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Image Comments posted by Hawkoon

  1. The idea is good, and maybe not that far from how a real burning house would light up across the street, but as an artistic composition there is far too much similar toned yellow.

  2. I agree with @KID55, and see the issue repeat across multiple submissions. When working with lighting in particular you also need to work with the dark, and this model would really benefit from more darkness to get that creepy grin even more creepy.

  3. The transitions are good and the light from the streetlamp works well, but maybe a bit too yellow. It would probably work better if the back of the model was a lot darker.

  4. The painting is neat and tidy and the eyes really comes off with an intense glare, but I have to chime in with @KID55 that the non-fire parts are missing som reflections of the light from the fire.

    • Like 1
  5. Very nice play between the warm light on one side and the cold darker tones on the other side.

    I feel the hat gets a bit caught in the middle and seems a bit confused between the light from either side and the fact that is has many small light sources of it's own.

  6. A lot going on here on a single base, so even though it's really well painted (and I mean really well, don't get me wrong), I think there is probably a bit too much.

    Might also be because the tilt of the terrain makes me wonder which way I'm supposed to look at it. Do I tilt my head? 😵💫


  7. Well this is Kaeris all right.🔥 Bright, burning and well executed. Only thing missing is a more articulated focal point, though with all that fire, I'm not really sure how you'd go about doing that🤔

  8. So cute 😍

    I love the slightly desaturated colour palette and the effort put into not just the model, but the entire base. I don't know why, but I get a studio Ghibli vibe from this one.

  9. The model is well painted, but as I see it the flame and reflections doesn't really add anything to the model as everything is already very bright. I also think it might be a mistake giving her orange armour and white hair when you add a red fire for OSL. That makes the reflections drown in the colour of the armor and her hair is brighter that the hottest parts of a fire.

  10. The painting is neat and clean, and the magic trick works well enough, but doesn't really pop as a lightsource due to the overall brightness in the model. In other words: needs more cowb... no, darkness!

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  11. There are quite a few idividually great details in this, but they're not working all that well together in the composition. I think if the parts of the model far from the light sources were much darker it would create some focalpoints that would bind it all more together.

    And I have to give credit for the freehand patterns, that must have taken a loooong time to paint🤯

    • Thanks 1
  12. The light and falloff around the helmet and cage onto the hammer looks really good. The base and bright background doesn't really do it justice. I'd like to see what this model would look like with a dark background and a different base.

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