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Everything posted by HydroMog

  1. This. accidents happen alot, which is why i go with foam trays/cases. and even then models can break, but i feel more comfortable than having a magnetized case. but since your wanting to go magnetic make sure they stay put. Its also a shame that Rook is no longer in buisness since the last product they produced was a metal tin that holds heroclix style models which works just as well for malifaux models that can be a display as well.
  2. really depends on how much your willing to spend. i only play neverborn at the moment but will be expanding into another faction next year. as such i plan on having a battlefoam malifaux case for each faction. if i happen to need more room than what those cases provide for each faction then i will probably end up selling the case and getting a bigger battlefoam case. but i have seen people also use the gw crusader case with battlefoam trays in it for every model of a single faction and still have room for about 8-10 50mm models and about 30-35 30mm-40mm models
  3. first off this has nothing to do about getting one and more about the meaning of the picture. so being a fan of the venture bros. series, i couldnt help but notice that the henchmen shirt has a "21" on it. im sure it refers to something else completely but couldnt help but think of The Monarch's Henchmen 21 and 24. this is probably a coincidence but does anyone know the meaning behind the number?
  4. having never played ttb but curious to some background info on a breach. are they just infinitly thin or is there some substance to them other than as a doorway to another room (world)?
  5. having played other miniature games, knowing that "cool" looking models does bring people in is why i asked for crew boxes. however i do appreciate everyones imput on the subject. after looking at crew boxes i figured id go with sonnia crid and rezzer mc morning. this is mainly because no one in the area really plays guild and everyone enjoys zombies in one form or another.
  6. thats quite true, however im going off of the experience from the group of people that i started with. where we had trouble remembering the difference in ap and upgrades compared to everything else; and the difference between generic totems and master specific totems. i feel that if you can get down what model types can do what in terms of ap/amount of upgrades then the rest comes easy. besides having purchased the 2 player kit, the stuff in it seems bland compared to the master boxes
  7. i thought about the starter set but masters have the extras that henchmen-peons dont. and i feel that it would push a potential player into buying a crew if they had a better grasp on masters.
  8. there are 3 LGS in my area and only one henchman, so to help out ill be dedicating myself to one of these places and will be putting together a demo kit. needless to say im going to have to get 2 crews of 35 pts each for the demo games. so what 2 crew boxes would be best for this. i would prefer to have them be from different factions.
  9. ya but dont forget that woes are not exclusive to neverborn builds. i believe that hamlin has an upgrade that lets him hire woes.
  10. For a new project next year i will be starting up 10T for a new faction and am curious which master would be best to take on any arcanists
  11. ive looked at the wiki for the beckoners and they seem like a good idea for collodi but they just dont sit right with me. so is there really any use for a beckoner over something else?
  12. gupps. simply because of the sheer amount of scheme markers they can place a turn. plus if done right, titania can do some hellacious movement shenanigans first turn and/or scheme completion.
  13. as was already said, check out the webstore. however if you are looking for an idea of what models do then check out the pullmyfinger wiki in the resource area under the community tab on wyrds site.
  14. the malifaux provides happens at the end of the models activation so doesn't cost any ap but you do have to discard a scheme marker within 2-3 inches which usually isnt an issue with her or the autumn knights. and i usually find taproot to be situational. however, despite her stats she can be pretty tanky if she has some kind of support, for this i usually go with thorn so that i can draw cards for my opponent being in base with a scheme marker and for the wp duel to give out slow. granted the wp duel is somewhat easy to pass but i find that most of the time people are just short and will cheat to pass which can reduce the effectiveness of attacks.
  15. since you plan on using tooth and thorn, if you go with aeslin with the malifaux provides upgrade she can be in the thick of things and still be somewhat tanky. plus with casting expert she becomes a mini tatania. dont forget to think about taproot to get out of tight spots if needed.
  16. been out of town for a few days so... i get the gist of this and thank you for the clarification all.
  17. actually you can find micro clamps at various hardware stores that work wonders when you need to dry fit/glue multiple pieces at a time. im not sure how they would work with wyrd's model line but it works for all my other modeling needs.
  18. check on widget wizards over at etsy. they have "condition rings" which can help people remember what condition each model has but only covers the basics like poison and burning. the "condition rings" are condition tokens that fit on the outer base and if you have enough of them they will form a complete ring around the base. as much of a pain as it sounds to use them its alot easier than trying to remember what that green d6 is doing beside a model. oh and they do come in your factions colors, which is a plus.
  19. id have to disagree with four simply because it is common courtesy to bring all needed gaming materials to a game even if you no use for them. however as with any game you may ask your opponent if specific things are needed such as corpse/scrap markers, if you or your opponent have nothing that interacts with said tokens then thats less stuff to keep track of and still better than not being prepared.
  20. ever consider wrath? i find that he works wonders with most of a pandy crew.
  21. yup, something similar happened a few months ago at my lgs. we ended up having to separate a deck to see what was extra.
  22. its usually a good idea to have something on hand like the previous poster suggested. just because you don't use them doesn't mean that your opponent doesn't have a way to make you use them especially if you play against ressers.
  23. 10. never play beside someone with the same fate deck as you. if so, your gonna have a bad time.
  24. this is bound to come into play with titania and her crew due to the amount of scheme markers they toss out. so the question is. if a model is in base contact with a stack of scheme markers (lets say, 4 markers tall) decides to take an interact action to remove the scheme markers. does he only remove the one scheme marker since the rest are "floating" and not technically in base contact with it or is the entire stack removed?
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