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Everything posted by Maulwurfmann

  1. From what i can see, skin looks good now show us some more paint.
  2. @Marke83, Butch Thanks. it´s not just the blendings. For example i panted white skulls on Franciscos Sombrero and he looked terrible. Like a mad Santa Clause...so i repainted it in a darker tone. I´m not satisfied how it turned out but better than before. It´s not just the technique it´s also about colour and colour theory . I am my biggest critic but sometimes a source from outside can change your view. All my guild model where i did the red with the airbrush lack some depth in their clothes. That´s a problem i´m working on for example. In the end you may not see the difference on the gaming table...but i know its there...and it bothers me . @klatschi Nice to see you too. Hopefully the TTW will be back soon. The pictures will be uploaded to both forums. Glad you like them. But enough text for today. We are here for pictures. I´m working on the last two Crossroads Seven Models but the Sky Pirates sneaked onto my desk and took over. First i did some bases Heres the finished Base (without water effect which will be added to all gremlin bases when the whole crew is finished) And the Captain himself:
  3. It was Vallejo Model Color Flat Brown 70.984 for the trousers and Vallejo Game Color 72.040 Leather brown both individually darkened and brightened with black and a cream white As long as i remember.
  4. Looks great, personally i would have painted the tubes and/or the "Mount" of the sword in another tone. The bronce and the fiery sword build no contrast and nearly look the same. Perhaps it would better stand out in the metal tone you painted the armor with. Also the bronce could have some more depth/shadows especially on the shield.
  5. For your first mini it is really really impressive. Just for hair and skin. Most people would paint skin first with the bright tone and than darken it with various dark tones or shades. Personally i prefer building up skin from something dark like GW Dark flesh up to elf flesh. First base colour with dark flesh than doing the eyes so i can always repair around the eye with dark flesh and then brighten it up to nearly white for caucasian skin tone. Hair is a different thing because it would have a light reflection on it. Look at all the commercials for hair color. The hair on the package has that reflections where you really go into the white but not loosing the base tone. Thats what you aim for For beginning just darken the hair a little bit and try to workout some reflections on the vertex? Sorry if my english isn´t the best.
  6. I´m excited to see your version of McGabe. Back to your Hoffmann Crew: I would really like to see a bright light effect on that blue lenses of the crew. Just like you keyboard in the background. The whole crew is that grim dark metal theme and that dark red doesn´t really shine because its dark in dark. Maybe its the picture but if you made some bright highlights or light effects they would look even more astonishing.
  7. I found two old pictures of my Lady J crew. The rest will follow as i make fresh pictures when unpacking my transport box again
  8. Hello, my friends. Stay awhile and listen... I got into Malifaux for about a year now. So i´m really like a newbie and just bought whatever looked cool and shiny (what a fool i was ). This Thread was created to show you my progress in painting my pile of shame from time to time or even new miniatures from malifaux i couldn´t resist. Hopefully you enjoy the minis and if you like give me a comment or a critic where i could have done better. I´ve got a bunch of other miniatures painted like my Lady Justice Crew but no actual Picture. Next on my painting table will be the missing two members of the Crossroads Seven.
  9. Outstanding! I really love the metal works on the wheel with its light green tone which makes a perfect contrast to the orange! Give us more
  10. Hi there, i just stumbled over your post. But you really have to take a picture for us to help you out there. I´m not sure about washes on her big armor pieces though. If you posess a wet palett which i would recommend to start with, you could do some wet in wet blending on the miniature. But again a picture would really help if its not too late.
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