December Pledge" and my slow painting got me. Couldn't achieve higher level, but I'm happy those minis are done (maybe with additional matt varnish later, no varnish was used). Green grass is clashing, didn't have more neutral color, but without it bases were barren. NNM gold and silver still in learning phase, not secondary reflections.
  4. Yes, I have to agree. I kinda went overboard Wanted to tie mini with base more (orange color), but less would be more.
  5. Barely managed to finish my Nekima Core Box pledge... Not happiest with how it turned out, could've spent more time refining, but it's "better done than perfect". I think I like how Nekima's living blade looks, but not really sure how to display 'living' on this sculpt. Also: can't get a good group shoot. Won't spam with individual minis pictures.
  6. I've only just begun my journey into Malifaux! I'll be posting my finished pieces here. Feedback is not necessary, but welcomed There is a long way ahead, so let's have fun while at it!
  7. Wow! That looks great! Great atmosphere and it still has good saturation! Exceptional!
  8. If there is a gift coming related to hobby I advise to just give me a giftcard to a FLGS. This way I can support local shop and not get something I have no use for. I pledge to paint Nekima Crew box this month! Although level I would like to paint it to might make it hard...
  9. Hi, I'm Patryk. I'm living in Szczecin, Poland. I've been looking at Malifaux for some time, but decided to dive in, bought Nekima Crew. My goal is to get 2 crews (maybe just enough for Henchmen Hardcore) ready. There are no players of Wyrd Games locally that I'm aware of, so I decided to get things ready for demos. Painted minis are a must! No idea if Malifaux will stick, but there is always hope! Minis look great, rules even though complicated seem to have a nice flow. I really like cards instead of dice. Can't wait to get more crews!
  10. I'm in Szczecin, Poland. Couldn't find any players. Maybe it's a good idea to work on demoing Malifaux locally...
  11. It would be nice to see painted mini! I don't play TOS, is there a chance to get M3E rules for him?
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