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Everything posted by WWHSD

  1. And to keep piling on... You can stack up the Focused condition but ends at the end of the turn and when you use it you use all of it at once. Example: Brass Arachnid gives Joss Reactivate. Joss uses his regular activation to focus twice, resulting in the Focus +2 condition. When he reactivates he makes two attacks. He can end the condition when declaring either of the attack actions and he receives [+][+] to that attack's duel and damage flips. He doesn't have the option to take a single [+] to each of the two attacks that he takes during his reactivation activation.
  2. I got the Fat Dragon hut put together and the scale of that seems to be the same as the Dave Graffam stuff (I'm using the door as the point of reference). I'm going to assume that the Rio Draco stuff is similar. Shrinking the models is easy but unless I use a printer that can take larger paper it printing at 110% doesn't seem like it will be feasible since most of the larger buildings have sections that fill most of a page. I don't think the scale compared to Malifaux models is off by so much that matters. Here's a shack, a shed, and a shitter: The buildings from left to right are: Baba Yaga's Hut (sans legs), Shed, and Outhouse. Baba Yaga's Hut is by Fat Dragon, and the Shed and Outhouse are both from Dave Graffam's "Outbuildings Set".
  3. It looks like World Works Games also has some Western/Victorian/Horror themed stuff. They've got some packs of buildings that look like they meant to be be build quickly and then collapse for storage if you decide not to mount them more permanently. $7 for the kit seems like a great price as well. I'm hesitant because it looks like you buy directly from the site instead of being able to keep everything in my DriveThruRPG library. Most of the rest of what they have seems like it's serious business with larger buildings and that have interiors. Tossing a huge Victorian mansion on the table and having a lot of the match take place inside of it seems cool but is a bit ambitious for me right now.
  4. I just went through all the "pay what you want" Fat Dragon PDFs and there are no buildings, it's all modular dungeon stuff. I did find a free Baba Yaga's hut PDF by Fat Dragon. If I don't add the chicken legs it would probably be a decent building to use as a comparison.
  5. Malifaux is the first game that I've played that uses 3D terrain. My FLGS has a great selection of terrain but I'd like to be able to play at home. Since I'm starting with a terrain inventory of 0 and Malifaux uses a ton of it, I figured I'd give the 3D paper stuff a shot and give my bank account a bit of a breather. I picked up a couple of the Dave Graffam PDFs and made a couple of the smaller models as a test. I printed on standard paper and then used 3M spray adhesive to mount the printed pages to some card board cut from Malifaux boxes that I hadn't thrown out yet. I'm happy with the results though I think that the scale is a little off for Malifaux models (Malifaux models seem a bit bigger than 30mm). The buildings seem durable and look pleasant. Once I've got enough terrain built, I might even go back and attach the buildings to better bases. Between the free stuff that Dave Graffam has and a few of his PDFs that I purchased, I should have enough variety of buildings without purchasing anything else. I'm about to start printing and assembling a table's worth of buildings when I noticed a bundle of western themed buildings by Fat Dragon that might also fit the bill. The Fat Dragon bundle is $11 so I can't really put together one of their buildings to compare to the Dave Graffam buildings. They've got some "pay what you want" stuff right now but it is all Fantasy and Dungeon themed. I'll probably see if there are any buildings that wouldn't look too out of place with Malifaux and give them a shot. I figured I should ask here to see if anyone has used the Fat Dragon "Rio Draco" stuff and what they thought of it. If you've also used the Dave Graffam stuff as well, I'd love to hear how you thought that they compared.
  6. I'm curious how often folks find themselves taking Warding Runes when there are no Oxfordian Mages in the crew. Even without the added benefits from the mages it seems like the upgrade might still be worth taking in the right circumstances. If you do bring Warding Runes sans mage, when do you do it?
  7. It seems like a lot of the Arcanist mooks that show up in the fluff sections for other factions seem to just be random guys that are tossing around spells in fights. The faction doesn't seem to have any units that seem to represent that. The fluff on the Wind Gamin make it seem like they should fit in well with The Captain. I wouldn't mind seeing some sort of cheap or free upgrade for The Captain that lets him do something with the Wind Gamin.
  8. Looking at mine, it seems like if I would have attached them to the base trying to keep them within the cylinder instead of centering them then they would have fit. Maybe cut away at the plastic on the insert a little bit if needed to get it closer to an edge. I ended up putting sand over portions of the insert so cutting it wouldn't have been noticeable. The Miner has an insert that it snaps into that would fit a 30mm Malifaux base perfectly but it uses a 40mm base. It's the easiest assembly I've had in a Malifaux model yet. You could probably actually just dry fit the whole thing and play a game with them if you wanted to.
  9. I stumbled onto this and it was exactly what I needed. You saved me a ton of time screwing around trying to make myself tokens until I find something fancy that I like. It's a shame that Wyrd doesn't include some cardboard tokens with the models or have a starter kit or something that comes with enough tokens to get you playing.
  10. I picked them up because they looked cool. It seems like the Soulstone Miners and the Wind Gamin are probably the best scheme runner models in the faction if I've got no interest in any of the Colette or Marcus models, right? Is there something else that I should be looking at?
  11. I've got a mostly Arcanist connection but recently a friend gifted me the Misaki box and Izamu. As part of my Arcanist collection I've got Mei Feng (with Sparks and Mechinized Porkchop). If I want to build up a bit of a Ten Thunders collection around what O already have without going too crazy, what should I be looking at? I'm thinking that Toshiro and a box of each of his summons would be a decent start. Maybe Ten Thunders Archers? It would be nice if whatever I added was something that could be used in my Arcanist crews but I'm not sure if there are any mercs that fit the bill.
  12. If you've got the 2E books then you can just print out or copy the cards from there as well.
  13. I like the look of Soulstone Miners but am not sure how to best get value out of them. It seems that once they do their pop up anywhere on the board trick that they are pretty average across the board. Their ability to generate soulstones strikes me as being too expensive to get much use out of. It takes the Miner's entire activation and a third of their hit points. As a zero action it seems like it would see some use but as it is it looks highly situational. The place trigger on the attack is cool but seems dependent on having a way to toss out scheme markers where you need them to get much use out of. The trigger that gives a soulstone when killing a model is nice but again seems to run into the problem of being too situational to see much use since it requires a killing blow and a particular suit to use. It's the kind of thing that will be nice if it happens but nothing you can really plan around. It seems like the Miners should be out trying to score on schemes and not trying to kill things. Are there any tricks to really making these guys shine?
  14. I just finished reading through all the fluff in the Malifaux books I just picked up in the Bundle of Holding sale. I don't usually care much for Gremlins but Zipp and the boys are pretty dang cool. I was going to pick up another Arcanist master or two but the Sky Pirates are mighty tempting. If all ever get from the Gremlin faction is the Sky Pirate box, Sparks, and a Mechanical Porkchop is that enough to get some work done? If it's not are there any mercs that I could use to fill the gaps so that I don't have to dip too deep into the bayou?
  15. I unexpectedly had my collection grow in a Ten Thunders direction. A friend of mine (that doesn't play Malifaux) sent me a Misaki box and Izamu that he had picked up awhile back but had never gotten around to assembling. The Torakage look like they might make decent scheme runners (and scheme runner interceptors) but 7 points (6+merc tax) seems like it might be a bit much for what they bring to the crew.
  16. It looks like a cool idea, is it similar to Star Wars Destiny?
  17. Does this look like it's about the right amount of terrain? That seems like it would fall squarely in the 33%-66% coverage range but I'm having trouble picturing how you would move anything around very well. Having more then a 3 inch charge seems useless unless the model can do something like fly.
  18. Nope. It's a pig and a construct. There's a list of all the Beasts on this page: https://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/M2E+TypeList
  19. To derail things even more, Blade and Claw drops two scheme markers while it is doing its thing. If you had everything in the right spot then an Enforcer with Well Rehearsed could get a pair of 2 inch pushes out of it.
  20. That won't work. Raptors are peons. Blade and Claw excludes them as legal targets.
  21. Blade and Claw targets a friendly, non-master, non-peon beast. It allows a friendly, non-master, non-peon construct to swap.
  22. Malifaux Raptors are peons so you can't use them directly with Blade and Claw but their attack does have a tomes trigger that gives another model the Beast trait.
  23. Kaeris and Carlos can use their Pyre Markers and Rasputina can use her Ice Pillars to block LoS. You can't drop the tokens directly on the Web Markers but you can minimize their effectiveness a bit. It doesn't look like the Seize Prey attack requires LoS between the target and the web markers, just proximity. Am I reading that correctly or is there some sort of general implied LoS requirement for everything in Malifaux?
  24. Maybe being able to get + flips on Initiative is more valuable than I'm imagining that it will be. Having never played, the extra card seems like a powerful choice to help get the cards that I need to cheat and while still being able to afford discarding a card or two per turn. I'll have to give them each a shot and see which seems to work better for me.
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